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Magnetic Bioresonance

Magnetic bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive alternative therapy that employs electromagnetic frequencies to promote health and healing. The therapy has many applications, including allergy treatment and pain management.

Bioresonance works on the assumption that pathogens and healthy cells emitting electromagnetic oscillation patterns differ, with pathogens producing different patterns than healthy ones; its device detects this variance to “cancel out” diseased frequencies.

It’s a non-invasive therapy

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to enhance healing and wellness. Taking an integrative approach, bioresonance addresses both symptoms as well as root causes of ailments – alleviating stress and pain while improving emotional well-being by creating equilibrium in energy fields. While scientific research into its efficacy remains limited, many success stories and testimonials support its use for various conditions.

Bioresonance devices measure electromagnetic vibrations that cells emit and detect imbalances in cellular communication, then send electromagnetic impulses that match and harmonize with any discordant frequencies they find, to restore healthy resonance in order to quickly speed up body healing processes.

Bioresonance technology can be used to detect and eliminate parasites, fungi, bacteria, heavy metals and other environmental toxins that contribute to disease. Additionally, this approach has also proven helpful with chronic illnesses like arthritis and asthma. Royal Rife discovered that cancer cells and pathogens could be killed using electrical pulses with frequencies equal to their natural frequencies – this form of bioresonance technology draws its inspiration from Rife’s work.

At a bioresonance session, electrodes will be attached to the patient’s body in order to detect bioelectrical activity of their cells and measure its bioresonance frequency. Once all this information has been compiled by the bioresonance device, treatment frequency should be decided upon – this means that while lying down on a table with their electrodes attached they should not touch anything touching either their clothing or equipment in any way.

After receiving bioresonance treatment, patients typically feel calmer and refreshed. Results typically take two or three sessions for patients to experience noticeable difference; in other instances however, results can be immediate – such as in a Russian study of fibromyalgia patients in which bioresonance reduced symptoms while increasing mobility; similarly a German study conducted on burnt-out athletes found bioresonance helped alleviate fatigue and stomach pain significantly.

Bioresonance therapy can also be effective at treating autoimmune disorders, insomnia and lack of appetite. Furthermore, practitioners using this form of analysis can also identify allergens to help desensitise an individual’s immune system from being oversensitive to certain particles or substances.

It’s relaxing

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and painless therapy. To use it effectively, sessions involve holding onto two copper hand rods while placing your feet on an attached foot plate attached to a machine, which amplifies harmonic frequencies while inverting any disharmonious ones (such as those caused by toxins) to restore body’s healthy oscillation and stimulate cell regeneration and self-healing capabilities.

Every organ and molecule in your body emits specific electromagnetic frequencies that help cells communicate. When stressors such as disease or medication enter your system, the frequencies can become disrupted resulting in deadlock and discomfort for those experiencing them. Furthermore, toxicants also emit electromagnetic frequencies which interfere with healthy cell communication causing toxic overload to occur in an unhealthy body.

Bioresonance Therapy sessions use devices that detect and mitigate toxic stressors by inverting their frequencies – similar to how noise-cancelling headphones work. According to one study, Bioresonance Therapy helped people quit smoking; one year after taking only one treatment session 72% had quit compared with only 28% from placebo group. Studies also show that bioresonance therapy can alleviate muscle pain, sleep issues and weather changes sensitivity.

It’s safe

Bioresonance can either be seen as the answer to all mankind’s woes or be dismissed outright as dangerous pseudoscience that preys upon vulnerable individuals while delaying treatment options. While some small studies demonstrate positive effects from bioresonance therapy, most healthcare professionals agree it cannot effectively diagnose or treat medical conditions or illnesses – the Food and Drug Administration even prosecuted several practitioners making unsubstantiated claims for its benefits.

Bioresonance works by sensing electromagnetic frequencies emitted by your body. It then amplifies harmonious frequencies while inverting disharmonious ones (such as those released by toxins) so as to restore balance and improve communication among your cells.

Bioresonance therapy has been studied extensively in allergy therapy, where some studies suggest it is as effective as placebo in relieving allergy symptoms. Aside from allergies, bioresonance has also been used to treat atopic dermatitis and help people quit smoking; although critics claim these results are unreliable.

Bioresonance was once exclusively focused on electromagnetism; today however, it also incorporates quantum physics. Quantum physics is an intricate field of science that explores how matter and energy interact at subatomic levels, while this theory also acknowledges that everything emits frequencies – including our bodies! To capture these frequencies for bioresonance sessions a therapist uses a device known as BICOM that captures these vibrations.

In each session, patients hold on to two copper hand rods while placing their feet on an attached foot-plate connected to the machine. The BICOM then amplifies harmonious frequencies while inverting disharmonious ones emitted by toxic stressors; following which, the therapist may suggest remedies or nutritional supplements in order to address imbalances within their bodies.

Many clients have reported feeling more energized and uplifted after attending sessions with me. Some individuals may experience detoxifying symptoms like nausea or tiredness – these should not be taken as harmful signs; rather they indicate that therapy is working! Others have observed thirstier than usual after attending a session – something completely normal!

It’s effective

Bioresonance therapy has been heralded as everything from the solution to mankind to dangerous pseudoscience, preying upon vulnerable people and delaying treatment. Also known as electrodermal testing, bio-energetic therapy or vibrational healing – Bioresonance uses electromagnetic frequencies to harmonise your bioresonance thereby initiating natural self-healing processes in your body.

Theory behind this treatment suggests that diseased cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves, with its proponents believing detecting these waves as a means to diagnose disease while returning their frequency back to its regular frequency can treat any conditions present.

During a session, electrodes are attached to various parts of the body and placed near electrodes on other areas for treatment. A bioresonance machine then reads electromagnetic vibrations emitted by these areas before transmitting those frequencies directly to areas being treated and also mixing in other electromagnetic energies that are transmitted to them through its magnetic fields.

Once your body has been balanced, its immune system can use natural defense mechanisms to fight infections and heal itself. Results may be seen after just one or two treatments; however, for optimal results it should be combined with other holistic therapies.

Although bioresonance may provide some benefit for managing certain conditions, most studies on its efficacy have been inconclusive. According to a UK consumer protection watchdog known as the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA), ads claiming bioresonance treats multiple conditions are misleading and that most clinical papers supporting bioresonance do not provide sufficient details regarding methodology, statistical significance or analysis of results.

Bioresonance poses the primary risk that it might dissuade patients from seeking more effective therapies for their ailments – a factor especially noteworthy if treating life-threatening conditions.

Bioresonance does not offer scientific proof to support its use as a cure for any illness, nor should it be promoted as such. While bioresonance may help manage stress and emotional disorders, it should not serve as a replacement for psychotherapy or medications.
