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Mora Bioresonance For Allergies and Digestive Issues

Mora bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and painless therapy using electrodes to detect and address imbalances that could be contributing to your symptoms. Mora bioresonance offers effective yet safe relief quickly!

A German study with 190 smokers discovered that bioresonance therapy proved highly successful for smoking cessation without any side effects or negative impacts.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Mora bioresonance is an electromagnetic frequency therapy designed to address health concerns non-invasively. Patients connect to an electronic device which analyzes and corrects their own frequency patterns; Mora bioresonance therapy is often employed for treating allergies, asthma attacks and digestive issues.

In the 1970s, German doctor Franz Morell and Electronic Engineer Erich Rasche created an apparatus which recorded, analyzed, and corrected an individual’s own oscillations using Bioresonance therapy; their device was known as MORA (a nod to both their names).

Mora Device’s concept is that all cells are complex electromagnetic structures composed of charged molecules. These molecules transfer information at a cellular level, and this device distinguishes between vibrational information of stress-causing molecules from beneficial ones; this information is then transmitted back into an individual for healing and to restore balance.

Naturopathic physicians in Russia conducted a recent controlled study of bioresonance therapy that demonstrated its ability to help athletes manage stress by regulating systolic blood pressure and heart rate, improving psychoemotional states, and increasing performance compared to its control group. The bioresonance treatment also significantly increased performance levels among elite athletes compared with its control counterpart.

One controlled study demonstrated that bioresonance could significantly help with various gastrointestinal ailments, including abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation and nausea. Bioresonance treatment appears to promote digestion by balancing and increasing energy flow through meridians within the stomach.

German research also showed the efficacy of bioresonance therapy to assist smokers in quitting – 28% in those receiving bioresonance treatments stopped smoking after one year compared with 16.1% in control groups. There hasn’t been enough evidence gathered yet on its effectiveness for treating other diseases or disorders, but given it is noninvasive and doesn’t involve drugs or chemicals it appears safe; NatMed Pro rates bioresonance as POSSIBLE SAFE when used appropriately alongside other proven diagnostic tools and treatments.

How Does Bioresonance Work?

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that unhealthy cells or organs release altered electromagnetic waves that can be detected using a machine and altered back into healthy frequencies as a method for treating disease. Bioresonance machines use flat brass electrodes to touch your body, before sending electromagnetic waves of different frequencies through to see what response the body gives back; also referred to as electronic homeopathy, electro-acupuncture or bioenergetic healing.

Researchers utilized a Mora Nova device to measure electromagnetic wavelength frequencies. Next, they compared these to electronic copies of remedies stored within it – this commercial product was first created by Franz Morell (a physician) and Erich Rasche (an engineer).

Mora analyzes an individual’s body frequency patterns and compares them with harmonious ones stored in its database. If any discordant frequencies are discovered, electromagnetic signals from Mora will match and harmonize them, helping the body begin its natural process of self-healing.

Bioresonance devices are touted as non-invasive and painless solutions to various health conditions, including allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), fibromyalgia, headaches, ME migraines and more. Furthermore, they’ve even been touted as ways to decrease electromagnetic stress from devices like smartphones, WiFi networks or other electronics.

Studies conducted under controlled conditions have suggested that bioresonance may help treat certain health conditions, such as allergies or rheumatoid arthritis (RA), though more research needs to be conducted before reaching a definitive verdict on its efficacy. Researchers theorize that it might activate tumor suppressor genes or reduce free radical damage for people suffering from RA.

Healthcare professionals typically advise against bioresonance treatment due to its potential adverse side effects and potential deprivation from other proven therapies. While small studies have reported positive outcomes from bioresonance sessions, others remain uncontrolled or small-scale studies have even resulted in legal action from the Federal Trade Commission for making false claims regarding it.

What are the Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy can offer allergy and digestive relief as a byproduct, along with relief for gas and bloating issues. This is due to how Mora Bioresonance Assessment identifies what may be inhibiting your body’s natural healing capabilities – typically caused by environmental toxins, food allergies, heavy metals or hormone imbalances as well as imbalanced hormone levels or vitamin deficiencies that block its healing capacity – once these are addressed the immune system can do its work more freely and health improves substantially.

At each treatment session, patients hold copper hand rods while placing their feet on a foot-plate attached to a device. Once connected, it amplifies harmonious frequencies while inverting disharmonious ones-including those released by toxins-with ease and without pain or disruption to natural systems. This procedure is completely painless, noninvasive and natural!

After identifying harmful frequencies, Mora Nova device uses harmonic patterns in its database to compare them against therapeutic frequencies that help restore balance to your body – all noninvasively and without side effects. Research has proven that Mora bioresonance system can significantly decrease anxiety and depression symptoms by decreasing stress chemicals released into circulation while simultaneously increasing energy levels; furthermore it’s an effective tool for treating digestive issues, as demonstrated by one study that found bioresonance therapy could effectively alleviate stomach pain that does not correspond with any specific diagnosis – something conventional treatments cannot do!

Studies have also confirmed the efficacy of bioresonance therapy at helping smokers kick the habit, with results from participants before and after bioresonance therapy demonstrating its success at helping many smokers break free of nicotine dependence.

MORA bioresonance analysis can be part of an integrative treatment plan, consisting of herbal supplements, diet and lifestyle recommendations, detoxification protocols and other naturopathic support. People have reported finding relief for allergies and detoxifying their bodies using this approach after years of trying traditional therapies but experiencing no lasting relief. Regular treatments over an extended period can especially assist those suffering food allergies and chronic inflammation, because as your body rids itself of harmful toxins and allergens its own natural defense systems can begin working again and bring long-term relief.

How Can Bioresonance Therapy Help Me?

Bioresonance Therapy works to stimulate and restore your body’s self-healing processes and eliminate disturbances and blockages by amplifying harmonious frequencies back into the body, aiding cells and organs in communicating again and eliminating harmful frequencies such as toxins from your system.

Toxins, heavy metals, parasites and food allergies can create imbalances that disrupt our natural energy field, hindering its proper function and leading to symptoms like bloating, diarrhea, constipation headaches and fatigue. Bioresonance provides targeted treatments designed to identify these root causes while supporting healing processes in our bodies.

The Mora Nova device differentiates frequency information of stressed or unhealthy molecules from their harmonic counterparts, and then provides tailored therapies to address and reverse any harmful frequencies until their natural balance has been restored. It can also identify and treat cell imbalances (such as mitochondrial dysfunction) to allow cells to recover healthy function more quickly.

Bioresonance therapy has been proven effective at helping individuals stop smoking. Additionally, it can be used to manage chronic pain from conditions like fibromyalgia without needing medications, and in treating gastrointestinal conditions like IBS by identifying its underlying cause and providing treatment accordingly.

Bioresonance therapy can also be used to treat skin rashes, ear infections and autoimmune conditions like asthma, eczema and psoriasis. Bioresonance can also detoxify the body by eliminating heavy metals while supporting its ability to self-regulate and heal itself.

Bioresonance can also be an invaluable way to detect leaky gut, which occurs when the small intestine becomes damaged, allowing undigested food particles, bacteria and waste products from entering your blood stream and leading to stomach aches, gas or bloating. Bioresonance therapy may be able to restore your body’s ability to absorb nutrients properly while digesting foods effectively.

Bioresonance therapy, as a noninvasive, drug-free and holistic approach to health, has become increasingly popular with athletes and sports teams as an aid for improving performance, reducing injury risk and recovering faster. Bioresonance can also identify factors contributing to poor performance such as food intolerances, stress or nutritional deficiencies which might be hindering performance.
