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Mora Therapy Machine

Mora Therapy is an electromagnetic device that blends traditional Chinese medicine with German high-tech know-how and homeopathy, sampling your body’s electro-magnetic oscillations through acupuncture points and meridians and filtering them before feeding them back into your system to balance it.

Bioresonance therapy has proven highly effective at relieving allergies, pain and infections – without invasive procedures and any resulting side effects.

The Mora device is a bioresonance device

MORA was invented by Franz Morell in Germany during the 1970s as one of the earliest holistic diagnostic and treatment devices. Based on the idea that electromagnetic waves permeate our physical world and impact us as humans, MORA uses a computer to collect electromagnetic frequency information from cells and organs emitted by us humans; then filters this frequency information for pathologies or imbalances before offering tailored therapy programs that help the body heal itself.

As well, this technology can detect poisoning or energy impediments related to emotional traumas such as childhood abuse, sexual harassment and the side-effects of certain medications that could contribute to them – helping with PTSD which is one major source of depression and anxiety.

Electrotherapy is a noninvasive, painless technique that works by connecting electrodes to the hands and feet of patients, then using a device to analyze electromagnetic frequencies within their bodies to produce therapeutic programs which aim at restoring balance – similar to electro-acupuncture or electro-homeopathy which use traditional Chinese medicine practices as basis.

Bioresonance devices can also be used to detect toxins, parasites and other potentially harmful substances that are entering our bodies through food or drink, detect allergies and invert vibrations of micro-organisms found in environmental toxins or allergens so their electromagnetic fields no longer support their presence in our electromagnetic fields.

MORA sessions use electromagnetic oscillations of the body’s electromagnetic oscillations as captured through electrodes located at acupuncture points and meridians to capture electromagnetic oscillations that are then filtered back into it via electrodes, functioning like an “energy washing machine”. By clearing away negative oscillations while leaving healthy ones intact, this “energy washing machine” helps remove toxins, allergies, or desensitization issues in an effective way.

The Mora Nova brings together scientific experience, competence, computing technology, electronics and modern medicine with traditional energy medicine to offer comprehensive diagnosis and treatment of health issues such as allergies, infections, inflammation and chronic diseases. It provides valuable assistance both during diagnosis and therapy.

It is based on the principles of acupuncture

Mora therapy uses bio-resonance to detect and address health issues. It works by measuring electromagnetic frequencies emitted by body cells, tissues, and organs; then sending back these frequencies in an idealized form back into your system to stimulate natural healing processes and reduce inflammation – both can aid pain management.

The system samples electro-magnetic oscillations that travel along acupuncture points and meridians in the body. By filtering frequencies to reinforce physiological ones, self-regulation is enhanced – an ideal treatment option for chronic fatigue, insomnia and other conditions which limit energy levels. Furthermore, oxygenating blood flows increases to cells of your body to reduce stress levels while improving mood.

One MORA therapy session proved extremely helpful; his symptoms were significantly diminished and reported feeling more energetic after just one standard MORA therapy session; additionally, this device helped him sleep better and quit smoking.

This machine can also be utilized in dentistry to test for tolerability of dental materials and their components, oral current measurements (voltage & current), focus testing without stimulation current application and detection of up to 28 different diseases/conditions that stem from teeth problems.

The MORA machine is an effective and noninvasive solution to identify the source of disease or imbalance in your body. By measuring electromagnetic frequencies emitted by inflamed tissues and organs, it identifies their electromagnetic frequencies which reveal any underlying sources. With that knowledge in hand, targeted therapy sessions stimulate natural healing processes in those problem areas to reduce inflammation and remove sources of imbalance resulting in a more balanced and healthier state – making this treatment safe, noninvasive, and cost effective in comparison to more traditional medical procedures such as x-rays or ultrasounds!

It is non-invasive

Mora bioresonance machine is a noninvasive holistic health method that connects directly with your energy circuits to restore them back into balance. It works by sampling electro-magnetic oscillations of your body via acupuncture points and meridians; then filtering out disease-related frequencies before returning healthy frequencies back into your system for immune system support – thus helping it function more efficiently naturally than with conventional medicine alone. It makes a perfect complement!

Mora Therapy Instrument, developed in Germany during the 1970s, is similar to other bio-resonance instruments like Vega Testing Device and acts on body’s meridians without needles. It uses an innovative principle based on well-known physical science principles which show how specific frequencies can be cancelled by inverting wave forms back into original systems – making the Mora Bioresonance device very efficient.

Mora bioresonance machines can help treat various health problems, including digestive disorders, allergies, autoimmune diseases and pain. Furthermore, they can aid in detoxifying harmful toxins out of the body’s natural detoxification processes and support its natural detoxification pathways. A recent clinical study with 20 participants diagnosed with psychosomatic illnesses saw significant reduction in symptoms and overall wellbeing; some even quit smoking and managed their stress better as a result of treatment using this bioresonance technique.

Mora therapy device offers another advantage for increasing muscle power. A study on young adults demonstrated this ability, showing their masseter and upper limb flexor and extensor muscles were more active when wearing it as opposed to not wearing Mora bioresonance machine.

The Mora device uses electromagnetic frequencies emitted by inflamed tissues and organs to analyze harmonic patterns stored in its database and provide therapeutic frequencies that balance out cellular resonances in your body, thus aiding healing processes cellular resonances and alleviating depression through decreased stress hormone circulation and energy boost. Furthermore, it’s safe and noninvasive. Furthermore, Mora can even help with skin conditions like Alopecia as an anti-inflammatory treatment option.

It is safe

MORA Therapy is an advanced form of acupuncture that utilizes electro-dermal screening and bio-resonance to identify imbalances in the body’s energy system, commonly referred to as no needle acupuncture. MORA Therapy can provide help for many conditions, such as digestive issues, headaches and allergies – even increasing vitality as part of treating chronic fatigue syndrome! MORA’s noninvasive method may lower stress chemicals that could contribute to pain perception or muscle tension as well as helping with other behavioral changes like smoking cessation or weight loss efforts!

MORA device was invented by German physician Dr Franz Morell and electronics engineer Erich Rasche on the principle that electromagnetic frequencies produced by substances or pathogens differ significantly from those generated by healthy cells, so its operation relies on detecting these frequency differences in order to identify areas of disharmony within the body, such as imbalances in lungs or large intestines, before inverting any disharmonious frequencies back into its operation – thus restoring balance while encouraging immunity against disease.

The MORA appliance consists of clear acrylic bite pads that fit over molars and bicuspids to reposition the mandible for neuromuscular balance and optimize condylar-fossae relationship optimization, helping improve sleep quality while decreasing jaw pain as well as symptoms associated with arthritis or arthritis. Furthermore, MORA appliances may also help treat TMJ syndrome effectively.

Korean researchers conducted an experiment involving 10 adult subjects to measure masseter muscle isometric contraction and upper limb (flexor, extensor) isometric contraction without and with MORA splints, both without and with this device. They found that MORA splint significantly enhanced adult subjects’ ability to contract their masseter muscles more easily while providing occlusal stability during isometric muscle contractions.

The MORA Splint is an affordable, noninvasive tool designed to assist patients in improving their overall health and wellbeing. By improving blood flow and oxygenation in the body’s cells, it can reduce fatigue and boost energy levels while treating various ailments including digestive issues, respiratory disorders and joint conditions. Furthermore, its use may aid weight loss by eliminating food cravings and decreasing fat tissue.
