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Oberon NLS Diagnostic Device

Early diagnosis can help detect disorders before symptoms appear and imbalances on a cellular level are detected by this device.

Nonlinear computer analysis methods can be utilized both in vivo and in vitro; with in vivo being more popular due to being able to monitor biopsies for patients undergoing liver transplantations procedures.

It uses nonlinear bioresonance technology

Oberon NLS diagnostic device is the cutting edge in noninvasive body scanning and health screening technology, employing electromagnetic properties to detect and assess an individual’s bioenergetic state and select effective individualised treatments accordingly. It can detect any health concerns a client is experiencing as well as recommend frequencies that will restore them back into an ideal state of wellbeing.

Non-linear bioresonance technology is a computerized process which analyzes the spectral characteristics of vortex magnetic fields present in living organisms. Additionally, this revolutionary diagnostic technique keeps track of changes between health and disease states by tracking fluctuations in wave characteristics of body tissue or individual cells or chromosomes. Based on the idea that each organ, tissue or cell has a distinctive vibrational signature which can be examined with the Oberon diagnostic device, non-linear bioresonance technology offers revolutionary diagnostic capability.

This non-invasive procedure is completely safe and does not use radiation, while being much quicker than other medical testing options. In one session, it can provide a full picture of a client’s health issues, even before symptoms arise; and demonstrate how health issues impact various areas of their bodies. The Oberon diagnostic device allows practitioners to effectively track patient histories as well.

Contrary to Rife’s electropuncture electrical testing system, Oberon measures energy pulsations at active biological points on the body. Additionally, this system can detect and record information sent by our bodies regarding diseases, microorganisms, toxins, allergens, food sensitivities and emotions.

NLS equipment can be used to test both allopathic and homeopathic medicine, and detect hidden pathogens which aren’t visible to the naked eye – especially parasites, protozoa, and bacteria that might otherwise remain undetected by conventional means. Furthermore, this testing system can determine levels of blood toxicity as well as their impact on immunity systems.

The Institute of Practical Psychophysics (IPP) has made waves in computer system development with their groundbreaking diagnosis device, capable of independently detecting and correcting defects or pathologies in organs and body cells, making a record of frequency oscillations of any pharmaceutical preparation, and then comparing this data against patient health profiles. Furthermore, this non-invasive informative method may be applied both in vivo and in vitro for accurate diagnoses.

It is a portable device

The Oberon NLS biofeedback home machine is an ingenious device which works like an ultrasound scanner: scanning each organ or tissue at a cellular level to identify issues at an early stage and diagnose diseases more accurately as well as predict their effects and predict therapeutic effectiveness/medication response. Furthermore, this system also detects parasites and harmful microorganisms so you can get rid of them easily.

Easy and informative, it provides a wealth of data on your body. Additionally, it can also be used to monitor family members as it detects imbalances in their bodies and finds ways to correct them – potentially saving thousands in medical expenses while preventing health problems in the future.

This non-invasive diagnostic tool uses light wave resonance of the biofield to detect abnormal conditions in cells, organs or even an entire organism. Additionally, this non-invasive device can track disease development over time as well as determine when to take preventive steps so as not to become serious health issues in future.

NLS diagnostics are based on research conducted by American scientist R. Rife and Russian scientist Igor Neslov. Both utilized trigger sensors to test human biological fields, unlike Folles electropuncture diagnostics method which relies on resonance amplification of radiation resonance to test organs and systems conditions. Results can then be displayed on a computer screen for further examination before being stored and printed out for storage and printing purposes.

This device can detect and correct various imbalances within your body, from toxins to stress. It also pinpoints and corrects hidden causes for issues, which conventional examination methods often miss. Furthermore, the Oberon NLS biofeedback provides a useful way of testing medications, homeopathic salts, dietary supplements, or any product you take – testing its efficiency can even test for environmental toxins, electromagnetic fields, food intolerances and allergens as well. Overall this tool provides invaluable assistance for health practitioners aiming to enhance quality of life while raising energy levels within your life!

It is easy to use

The Oberon NLS Diagnostic Device is a non-invasive system that enables you to scan all organs and tissues of the body at the cellular level, helping detect imbalances in health systems as well as devise remedies to treat them, identify pathogens and kill them, as well as helping family doctors detect problems before they become serious.

This device works by transmitting a pulse wave through the body and sensing changes in vibration frequencies, which allows it to identify imbalances in cellular energy flow that lead to physical and emotional ailments. Data collected during tissue scanning is then used to formulate an energetic treatment plan – all without touching or harming patients.

This system is user-friendly and displays results visually for easy understanding and increased confidence during tests. Furthermore, its software uses shapes and colors to draw the client in as they understand complex technical information more readily – an especially beneficial feature considering many people have difficulty comprehending such details.

Oberon has proven effective in treating various conditions. It can identify early pathological symptoms that would otherwise be impossible to find with other diagnostic tools; even early stage cancer detection. Furthermore, Oberon can be combined with therapies and medications.

This device can also be used to assess the efficacy of different medications. It measures each pill’s spectral characteristics and compares them with the spectrum of healthy tissue; additionally it can identify food intolerances and environmental toxins.

The device can also be used to scan one’s friends and family, detecting imbalances and providing recommendations for leading a healthy diet and lifestyle. This can save money on costly medical bills while helping prevent illnesses before they progress; additionally, this system offers an effective alternative to X-rays and ultrasound imaging technologies.

It is affordable

Oberon NLS is a non-invasive diagnostic device that utilizes bioresonance technology to detect imbalances within the body and is an invaluable asset to those looking to monitor their health and prevent serious medical problems by early identification of imbalances; in addition, this tool could save them money on expensive healthcare bills.

The Oberon system operates on the principle that each organ and cell in our bodies has a unique vibration pattern designed to work optimally, which is recorded and evaluated by this device and ranked according to severity. As a result, it can detect hidden disorders which elude other examination methods as well as identify precursor symptoms before symptoms manifest themselves as signs.

The Body Scanner is designed to quickly scan an individual’s entire body in just minutes, making it more efficient and cost-effective than traditional diagnostic methods. The results can then be compared against healthy cells and organs to gauge an individual’s state of health; additionally it can also be used to track how various therapies or medications affect patients.

The Oberon NLS not only performs full body scans, but can also assess food, water, vitamins, and minerals to provide a complete health analysis of each person. Furthermore, this device can identify any parasites present within their bodies as well as determine if an allergy exists to specific foods or chemicals.

While many consider the Oberon NLS the ultimate device, some experts question its efficacy. Advertised as capable of detecting abnormalities in bioelectric activity between brain neurons and body electrons, as well as sensing vibration of human bodies and tracing abnormal conditions on cellular levels, some experts question its legitimacy.

While this device has some drawbacks, it remains an indispensable tool for alternative medicine practitioners. This is because it identifies specific frequencies and the appropriate remedies which can help treat patients, while even providing insight into parasites which are hard to diagnose through conventional means.
