Bioresonance patches emit electromagnetic frequencies which resonate with your electro-molecules, stimulating them and your nervous system in turn to initiate self-healing processes in your body.
Parasites can cause numerous health issues in many individuals, particularly Fasciolapis buski parasite. A certified BICOM bioresonance practitioner can detect both parasites and their eggs within the body using bioresonance bioresonance technology.
Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic waves to restore your body’s natural bioelectric balance and stimulate its inherent self-healing mechanisms, offering relief from everything from allergies and autoimmune disorders (Lyme disease), metabolic imbalances, chronic pain management, depression and cancer – but its best known benefit lies in helping people quit smoking.
All substances, from food and air to minerals and metals, emit electromagnetic frequencies that can be detected using devices like the Bicom bioresonance machine. Once detected, the machine provides patients with a list of substances to avoid and is particularly beneficial when treating allergies or sensitivities as it allows patients to pinpoint which foods cause their symptoms and cut them out from their diets.
Researchers developed a wearable patch designed to directly apply to the skin and simultaneously trigger electrical stimulation (ES) and photothermal treatment (PTT). It was made out of an ionic gel doped with MXene for its transparency and enhanced tensile properties and electrical conductivity; testing showed it effective against mouse tumor models treated by either ES alone or combined ES and PTT therapies.
Results demonstrated that ES alone did not cause significant melanoma reduction; however, when combined with PTT it produced an enhanced suppression effect. Furthermore, preliminary evidence was provided regarding how PES-melanoma suppression works within individual cells by inducing both apoptosis and pyroptosis responses in these melanoma cells.
Tilen, who is dyslexic and ADHD, first encountered the eWell frequency patches at a Selcuk University family medicine smoking cessation polyclinic in 2015. After experiencing how they helped him focus more effectively, his parents purchased him a full kit of frequencies from eWell. Since then he uses them every day at school; at night the frequencies assist with sleep better as well as eliminating symptoms like itchy eyes and nose. For more information about this innovative technology visit the eWell website.
Pain Relief
Pain can be an indicator of an imbalance within the body, and bioresonance patches can help balance them using similar technology to that used by Bicom Optima devices. Bioresonance patches offer relief from various discomfort-inducing issues by employing this same technology in their design.
Inflammation is a widespread condition with multiple causes. From physical conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, to stress, poor diet and lack of sleep – bioresonance therapy provides us with an accurate readout of inflammation’s source, helping create a personalized treatment plan designed to ease symptoms.
All substances possess their own energy patterns which are detectable by a Bicom Bioresonance Device when used in biofeedback mode. This information can come directly from within a patient’s own body, or from outside sources; for instance, patients suffering from melanoma may require visiting a dermatologist for an extremely painful biopsy; alternatively they could use bioresonance patch technology for non-invasive and virtually painless diagnosis of their disease.
Bioresonance patches are charged with electromagnetic waves to stimulate electromagnetic fields found within patients, to restore homeostasis or balance in their system. It’s a safe, noninvasive treatment which has proven helpful with many health conditions; there’s even patches designed to provide mental clarity, boost immunity or provide pain relief!
No matter the cause of your discomfort, bioresonance therapy can provide valuable assistance in relieving symptoms quickly. Untreated symptoms can quickly turn serious and even fatal if left unchecked; by reading magnetic waves within your body and identifying stressors and toxins that could be contributing to it. Our therapists then assist you in creating a treatment plan designed to alleviate discomfort and get life back in balance!
Every cell in your body vibrates at its own unique frequency, which works together to form the beautiful balance that makes you who you are.
Our Super Patches contain natural frequencies that resonate with your bio-field and promote optimal wellness, making them easy and discreet to incorporate into everyday life. They make life better!
Our patches emit electromagnetic signals which interact with the electro-molecules found within your body and trigger your nervous system to initiate healing and self-regulating processes, providing various benefits such as reduced pain, better sleep quality and increased energy. Unlike bioresonance machines that require costly equipment to operate safely at home; our patches offer safe and straightforward usage at home.
Weight Loss
Every cell in your body vibrates at its own unique frequency, helping maintain balance within and around you. These frequencies work hand in hand with one another to maintain harmony within and without you.
Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive and painless German technology that uses thin circular patches containing electromagnetic signals to recognise unhealthy frequency patterns in your body and alter them for improved health. By stimulating electro-molecules with electromagnetic waves, Bioresonance can stimulate self-healing processes within the body which aid self-healing and self-regulatory processes of healing and self-regulating functions in your cells and tissues.
Bicom devices detect frequency patterns of patches and substances being treated through bioresonance devices, known as bicoms. This device measures biofeedback data collected either directly from within a patient’s own body (biofeedback mode), or from external substances; to do this electrode mats can be placed directly onto skin surfaces while magnetic electrodes placed over light clothing can collect deeper information from deeper within.
This feature of the eT-patch allows it to target only tumor-rich areas without harming healthy cells or tissues, thus protecting human patients without risk of tissue damage from radiation treatments. Temperature variations within both patches were measured using thermal imaging technology and plotted as curves as proof that humans could safely use this product without sustaining injury from exposure.
Reports indicate that the eT-patch can help enhance many areas of a person’s life, from mood enhancement and increased immunity, to helping individuals stop smoking which is often one of the hardest challenges to achieve. Nicotine’s strong addictive and destructive pattern can be identified as toxic by the patch which removes it with up to 90% success rates.