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SCIO Bioresonance Stress Management Device

SCIO communicates with the body to determine what energies are most affecting personal health. This includes emotional and mental stresses, nutritional suggestions, toxins, food sensitivities, digestive and elimination needs.

A trained practitioner will evaluate the information and suggest treatment sessions. Sessions may range from once a month for a simple condition to weekly sessions for serious health issues.

Quantum physics

The study of quantum physics is the basis for many modern technologies. These include lasers, light-emitting diodes (LEDs), transistors, medical imaging, electron microscopes and a host of other modern gadgets. In addition, it helps us understand our universe, from the intricate dynamics deep within an atom to events as grand as the birth of the universe itself.

Quantum physics focuses on the principles of particle physics and how these relate to the world around us. This is a field that encompasses everything from the behavior of particles at high energies to the properties of exotic atomic materials. It is a field that is constantly evolving and expanding, with new discoveries being made all the time.

The most important principle in quantum physics is wave-particle duality. This posits that any physical phenomenon can be described as both a wave and a particle at the same time. This duality was first discovered by Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg and Erwin Schrodinger in the 1920s. This was a fundamental change in how physicists thought about matter and energy.

Another key principle is the uncertainty principle, which states that an observer can only determine the exact state of a system to within a certain range. This is a result of the fact that the measurement of a system’s properties causes the system to change its state.

The SCIO Biofeedback Device uses the principles of quantum physics to detect imbalances in subtle energy, better known as stress. The device scans the body to identify areas of energetic imbalance and then sends healing frequencies directly to the area. This helps to balance the system and reduce toxicity levels, leading to improved health and athletic performance.

The SCIO is a revolutionary device that can identify imbalances in the body and correct them. Its database contains test frequencies for over 9000 substances and it can locate the cause of the imbalance. It also has a special software program that can help to increase athletic performance. It has been used by elite athletes to improve performance during training and competition. It is a non-invasive alternative to traditional medicine and is highly effective.


The SCIO is a biofeedback device that can help you manage your physical health and emotional well-being. It uses feedback to teach you how to control certain bodily functions, such as heart rate and breathing patterns. It can also be used to address anxiety disorders, insomnia and hypertension. It is a non-invasive and safe form of therapy.

The science behind this device is based on quantum physics, fractal dynamics and subspace theory. It also utilizes knowledge from metaphysical subjects to create a unique perspective on natural healing. The SCIO uses electro-dermal screening, stress testing and biofeedback to assess a client’s condition and balance the body at the subtle energy level.

It scans the whole body at biological speed, identifying over 12,000 frequencies that are causing stress to the client’s body systems. These can include toxins, parasites, viruses, bacteria, chemicals, heavy metals, allergens, foods, enzymes, minerals, vitamins, hormones, emotions and spiritual energies.

Once the system detects a harmful wave pattern, it sends back frequencies to redress the problem and neutralize it. It can also add frequencies and remove blockages as needed to restore a healthy energy field. The system then evaluates whether the changes it has made are beneficial to the client.

During the session, you will be connected to electrodes that will monitor your heart rate and respiration. The information from these sensors will be sent to a computer that displays the results on your screen. You can then use the feedback to improve your performance in both mental and physical health. This approach is effective because it teaches you how to control the physiological events that occur throughout your day, such as regulating your heart rate and breathing.

While the scientific evidence supporting this method is limited, there are several conditions for which biofeedback may be a useful addition to treatment. It has been shown to be helpful in reducing the symptoms of a wide variety of conditions, including anxiety disorders and tension headaches. It is also effective in helping individuals overcome alcoholism and substance abuse problems.

Biofeedback can also reduce the severity of many chronic medical conditions, including pain and fibromyalgia. It can also increase an individual’s sense of control over their physical condition, and can provide an excellent tool for preventing future episodes of anxiety.


The SCIO is a non-invasive stress management device that can read the energy fields of your body. It detects imbalances in the body’s subtle energies and helps balance them. It is based on the theory that stress disrupts the inherent electromagnetic frequencies at which the cells of the body resonate, and that by returning these frequencies to their natural state, you can reduce the symptoms of illness. The SCIO is the latest version of a bio-feedback device developed by William Nelson. Nelson studied the work of several bio-electric devices used in Germany, such as Voll meters and Vega machines, and also applied kinesiology (muscle testing). He combined his knowledge of quantum physics, electronics, naturopathy, homeopathy, chiropractic and energetic medicine to develop the SCIO, which has been upgraded to Quex ED.

The device uses a harness of electro-magnetic electrodes to communicate with the energetic components of your body. It takes a picture of the entire body’s electromagnetic field and records 8000 reactivity items in one tenth of a second, which gives it a comprehensive picture of your health. It is able to identify the most prominent sources of stress and the priority areas for healing. The reactivity of different organs, vitamins and minerals, food substances, toxins, bacteria, hormone levels, emotional states, and fungi and parasites are recorded.

It can find the source of your health problems faster than more conventional tests, such as blood or X-rays. This is because it focuses on your body’s energetic field and finds weaknesses in the form of imbalances and discordance. It can even pinpoint specific issues, such as viruses, nutritional deficiencies and food sensitivities.

It is also a useful tool for assessing allergies and intolerances. During an allergy or intolerance session, the SCIO will resonate with thousands of foods, chemicals, environmental factors and other allergens for one hundredth of a second and record how your body reacts to them. This information is then prioritized to help the practitioner understand your body’s unique reactions and make appropriate recommendations. A full session with the SCIO can take about 3-4 minutes.


The SCIO is a state of the art device that can help detect imbalances in your body. It measures the electromagnetic resonance exchange between the body and the machine and can identify problems such as viruses, deficiencies, weaknesses, food sensitivities, toxins and other imbalances. Its sensitivity is set so finely that it can detect even the smallest symptom. It also detects emotional stress and other disturbances that might be contributing to the issue.

The machine scans your whole body like a virus-scan on a computer, searching for viruses, nutritional deficiencies, weakness, toxins and allergies. The system also calculates the biological reactivity and resonance in your body, offering an understanding of your needs, dysfunctions and vulnerabilities that differ from those offered by more standard tests (blood tests, X-rays etc.).

In addition to assessing the health of your body, the SCIO also determines which therapies are best for you. It offers a list of frequencies for over 9000 different substances and identifies the ones which are most beneficial to your body. The results are then prioritized according to your specific energetic needs.

This is a non-invasive, painless process that does not interfere with any medications you may be taking. In fact, many clients report increased energy and a general sense of well-being after having their bioresonance testing done. Moreover, the SCIO is effective for animals as well.

During a session, you wear a headband and wrist and ankle straps that send electromagnetic signals to your body. These signals are transmitted by the SCIO through a database of test frequencies. The SCIO then compares your body’s responses against the database to find out which substances are causing stress. The resulting list will include vitamin levels, amino acids, nutrients, minerals, food substances, natural sugars, hormones, bacteria, moulds and fungus. The system will then produce a frequency that corresponds with each of these substances to reduce stress in the body. The device will maintain each beneficial setting for as long as it is helping and will change them as soon as they no longer are beneficial.
