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The 9D NLS Bioresonance

Utilizing cutting-edge technology, 9d nls bioresonance offers a noninvasive and painless method of testing your body for stress. Based on quantum physics principles, this noninvasive test measures objective state information regarding tissues, cells and chromosomes within your body.

The Medicomat-39 NLS analyzes energetic imbalances and helps restore them, aiding clients in improving their lives through muscular education and stress reduction.

QuantaScan Pro

QuantaScan Pro is an non-invasive bioresonance system used to assess and treat natural functions within the body. Utilizing electromagnetic waves, it scans organs, tissues, vessels and foreign substances within to help identify imbalances that require correction as well as detect whether these are contributing to any symptoms experienced. As a powerful tool for practitioners looking to enhance health and well-being for their clients.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!

Bioresonance is a noninvasive alternative medicine method using electromagnetic waves to detect imbalances in the body and restore balance to cells quickly, providing relief within minutes and possibly even helping detect cancer or other serious illness. Unlike traditional therapies, which rely on needles or medications, it uses only electromagnetic waves for detection – making it safe and painfree! Bioresonance devices can even detect cancer as early as its beginning!

Quantitative Vibratory Therapy is founded upon this principle: all organs, tissues and vessels of our bodies emit an electromagie frequency that can be affected by stress, emotions or the presence of toxic substances. Any disruptions can cause physical discomforts such as fatigue or even behavioral imbalances which then give rise to numerous physical and psychological health problems.

Claude-Jean Lapostat, an engineer and entrepreneur, is a pioneer in quantum techniques, traditional Chinese medicine and celestial mechanics. Since 2005 in Sophia Antipolis he established the Institute of Quantified Therapies et Vigilance technologique; together with Patricia Perrot, kinesiologue specializing in bioresonance kinesiologer she developed computer programs and protocols which identify, better recognize and rebalance anatomical and physiological imbalances as well as emotional disharmonies through non invasive energetic balances.


Quantaform International has designed its NLS Biospect Pro+ 3D bioresonance device to aid professionals in better understanding their bodies. The product was made possible with help from medical research societies’ groups of healthcare experts; however, this system should not be used to diagnose diseases nor offer medical consultations or analyses.


Medicomat is an advanced medical device that utilizes bio-resonance technology for diagnosis and treatment. The non-invasive device aims to restore balance and harmony within the body through bio-resonance diagnosis and therapy, as well as providing personalized therapeutic programs tailored specifically to each patient. Medicomat can detect imbalances within your body while helping reduce pain and tension; additionally it may even treat allergies or autoimmune disorders with its technology. Plus there’s free worldwide shipping with full money-back guarantees!

The NLS Bioresonance system works by sending frequencies into cells to correct imbalanced electromagnetic radiation. These frequencies are identified using bio-resonance analysis of organs and tissues within your body; then these frequencies are transmitted cellular-level in order to alleviate, cure or prevent diseases or symptoms.

These systems are increasingly popular among health practitioners for their accurate diagnostic capabilities. They can assess whether a client has been infected by viruses or bacteria, which organs are weak or diseased and which foods would benefit them best. Results depend on factors like complete blood count analysis, physical exam and lab tests – though the latter may not always give accurate medical diagnoses but may give useful insight into what may be going wrong and how best to address it.

Software used by these devices is created with shapes, colors and descriptions that capture clients/patients’ attention to make using it easier for them to understand and utilize the system. This also helps build trust and confidence between client/patient as results of treatment can be seen onscreen immediately – it may even help identify root cause and prevent future episodes of disorder recurrence.

NLs bioresonance therapy is an exciting new scientifically validated therapy with numerous proven benefits to life quality and wellbeing. However, it must be remembered that any claims regarding its efficacy against certain diseases such as cancer cannot be made by anyone other than a licensed healthcare professional (i.e. a doctor or registered nurse); otherwise they would be breaking the law.


KEDI 17D is an advanced noninvasive Bio-Resonance analyzer that is capable of detecting and treating diseases in the body. This advanced noninvasive device can identify 19 major systems and hundreds of organs, glands, and cells as well as predict disease trends that help you detect health issues before they become serious; you can even use this device to pinpoint pain spots to treat them quickly. However, pregnant women or people with electronic medical implants should refrain from using this device.

The KEDI 17D can help detect various health conditions, such as hormone imbalances, arthritis and chronic fatigue. It can also identify toxins and bacteria present in the body. Furthermore, it can identify causes of stress and anxiety, which can lead to mental or physical disorders like depression and headaches. Furthermore, this device can monitor medications and supplements effectively.

The KEDI 17D is an invaluable tool for those seeking to enhance their health and well-being. With its user-friendly interface, testing body chemistry has never been more convenient or straightforward; just a few clicks will get you results of your test! KEDI 17D’s user-friendly design means it can be used at home and while traveling. It can provide invaluable information that will allow you to fully comprehend your body’s specific requirements and make informed decisions regarding your health. An electronic health record (EHR) device is an excellent way to take a proactive approach to their health and prevent disease before it happens. You can use it to manage chronic conditions, such as diabetes and hypertension, while it also works well to address gynecological disorders like painful menstruation or hormonal imbalances.


Zammad is a free open source helpdesk software solution, enabling users to manage customer requests and reports across channels such as email, telephone, Facebook and Twitter. Used by countless businesses as their primary support system and featuring an easy REST-API for seamless integration, Zammad supports various authentication methods including device logging and two-factor-authentication.

Zammad provides a customizable ticket form to enhance efficiency. It features fields for custom text, links and images as well as shortcuts for commonly performed actions like bolding or italicizing text or including bullet point lists – creating an easier to understand ticket for agents.

Zammad stands out from its competition by automatically assigning tickets to specific agents, which is especially helpful in busy support environments where keeping up with requests can be challenging. Furthermore, its advanced functionality enables escalation or setting of client solution time limits that expedite resolution processes and enhance the efficiency of problem resolution processes.

Zammad stands out as both highly functional and modern in appearance and feel. Its speedy interface has won it widespread praise from users worldwide; many even compare its functionality with that of Atlassian Jira and are quickly adopting it as an alternative solution.

Zammad 6.0 brings with it several exciting features that provide tangible advantages to organizations and increase productivity levels, such as Mobile View, Duplicate Detection and customizable and predefined WebHooks with MS Teams integration. All these new additions seamlessly fit within its core functionality for optimal use.

Zammad can save your company both time and money by eliminating the need to hire additional support staff, providing your business with an edge in today’s fast-paced environment while offering your customers better support.


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