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The Benefits of Metatron Bioresonance Scanning

METATRON is the newest non-linear health diagnostic scanning machine. This innovative machine provides an efficient means of identifying imbalances and energetic disturbances as well as tracking treatment outcomes.

The METATRON NLS scan can quickly and effectively pinpoint factors compromising one’s health, such as emotional strains, toxins, pathogens and energetic disruptions – as well as providing practitioners with insight to tailor tailored treatment approaches for individuals.


Bioresonance therapy is a natural method of realigning the natural frequencies in your body, using frequency stimulation of active points of the body to address numerous ailments such as pain management, digestion and energy. It is an excellent non-invasive solution without taking medications – the machine simply detects oscillation characteristics in cells and compares them against an ideal blueprint; if out-of-alignments exist then counter frequencies will be released that correct these issues to promote healing of stress, allergies and hormone imbalances in a non-invasive fashion – providing immediate relief from symptoms associated with these conditions!

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The METATRON is an innovative bioresonance diagnostic device, using cutting-edge quantum physics research, to detect pathological processes on a molecular level in your body and identify their source – making the METATRON truly special and unique; scientifically validated techniques linking ancestral medicine with quantum physics are only ever achieved with devices like this one!

METATRON records electromagnetic waves produced by each cell, tissue and organ of your body during scanning. These signals are decoded and interpreted into computer models of organs to display where problems lie as well as provide a rough forecast of future health dynamics.

This device can help identify the cause of your problems and suggest remedies, including allergens, food sensitivities, toxins and heavy metals – as well as assess your body’s reaction to certain substances – giving an effective alternative way of alleviating allergies without medication.


BICOM stands out by operating at extremely low frequencies, eliminating any risk of electric shock and making it suitable for people of all ages – even babies and children! Furthermore, its noninvasiveness makes it suitable for use alongside therapies like acupuncture to provide effective treatment of chronic illnesses.


Humans possess a complex electromagnetic field which manifests as various colors around the body, known as chakras. This energy system influences one’s emotional and physical wellbeing as chakras connect to various organ systems with specific vibration frequencies; an examination using 17D NLS Metatron can identify imbalances within these organs that might indicate physical or emotional factors as causes.

The NLS Metatron can detect toxins in your body as well as detect allergies to food or medicines, and check for any bacterial infections and parasites which could be the source of many health issues. Furthermore, it can even detect cancer early enough that doctors can treat it before it spreads further and becomes an urgent health problem.

Metatron bioresonance uses quantum physics to scan your entire body, with each organ possessing an electromagnetic vibration which corresponds with body vibration frequency and detected by NLS Metatron as 3-D images on screen. It’s world’s most advanced nonlinear scanner able to identify any imbalance or toxic bacteria or fungi.

At an NLS Metatron session, this device sends frequencies directly into your organs, cells and hormones. Once collected, this data is converted into digital form before decoded into a comprehensive health report including recommended treatments and supplements as well as providing an in-depth view of both physical and emotional wellbeing.

The NLS Metatron was developed by the Institute of Practical Psychophysics as an all-in-one hardware and software nonlinear diagnostic scanner and therapy system. Capable of scanning without harmful effects, and quickly pinpointing contributing factors for disorders in just minutes; its accuracy in finding acute and chronic processes as well as predisposition towards certain diseases exceeds 90%; additionally it has proved successful at treating mental and emotional imbalances effectively.

Quantum physics

Quantum physics represents a revolutionary break with conventional ideas about our world, positing that matter behaves in unexpected ways that have significant ramifications for science and technology in general. Pioneered by such great minds as Niels Bohr, Albert Einstein and Werner Heisenberg.

One of the core concepts of quantum physics is wave-particle duality – or objects having both wavelike and particle characteristics simultaneously. This phenomenon refers to objects being comprised of both waves and particles. Classically speaking, “wave” denotes continuous patterns while particle refers to discrete particles; this idea stems from quantum fields emitting energy in discrete amounts called quanta; light itself can exist both ways at once; the quantum model provides more accurate representations while also helping scientists examine matter’s substructure more thoroughly.

The metatron is a non-invasive diagnostic device that applies the principles of quantum physics to your body’s electromagnetic fields and subtle energy interactions, using their vibration measurements against those assigned as norms for healthy organs in your system. It can detect problems early, before they lead to serious health concerns. It works by measuring the vibrations from all organs and organisms within your system against norms that have been determined as healthy by measuring vibrations across every part of it and comparing this data against healthy norms that have been established for each organ/organ system/system with those assigned healthy norms established as norms against norms assigned healthy organs or systems within that can detect issues at an early stage if any arise.

Data collected by this software is then analyzed, giving a report of your overall health status. Additionally, it can detect toxic bacteria, fungi and viruses in your body for detection purposes and creating a personalized treatment plan tailored specifically to you and your conditions.

The METATRON NLS (Non-Linear System) Scan is a cutting-edge diagnostic technology utilizing quantum physics principles to provide in-depth analyses of your body’s electromagnetic fields and subtle energy interactions. This device can identify disease by measuring an organ’s energetic deviation from its ideal norm – this information is then displayed on your computer screen in three-dimensional graphics form – it also detects abnormalities within the musculoskeletal system as well as microorganisms resistant to modern antimicrobial treatments.

Electromagnetic fields

Human bodies are enveloped by electromagnetic fields that interact with cells and tissues of our organism, helping regulate vital processes while also shielding us from pathogens. Bioresonance scanning can detect imbalances in this electromagnetic field of the body to reveal their causes; it is a non-invasive and painless procedure which can be performed either at home or by visiting a doctor’s office.

The METATRON NLS scan analyzes your body’s electromagnetic field to detect disturbances or imbalances in its harmonic synchronization, and identify areas of disharmony within your body allowing for changes that enhance health and well-being. Based on the principle that each organ or tissue emits its own vibrational frequency, deviations in these frequencies can be detected and corrective frequencies administered to restore balance and harmony if required. It can also identify any underlying causes and suggest the most suitable remedy to remedy them; using NLS scanning technology you can identify these issues before taking steps that improve health or well-being.

Instead of waiting until disease has already emerged to detect it, the Metatron NLS scanner allows early identification of imbalances – so you can take preventative steps before it becomes manifest. Furthermore, this device provides insight into future dynamics for diseases three or five years in advance of initial complaints appearing.

NLS diagnostics software facilitates a three-dimensional scan of the entire body, including cells and mitochondria. It reveals any bacteria or parasites present, as well as pinpointing where pathology occurs in relation to one another. Furthermore, this system can identify ongoing pathological changes as well as detect ongoing pathological processes as well as identify any DNA abnormalities as well as choose an effective therapy plan that promotes self-healing while preventing future disease recurrences.

Metatron Bioresonance is a world-leading medical device comprised of both software and hardware (torsion generator). It has been certified as a torsion wave nonlinear diagnostics and therapeutic device and currently used at Bay Osteopathy and Wholistic Health at 71 Centennial Circuit, Byron Bay Industrial Estate NSW Australia.


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