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What Can Bioresonance Therapy Do For You?

Bioresonance therapy works by rebalancing your electromagnetic field, which in turn promotes healthy digestion while relieving symptoms associated with digestive disorders like bloating and pain.

BRT utilizes electrodes to detect electrical oscillations within your body, amplifying any harmonious frequencies while subverting any disharmonious ones, such as those caused by toxins.


Biophysics holds that every living cell in our bodies emits electromagnetic waves at specific frequencies that can be detected with modern electronic devices. If one of these cells emitting these electromagnetic waves is out of sync with its natural wavelengths, this indicates an overabundance of toxins or pollutants entering their system. Bioresonance therapy may be able to adjust those frequencies back toward their natural levels; thus enabling their body to more effectively self-regulate and eliminate them.

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At each session, the therapist feeds information into a device known as BICOM(r). This device then generates healing frequencies to target each area that needs healing. Sessions usually last about 60 minutes and are very relaxing.

A therapist also conducts a kinesiology test on each client to identify which area of his or her body is out of balance and what needs to be done in order to restore equilibrium – this helps determine the most suitable therapy approach for each person.

For example, if the test shows too many toxins in the stomach, a therapist might advise detoxing the digestive tract to cleanse and purge out any buildup of toxins that have built up over time. This may involve eliminating colonic toxins through colon cleansing services as well as improving diet and taking digestive aids to assist the process. Bioresonance therapy may also recommend increased exercise and sleep as well as decreasing stress. Bioresonance is believed to assist in treating various conditions including allergies, IBD, Rheumatism and digestive issues. Claims that this treatment can reduce fatigue and boost immunity are also made. However, evidence levels for any particular therapy vary; different schemes exist for defining scientific proof while health insurers and government bodies tend to only fund therapies which meet a high standard.


BRT can help treat various health conditions. In particular, it’s an effective remedy for conditions caused by an accumulation of toxins – allergies, parasites, fungus and bacteria, emotional stress as well as environmental toxins such as electromagnetic radiation or chemicals that overwhelm natural healing mechanisms of the body.

BICOM bioresonance device measures the electromagnetic frequencies of these substances and adjusts them to match your own natural frequency pattern, before feeding back the modified frequency back into your body – reinforcing healthy frequencies while nullifying harmful ones – thus helping the body flush itself of toxins while alleviating symptoms caused by them.

Bioresonance Therapy is an innocuous noninvasive therapy with no known side effects. Most clients feel nothing during or after their session while others report feeling deeply relaxed with increased energy afterward.

BRT restores DNA and cell membrane EM signaling that can become disrupted due to environmental stressors, as these signals play an integral role in keeping our cells organized and healthy. Bioresonance Therapy can restore this EM signaling by supporting organ communication during its healing process and thus aiding its overall wellbeing. Attaining this goal involves providing corrective information to cellular receptors. Once absorbed by surrounding cell membranes, these corrected signals have an overall beneficial impact on an organism. Thus, bioresonance technology has proven extremely successful at treating many underlying causes of diseases and many individuals find their symptoms have vanished after receiving treatment.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

Chronic fatigue syndrome is a relatively prevalent health condition characterized by prolonged fatigue. Its causes may include lack of sleep, chemical toxins and stress; bioresonance therapy may provide some relief by helping balance out energetic frequencies within organs and detoxifying the body.

Bioresonance therapy works by monitoring electromagnetic fields emitted by living cells within your body and feeding that information back. It’s a form of electronic homeopathy and has been around for some time; each cell emits its own specific frequency just like tapping a piano string will make that string vibrate.

Bioresonance therapy uses tensor technology to read frequency readings and send the results directly into software for assessment of imbalances within the body. As an alternative to pharmaceutical treatments, this therapeutic modality may provide relief for many conditions; however it should not replace traditional medical advice – therefore anyone interested in trying this therapy should first speak to a healthcare provider prior to beginning.

BRT can assist in alleviating restless nights by rebalancing energetic frequencies within internal organs. Furthermore, it can remove excess salts from your body and balance hormone levels to reduce mental stress while increasing activity in the parasympathetic nervous system. BRT can also be used to assess food intolerances, allergies, and environmental sensitivities; Exogenous BRT provides the most effective delivery of treatment by breaking communication blockages within your body that have formed communication loops – any change that occurs can often lead to greater clarity within other parts of your body that otherwise had previously gone undetected!


As the COVID-19 pandemic winds down, many individuals are struggling with insomnia. Sleepless nights are not only frustrating but may also have serious repercussions for health: insomnia impacts how you feel, think and perform; leading to weight gain and low energy as well as problems at work or anxiety or depression.

There are various forms of insomnia, from early morning awakenings that prevent you from sleeping to chronic fatigue and chronic tiredness. If this sounds familiar to you, here are a few symptoms to watch out for:

There are various treatments available for insomnia, from setting a bedtime routine and cutting back on caffeine intake in the evenings to trying meditation, yoga and exercise to reduce stress; taking supplements like melatonin, magnesium or L-tryptophan can also aid sleep.

If your insomnia persists, it’s essential to consult your healthcare provider regarding treatment options. Insomnia can lead to reduced quality of life and higher health care utilization (such as visits to emergency departments or missed work days). Furthermore, insomnia increases your risk for other medical and psychiatric conditions.

Insomnia can be a telltale sign of allergies or sinusitis. Brt bioresonance therapy can identify whether your restless nights are caused by pollen, molds or chemical allergens and treat their source at its source – helping clear away congestion in nasal passages so you can enjoy peaceful night’s rest once again.


Pain treatment’s goal is to relieve you of its source. Common approaches include nerve blocks (such as an epidural for childbirth), radiofrequency ablation – in which radio waves heat up and destroy nerve tissue to stop relaying pain signals to the brain – or bioresonance therapy, which uses sound vibrations.

Bioresonance therapy uses signaling technology to work with your body’s own biological communications and stimulate cells for rapid healing processes. Think of bioresonance machines like Walkie Talkies for your cells: when their signal matches up with specific cells or substances in the body, their cells recognize them and can respond in various ways–ranging from detoxification like in the case of the BICOM Bioresonance device’s ability to eliminate food intolerances that cause chronic fatigue and sleep problems to helping with allergy testing and elimination.

During an average 60-minute session, your therapist programs a device using information gathered from you and any substances to which you are sensitive. The device then alters this data into more healthy or grounding frequencies before feeding it back into your body through sensors – this process is known as Endogenous BRT and offers the most effective treatment methods currently available.

Many individuals experience peace and calmness during or shortly after receiving BRT, as well as an increase in energy. Furthermore, unlike pharmaceutical medications which often come with side effects, BRT provides holistic wellness solutions without adverse side effects for various conditions.


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