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What Does a Bioresonance Scan Cost?

Bioresonance scanning utilizes electronic devices to measure energy wavelengths within the body. Proponents claim that Bioresonance can identify diseased tissues and organs while simultaneously counteracting any frequencies deemed detrimental, and restore optimal balance by eliminating harmful frequencies.

Digital Kinesiology technology can detect stressors to your systems, nutritional deficiencies, imbalanced hormones and sensitivities to food or environmental toxins as well as energetic matches to toxic materials that are present. A full scan usually costs PS85 including any necessary remedy.

Initial Consultation

Bioenergetic health scans with hair and saliva samples help detect stressors to your body by measuring electromagnetic waves or frequencies emitted from them. This non-invasive test provides information on nutritional deficiencies, toxins, hormone imbalances, organ dysfunction and overall energetic balance as well as finding homeopathic remedies to support you on your healing journey.

The BICOM (originally developed in Germany) is an innovative biomedical device which transmits information through electromagnetic waves known as “hertz.” Bioresonance therapy is a holistic approach to healthcare that restores electromagnetic and biochemical balance within your body and stimulates its own healing capacities.

Your energy fields or “bio-field” become altered due to modern life’s many stresses such as electromagnetic radiation from Wi-Fi and electricity, chemicals found in food, cleaning products, pharmaceutical drugs, emotional stressors and more. This distorting can overwhelm the body’s natural healing mechanisms and cause dis-harmony; bioresonance therapy detects imbalances and restores them back to their usual states.

At each session, an electrode (similar to an acupuncture or acupressure point) is attached to an electrode connected to a computer that analyzes energy wavelengths emanating from your body and counteracts any bad frequencies that come through by sending back harmonic frequencies – this may leave no sensation whatsoever, or perhaps produce a slight buzzing sensation (both are good signs!). During sessions you may feel nothing or perhaps experience some buzzing sensation which is indicative of positive change!

How many sessions you require depends on your symptoms and their intensity; while some people only require one treatment session, others need ongoing therapy in order to achieve wellness.

Does my BICOM bioresonance treatment fall under my statutory insurance? As bioresonance therapy falls under alternative medicine, it is not covered by statutory health plans; however, certain supplementary policies do cover costs related to this alternative therapy. For more details about its cost and availability of bioresonance therapy treatments near you, it would be beneficial for you to speak with both insurers and supplementary providers directly – I can provide written estimates upon request.

Full Scan

Bioresonance is an innovative, noninvasive approach to health assessment and optimization that relies on electromagnetic waves or frequencies emitted from each cell, tissue and organ within your body – these waves indicate imbalance or dysfunction and a bioresonance scan measures these frequencies to provide insight into your physical, mental, emotional and energetic wellbeing.

Bioenergetic health scans with hair or saliva use specialized equipment to analyze electromagnetic patterns and frequencies emitted by your hair or saliva samples, then bioenergetically analyse them for stressors such as nutritional deficiencies or any energetic resonance with toxic materials; you’ll also gain insight into any bioenergetic sensitivities to foods – and potential food allergies or sensitivities!

Bioresonance scans offer more than just detailed insights; they’re also an invaluable way to detect potential health issues before they manifest as symptoms, giving you time and opportunity to restore balance before they become more serious.

Bioresonance testing involves you relaxing while the device measures the frequencies produced by your body. It’s completely painless; most people only experience a subtle tingle or buzz during this scan. Once finished, we’ll discuss your results and what they mean for you.

Your bioresonance scan results can be used to create a tailored health plan designed to meet your goals. This plan may include diet and supplement recommendations, lifestyle modifications and more – everything tailored specifically to meet the areas in need of attention in your health.

Your bioresonance scan allows you to take immediate, effective measures to address any issues identified, which will have an immediate and positive impact on your wellbeing and overall wellness. This means a healthier and more balanced you!

Saliva Scan

Bioresonance is an innovative noninvasive technology that uses electromagnetic frequencies to identify imbalances in the body. Each cell, tissue and organ emits its own frequency that when disturbed can indicate issues in that particular part of your body. Bioresonance scans are capable of detecting issues before they become symptoms for improved prevention and wellness planning.

A salivary gland scan is a bioresonance test that measures saliva movement through salivary glands to diagnose various conditions, such as autoimmune diseases or oral health issues. The test is non-invasive and painless; practitioners can then use this data to provide personalized recommendations based on what was discovered during their salivary gland scans.

The salivary gland scan can be used to assess for autoimmune disease, oral lesions and cysts, cancer cells precancerous cells, inflammation conditions and more. It can also detect heavy metals or toxins present in your body. This test takes approximately 30 minutes and should be conducted by either a licensed acupuncturist or certified nutritionist.

After your initial consultation, a personalized bioresonance program will be designed for you based on the findings from your bioresonance scan and symptoms. This 12-week plan offers one-on-one treatment sessions as well as tailored resources and advice that will help you reach your health goals.

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive method for diagnosing and treating imbalances within the body. Electrodes are placed on the skin, while a bioresonance machine reads energy wavelengths to assess your vibrational frequency. If any bad frequencies emerge, bioresonance machine counteracts them so as to restore optimal balance – claimed treatments include allergies/intolerances/digestive disorders/fatigue/insomnia as well as arthritis rheumatism.

bioresonance therapy has only received limited research to date; however, its efficacy appears to be effective in some situations. A 2014 study demonstrated its usefulness for helping people quit smoking, and other studies have proven its use in relieving stomach pain without medical diagnosis.

Hair Scan

Bioresonance is a form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), using electrical devices to capture electromagnetic signals emitted by healthy cells and organs. Proponents believe that due to DNA damage, diseased ones emit different frequencies than healthy ones; altering these frequencies could help heal them.

Hair scanning requires providing samples of both your hair and saliva for analysis by bioenergetic scanning equipment. The machine compares resonance energy of individual strands against registered item frequencies in its database to gain insight into nutritional deficiencies, toxin exposures, hormonal imbalances and more. The information gleaned can provide invaluable information into nutritional deficiencies, toxin exposures, hormone imbalances or hormonal disruptions in addition to providing insight into other potential causes such as nutritional imbalances or hormone deficiencies.

Though some claim a hair or saliva scan can detect allergies, no scientific evidence supports this claim. Clinical trials using electrodermal testing found no efficacy for diagnosing allergies while European guidelines do not advise using bioresonance for treating atopic eczema. Furthermore, the Food and Drug Administration has prosecuted purveyors of electrical devices like these for making unsubstantiated claims about health benefits, while American Cancer Society warns patients against their use (1, 2, 3). Nonetheless, many individuals still use these devices for sensitivities screening purposes (1 2, 3, etc).
