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What Does Bioresonance Therapy Cost?

Bioresonance therapy is a holistic healing modality that taps into your body’s energy to detect imbalances in health. By using electromagnetic frequencies to pinpoint these issues, this therapy may be used to determine what’s causing issues such as bloating, weight issues, digestive disorders and more.

Bioresonance falls under alternative medicine and thus its costs are not covered by statutory healthcare systems; however, some private health insurers offer coverage.


Bioresonance therapy employs electromagnetic frequencies to restore equilibrium within the body. This technology works on the principle that damaged cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves due to DNA damage; these waves are detected by electronic devices and then cancelled with healthy electromagnetic signals to restore energy flow and restore normal energy balance. This noninvasive healing approach has become increasingly popular with patients seeking alternatives to medications and invasive medical procedures.

Bioresonance therapy may not be widely available in the US, but patients seeking natural ways of improving their health should investigate this alternative treatment method. While sessions can be costly, bioresonance provides holistic relief that may save patients money through packaged pricing models from various practitioners.

Costs associated with physical therapy vary depending on both practitioner and location. While some locations offer packages encompassing multiple sessions as well as services like weight loss programs or smoking cessation programs, others charge per session; on average in Adelaide these costs range between $100 and $180.

Bioresonance scans are conducted with a device called BICOM that measures electromagnetic frequency of living and nonliving materials within the human body, such as food or supplements. When these frequencies (measured in Hertz) match with those produced by viruses and bacteria, then it sends an electromagnetic signal that counteracts it so as to restore healthy resonance states within your body.

At a bioresonance therapy session, electrodes are placed on specific parts of the body in order to measure electromagnetic wave patterns in organs, tissues and cells. Once measured, these signals are then fed back to a computer which recognizes them and displays results of the scan – this enables practitioners to pinpoint which part(s) are not functioning as they should and develop an appropriate treatment plan accordingly.

Alternative therapy has proven itself effective at treating various conditions. The main advantage of holistic treatments such as yoga is that they address emotional and mental aspects of illness as well as physical ones, making yoga therapy suitable for treating fatigue, insomnia, allergies or rheumatoid arthritis as well as chronic illnesses that are not properly addressed by traditional medicines.


Each organ, cell, and tissue in our bodies resonant at its own frequency; unhealthy cells vibrating unhealthily can create imbalances in energy frequencies within an organism that disrupt communication between organs and lead to disease. Bioresonance therapy is a regulatory medicine technique which uses electromagnetic waves to detect and treat these disturbances without resorting to pharmaceutical drugs.

Beginning the process requires an hour-long appointment with a practitioner who attaches electrodes to your skin, connecting them to a machine which assesses energy wavelengths from organs. It then counteracts negative frequencies with positive frequencies for optimal balance restoration. Furthermore, this device registers blockages, interferences, or unhealthy stress levels within your body – an invaluable service!

After conducting the scan, the practitioner will review its results and devise a treatment plan consisting of supplements and lifestyle modifications. Bioresonance treatments do not have any known side effects and are suitable for people of all ages; including pacemakers.

Most practitioners recommend an AMP coil device, which helps the body operate at the optimal energy frequency necessary for healthy functioning. It emits pulsed electromagnetic fields that assist the body in eliminating toxins and relieving stress that interferes with cell communication.

Bioresonance practitioners also frequently promote electrical devices that claim to diagnose diseased internal organs; however, their claims have yet to be scientifically established and are based on unproven claims that diseased organs and cancer cells emit altered electromagnetic waves which an electronic device can change back into normal waves. The Food and Drug Administration has prosecuted multiple purveyors of these electronic devices for making misleading health claims about them.

Getting Started

Bioresonance therapy works by tapping into your body’s energy field and using electromagnetic waves to detect imbalances within it, such as those resulting in weak immune systems, food allergies or digestive issues. The goal is to restore natural equilibrium through treatments sessions and other integrative techniques.

At each session, electrodes are applied to the skin and connected to a machine that “reads” energy wavelengths coming from your body and modulates those waves to treat your condition. Bioresonance therapy is noninvasive and painless treatment that usually lasts about an hour; its first step involves consulting with a practitioner about your medical history and energy levels in an intensive consultation process.

Once the machine has identified discordant frequencies, electromagnetic impulses at specific ranges are sent out to match and harmonize them. It is believed that these signals stimulate the body’s natural healing capabilities and return it to a state of health – this process has proven helpful with conditions like fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and lupus as well as leaky gut syndrome, which allows undigested food particles, toxins and bacteria into the bloodstream through digestion issues.

Bioresonance therapy may be combined with other forms of healing such as sound therapy, acupuncture or massage to achieve maximum effectiveness. It should be noted that bioresonance should not replace traditional medical therapies but rather serve as a complementary way to address various health concerns. It’s key that practitioners who specialize in bioresonance therapy provide quality services so as to achieve maximum benefit from your treatments.

Finding a practitioner with convenient scheduling is also vital, to ensure you can attend all scheduled sessions on a consistent basis. Some practitioners offer remote sessions if you live far away or can’t make it in person to the clinic.

Before engaging in any wellness sessions, it’s essential that you inquire into their experience and training. Your practitioner should be able to answer any queries that arise as well as provide references from past clients who can vouch for them and explain how this particular technique can help achieve your wellness goals.


Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive way of treating various health issues. The procedure involves placing electrodes on the body that connect to a machine which reads energy wavelengths; frequencies can then be modulated accordingly in order to treat inflammation, muscle pain and immune system weakness – as well as improving sleep and decreasing weather change sensitivities.

BICOM can scan your body to identify cell dysfunctionalities as well as what type of stress causes an imbalance, and then emit counterfrequencies to restore balance – something which could prove particularly helpful if suffering from chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, asthma or migraines.

BICOM machines can also be utilized to treat animals, such as horses. Like humans, horses may suffer from similar health conditions like lameness, respiratory diseases and arthritis – by using one of these machines you can help your horse reduce its effects more rapidly and speed up recovery time.

Studies indicate that bioresonance therapy may be useful in alleviating allergies and inflammation conditions, treating autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, as well as helping regulate how antioxidants function within our bodies to reduce free radical damage.

At your session, a practitioner will use electrodes on your body and connect them to a BICOM machine. It will then check how your cells produce energy wavelengths – this allows it to make a diagnosis – before sending counterfrequencies back out into those cells which produce bad frequencies.

A BICOM machine can also diagnose leaky gut syndrome, a condition in which the small intestine becomes damaged and allows undigested food particles and toxins to leak into your blood stream, leading to inflammation elsewhere in your body. Leaky gut syndrome may lead to symptoms such as bloating, stomach aches, constipation, chronic diarrhea, headaches, poor immune system function and weight problems as well as low energy levels and insomnia – however bioresonance therapy offers solutions by balancing electromagnetic fields within the body while eliminating harmful substances. Luckily bioresonance therapy offers solutions by balancing electromagnetic fields within our bodies while simultaneously eliminating harmful substances from our systems – offering relief through bioresonance technology.
