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What is a Bioresonance Body Scan?

Each cell, tissue and organ in our bodies has its own resonating frequency. When disease states or imbalances arise, they send signals with lower resonance frequency compared to healthy ones.

Bioresonance scans can help identify areas of stress and imbalance. By doing so, they allow us to recommend proactive steps that will protect and regain your health.

It’s Non-Invasive

Bioresonance body scans employ a safe machine which emits electromagnetic frequencies to detect and counteract diseased organs or cancer cells that produce bad frequencies, through electrodes placed on their skin connected to a computer that assesses energy wavelengths for diagnosis. Once in the machine, the machine applies specific frequencies designed to counteract bad wavelengths by “cancelling out” bad wavelengths thus treating conditions.

Bioresonance works on the principle that every substance, including human cells and organs, emits electromagnetic frequencies. The AO Scan measures these frequencies to provide insight into various aspects of health and wellness such as nutritional deficiencies, body toxins, hormone imbalances and overall energetic balance.

Bioresonance scans are also capable of identifying undetected pathogenic infections in the body that have yet to present themselves with symptoms, usually caused by viruses or bacteria and treatable with simple antibiotic treatment regimens. They can also identify vitamin and mineral deficiencies which can be remedied through diet rich in those particular nutrients; similarly, bioresonance scanning can reveal low stomach acid levels indicating poor digestion and absorption of nutrients.

Bioresonance scans also have another great benefit in that they measure how effective homeopathic remedies and supplements are for each individual patient. Practitioners can run the scanner again with new supplements or remedies and observe their effect before selecting an effective treatment plan.

Bioresonance body scans can be used to treat various conditions, from chronic fatigue and sleep difficulties to allergies, fibromyalgia, and autoimmune diseases like thyroiditis or rheumatoid arthritis. Although research on this treatment option remains limited, it may provide an effective alternative to more invasive diagnostic approaches involving needles or blood tests. It is advised to speak to a qualified healthcare professional first about your symptoms before scheduling a bioresonance body scan session; complete all intake forms as well as consent forms prior to commencing any bioresonance body scan sessions.

It’s Painless

Bioresonance allergy tests differ from traditional allergy tests in that they use electromagnetic frequencies within the Earth’s natural magnetic field frequency range of 0.30-30Hz to test for allergies. As medical grade equipment, bioresonance has become popular throughout many developed nations and it is completely safe for young children and the elderly alike.

Bioresonance scans utilize electrodes attached to your skin that detect energy wavelengths emitted by your body. These wavelengths are then measured by a computerized machine to diagnose your health; additionally, these machines have the capability of altering those wavelengths back into their natural frequencies which may help treat conditions more effectively.

Proponents of bioresonance claim it can detect and cure various diseases, such as cancer. Unfortunately, no scientific evidence backs these claims up and healthcare professionals largely consider bioresonance to be unproven; some claims about it have even been considered misleading by the Federal Trade Commission (FTC).

Bioresonance scans are used to identify imbalances within the body, such as food or environmental sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, hormonal imbalances and toxins. They also help you determine appropriate remedies, including herbal supplements and homeopathy remedies; furthermore it helps avoid toxic stressors like heavy metals, mold or environmental chemicals which could pose risk.

No matter if living or inanimate, all substances emit electromagnetic frequencies which can be detected with a bioresonance scanner. This method works on the principle that all living things, including human beings, emit vibrations as electromagnetic waves; for optimal functioning our bodies need contact with Earth’s magnetic field for healthy functioning.

Bioresonance scanning measures the energy vibrations in your cells, tissues, and organs to detect imbalances in their energy patterns and identify their sources before suggesting treatment options. This technique has been shown to effectively treat smoking cessation, digestive problems, fatigue and weight loss among many other issues.

It’s Affordable

The bioresonance machine can help detect imbalances and promote overall wellness for your body. It operates on the principle that every cell, tissue and organ emits electromagnetic frequencies which can be measured using computer analysis of these electromagnetic waves to identify areas of disrepair or dysfunction – including parasites and pathogens – within your system.

Bioresonance scans also give an accurate assessment of vitamin and mineral deficiencies, so that your diet can be balanced accordingly to support overall health. Furthermore, they allow early identification of infections before symptoms arise, so treatment may be administered more effectively.

Note that this test is noninvasive and painless, making it an excellent preventive tool. With regular usage of this scanner, early diseases may be detected and treated more easily compared with those diagnosed after it’s too late.

Testing can also help you track your progress and keep your body at peak condition. Practitioners can interpret results easily, which can then be discussed further during subsequent appointments.

Bioresonance scanning is an emerging trend in alternative medicine that uses NASA methodologies embraced by astronauts, cosmonauts, chiropractors, and naturopaths worldwide to assess your health. With documented successes throughout their careers and proven outcomes this method offers new hope to assess one’s wellness.

Life Expert’s vega bioresonance scanning device conducts an in-depth examination of 47 functional indices across organs and systems to detect pathogens, parasites, toxins and risk for diseases.

As well as offering our standard Full Scan, we also provide Dietary Scan and Remedy Scan services. The Dietary Scan can help address food and environmental sensitivity issues while also detecting imbalances in essential vitamins, minerals, amino acids, enzymes, and fatty acids. Meanwhile, Remedy Scans can keep costs down between Full Scans by finding suitable herbal, holistic and nutritional remedies tailored specifically to you.

It’s Easy to Understand

AO Scan employs your body’s natural magnetic field to detect illnesses and abnormalities, then compares this data against an extensive database containing diseases, food intolerances, and other factors.

Analyzing the results reveals any imbalances present in the body and their effects on glands, organs, tissues and systems. Furthermore, the test can detect emotional issues such as depression or anxiety.

Traditional bioresonance therapies employ an electromagnetic instrument known as a Vitafon (named after the initials of its two inventors, Frank Morell and Erich Rasche). This device emits frequencies which absorb pathogens, parasites, or cancer cells before sending signals back out again that resonate against those cells to dismantle them.

Life Expert’s bioresonance therapy device is non-invasive and can be done from the comfort of your own home, offering noninvasive scans that measure 47 functional indices from various organs and systems of your body to produce a comprehensive report. Furthermore, this system detects harmful substances within your system as well as providing comparative analyses that compare how your body has responded to external influences like medicines, foods or cosmetics.

Life Expert can make selecting remedies easier by evaluating your energy balance and providing a complete list of appropriate remedies that match your health goals. In addition, its remedy scanning function allows users to test any substances they suspect might be burdening or healing properties within them.

Bioresonance body scans typically take 10 minutes and can be completed right here in our office. After reviewing your results and answering any queries that arise, we will spend ample time discussing and clarifying them further. As this non-invasive process has no known risks associated with it, bioresonance scans can serve as a powerful aid for wellness journeys; however, its results should not be used as a replacement for medical advice or treatments.
