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What is a Quantum Bio Resonance Scan?

Bioresonance testing is a noninvasive test based on the concept that everything emits electromagnetic waves with their own frequency; this includes your cells, organs and pathogens. Bioresonance equipment listens for weak electrical signature frequencies from these particles and brings them into resonance with externally applied frequencies to kill them off.

It is a non-invasive test

Quantum bio resonance scans are non-invasive tests that use electromagnetic frequencies to assess your body. This test measures organ energy levels and helps improve overall health and well-being. Developed using traditional Chinese medicine alongside modern scientific advances, quantum bio resonance scans use noninvasive measurements of your electromagnetic frequencies in your body. They detect energy imbalances within organs as well as stress or imbalances within your system which may be contributing to symptoms that arise over time.

Every living cell and organism has its own electromagnetic vibrational frequency, or bioresonance. Food, drugs, emotional events or stressors may alter this natural cycle and vibration frequency, disrupting it from optimal conditions. A bioresonance machine identifies these frequencies and helps restore them back to optimum state by sending healthy waves directly to organs and body systems in need of relief – while unhealthy waves are “inverted” so as to lessen any potential negative side-effects.

Results include an equilibrium in biochemistry, enhanced cell regeneration and better self-healing abilities. It represents a new paradigm of 21st century biological medicine based on quantum physics and molecular biology principles; decoding all aspects of health within your body while providing treatment plans that remove hidden causes of disease or dysfunction at physical, biochemical, psycho-emotional and spiritual levels.

Quantum sensors are evolving quickly, and their increased sensitivity will bring major advancements to various fields of biomedical research. Optogenetics could enable brain monitoring with unprecedented spatial resolution; nitrogen-vacancy centres in diamonds could enable nanoscale magnetometry for the detection of magnetic biomarkers and single neurons.

Quantum sensors can measure the weak magnetic fields created by atoms, molecules, or proteins and determine whether they are in an entangled or disentangled state. Quantum sensing has already proven its utility for clinical magnetoencephalography to monitor neural activity; however, further improvements in terms of sensitivities and spatial resolution are necessary; quantum sensing could bring new opportunities into biomedical imaging applications.

It is safe

Bio Resonance Scan is a noninvasive test that measures the weak magnetic fields in your cells to provide an in-depth report on your health status. It detects imbalances within your body and pinpoints areas that need correcting, as well as predisposing diseases you are more prone to developing in future. Russian cosmonauts once utilized this diagnostic tool before heading off on space missions as it proved safe and reliable.

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that all substances, from healthy cells and pathogens alike, emit electromagnetic waves with highly individual characteristics that can be detected using an advanced device known as a bioresonance scanner. With these scanners you can boost healthy waves while inhibiting unhealthy ones to aid healing within your own body.

Human bodies contain organs, tissues and cells with distinct resonant frequencies that resonate together as an entire system. If an area falls out of tune with this frequency it could negatively impact performance across the board. A bio-resonance scan measures these frequencies to assess stress and toxins. Furthermore, this machine can even identify viruses and bacteria by their bio-resonance signatures.

In addition to identifying imbalances in your body, Physiospect offers bio-resonance correction. This process relies on the concept that all physical and emotional imbalances stem from energetic sources; such as trauma, illness or diet.

At your session, a practitioner will place a sensor on your palm and within seconds it will detect energy wavelengths of cells to generate data and help identify any current or chronic health problems. Based on quantum physics and holistic medicine principles, this non-invasive and safe treatment may also be combined with therapies like acupuncture and homeopathy for maximum efficiency.

It is fast

Bioresonance scanning is a noninvasive diagnostic device that uses quantum physics to measure energy waves that emanate from your body, such as frequency or wavelengths of energy wavelengths. This enables it to quickly pinpoint any source of health issues within minutes. A sensor placed in your hand measures electromagnetic resonance cells within your organs which then produces data lists which are then analysed and can identify health problems.

Bioresonance works on the principle that all substances, from healthy cells and tissues to diseased ones, release electromagnetic waves – or electromagnetic biofields. Diseased tissues often produce different frequencies due to differences in cell metabolism or changes in DNA structure; bioresonance scanners are able to pick up these electromagnetic frequencies and transmit them back into the body to reinforce healthy vibrational energies while weakening those of pathogens.

Quantum physics has revealed that everything from microbes to humans possess an energetic fingerprint or resonance pattern that can be identified using bioresonance devices. Every substance, be it food supplements, homeopathic remedies or pathogens has a distinctive frequency pattern which can be detected using these devices; certain frequencies stimulate healthy vibrational energies while others weaken unhealthy ones.

These devices can also detect imbalances in the electromagnetic field and offer advice to correct them, while also helping identify causes for certain diseases and providing solutions to treat them. A bioresonance scanner might detect symptoms like fatigue, poor appetite, low immunity or weight loss issues as examples of imbalances it detects.

Bioresonance scanners also play an invaluable role in helping doctors select therapeutic remedies that have maximum healing benefits, particularly those suffering from chronic illnesses such as cancer. This function can identify and eradicate root causes for health issues while finding remedies to prevent further outbreaks of illness.

It is affordable

Bio resonance scan is a noninvasive test that utilizes quantum physics to assess imbalances in tissues of the body. It’s one of the best ways to spot problems caused by toxins, stress or prolonged negative emotions; and can even determine food intolerances. Results are accurate and it’s painless – making this an ideal replacement for expensive and invasive tests with potential radiation hazards.

The AO Scan Technology draws upon methodologies utilized by astronauts and cosmonauts, physicians, chiropractors and naturopaths worldwide, as well as technologies which have been demonstrated effective through clinical trials, independent research evaluations and real-world applications.

This groundbreaking technology can detect and correct imbalances in cellular health, organs and systems. It works on the principle that every cell, tissue and organ has a unique resonating frequency that makes up its unique composition – like an orchestra where any part can disrupt performance if one part goes out of tune with others. The machine can detect these frequencies and compare them against blueprint frequencies so as to boost healthy waves while inverting unhealthy ones to restore equilibrium within your body.

Bio resonance scanners can quickly gather information on your cellular health within just minutes. By placing the device on the palm of your hand and reading electromagnetic resonance of cells within various systems in your body, bio resonance scanners provide comprehensive reports about both current and chronic health concerns.

These data are then compared with cross cultural healthy models and used to assist in diagnosing disease and selecting effective remedies to restore health. This system can detect early symptoms of disease and thus stop its progression while testing for bacteria, virus and parasite infections.

This high-tech piece of electronic equipment is a medical-grade device found in hospitals nationwide. CE compliant, licensed practitioners may use it to diagnose various conditions including allergies, infections and metabolic disorders as well as tumours or neoplasms.
