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What is BICOM Biophysical Communication Therapy?

BICOM analyzes electromagnetic waves emitted by your cells and neutralizes any unhealthful oscillations with therapeutic frequencies to enable healthy ones to resonate freely.

Integrative medicine helps the body’s natural immune system fight off allergens, yeast, heavy metals, radiation damage, vaccine damage and pesticide exposures – offering you an excellent start in realigning and healing yourself! It is a wonderful way to kick-start the journey towards health!

Biophysical Communication Therapy

Biophysical Communication Therapy is a complementary medical approach that uses physical agents such as heat, cold, light and electricity to stimulate the body’s natural healing mechanisms and alleviate pain. This practice has proven useful in combatting chemotherapy-induced myelotoxicity as well as treating rheumatoid arthritis and relieving musculoskeletal pain symptoms without creating harmful side effects in conventional medications.

Studies show that physical stimuli may have a profound effect on the molecular pathways governing cell fate decisions. These stimuli differ from traditional ligand-receptor signaling as they can trigger multiple parallel endogenous bioelectric currents and conserved intracellular pathways to facilitate top-down control of tissue patterning [1].

These phenomena may be initiated by mechanical forces, but they may also be affected by electromagnetic signals transmitted over long distances. Such electromagnetic waves have the power to alter cell polarization and membrane potential as well as regulate migration, differentiation and proliferation processes within cells. They may also alter extracellular matrix (ECM) properties to modify gradients that guide cell movement while impacting extracellular matrix geometry via biophysical modality such as surface charge or acoustic vibrations – creating new channels of interaction between ECM geometry and cellular behavior that may influence cell migration processes within cells.

In vivo experiments have confirmed the significance of biophysical modalities for cell fate decisions, while 3D tissue culture techniques provide opportunities to investigate their influence in physiological context. Through these approaches we are able to address many fundamental questions including ECM rigidity and surface composition as they relate to cell polarization/migration or whether substrate geometry influences cell patterns/signaling pathways.

The first and second biophysical steps of this treatment are coordinated, employing Electro Magnetic Information Transfer Through Aqueous System with commercially available electro-medical device Med Select 729 from Wego (Germany). Sessions using this device record specific patterns of therapeutic signals onto an aqueous solution contained in an aluminum container; patients then self-administer it themselves at home along a two-step protocol over three months to restore healthy physiological balance through this aqueous solution. It helps reverse any asymmetrical frequencies for improved wellbeing in healthy physiology.


BICOM bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat illness. The machine analyzes your energy wavelengths to identify any bad ones that need counteracting, in order to restore optimal balance in your body. It’s completely painless, noninvasive and safe for both humans and animals – plus can even improve sports performance!

A resonance test detects imbalances in mineral/electrolyte balance, trace elements and toxic elements. It can detect chronic deficiencies or oversupplies and help your therapist identify its source – this way bioresonance therapy may prevent disease at an early stage.

As well as treating allergies, the BICOM bioresonance device can also treat other medical issues. For instance, it’s useful for relieving sensitivities to food, inhalants, and topical substances; alleviating symptoms like sneezing, itching and digestive discomfort. Inflammatory conditions may also benefit from being balanced electromagnetic frequencies to decrease immune system overactivity while relieving painful symptoms.

Healing through holistic methods may even help aid smoking cessation by targeting energetic imbalances associated with nicotine addiction. By taking this holistic approach to healing, this holistic healing approach may enable you to break free of your dependence on cigarettes and lead a more fulfilling and healthful life.

Modern environments expose us to more toxins than our bodies can handle, from stress, diet and infections to electromagnetic radiation, wireless transmissions and ionizing radiation that disrupt the natural equilibrium of our bodies’ systems. All these factors contribute to decreased vitality and can even cause degenerative health conditions that impact vitality over time.

During treatment, the bioresonance device divides waves into harmonious (healthy) and disharmonious (unhealthy) components, with harmonious waves being strengthened and sent back into the body to support normal functions. Healthy waves are inverted by a device to reduce their negative effects, then sent back into the body to counteract them and restore equilibrium. Many patients credit BICOM bioresonance therapy with increasing their energy levels; it is used both human and veterinary medicine with many success stories; some supplemental health insurance policies even cover its cost; check with your veterinarian or insurer about coverage options before seeking treatment.


BICOM bioresonance therapy uses natural physical information to balance and restore the body back to health, making it an excellent and safe alternative treatment option for various ailments and conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome. Plus, unlike most treatments that may produce negative side effects BICOM bioresonance does not produce any side effects!

During therapy, electromagnetic vibrations will be sent back into your body from a device in order to correct unhealthy cell vibrations that have been caused by various stressors. While you may initially feel discomfort from this therapy session, any discomfort should dissipate within short period. If any severe discomfort persists please notify a medical or alternative practitioner as soon as possible.

The BICOM is designed to detect and correct imbalances within the body that cause pain or other symptoms, including nutritional deficiencies, toxicity issues, autoimmune disease, genetic disorders and chronic pain conditions. Furthermore, this device can pinpoint causes of chronic discomfort while helping the body heal itself.

Science shows us that every substance has its own frequency pattern. The BICOM device picks up on this frequency pattern and passes it through its internal filter system before identifying harmful and beneficial frequencies and sending back to patients, amplifying healthy ones while nulling out bad ones – this allows BICOM to boost energy levels and alleviate fatigue.

REGUMED, Regulative Medizintechnik GmbH has approved the BICOM as a medical device and it should only be used under medical supervision. The prospective, open-label, single-arm clinical trial assessing performance and safety will examine both BICOM optima and optima mobil devices used for bioresonance therapy in treating allergic rhinoconjunctivitis patients.

This treatment is completely safe for horses, however the use of this device should only be administered by trained veterinary naturopaths or medical personnel who understand its purpose. Untrained individuals or amateur practitioners may cause harm as it affects a horse’s sensitive energy system negatively.


Bioresonance therapy utilizes electromagnetic waves from BICOM machines to create healthy frequencies that counteract pathogenic frequencies while stimulating self-healing mechanisms of the body, making the therapy highly effective and noninvasive in its approach to treating various medical conditions and diseases. It has been used successfully for years.

An extensive analysis is performed prior to each treatment session, using DNA laboratory testing which detects harmful toxins such as yeast like candida, heavy metals, vaccine damage, pesticides and viruses. This information is then compared with symptoms presented by the patient and used to develop a personalized plan using the BICOM device which targets those areas that need assistance.

BICOM optima mobile is a medical device classified as risk class IIa that must only be operated by licensed doctors or state-approved naturopaths. CE marked, the device must adhere to its instructions for use. REGUMED provides training courses to educate veterinarians and naturopaths about safe operation of this BICOM device.

This holistic and natural healing method uses electromagnetic oscillations to balance out any causal disharmonies within the body’s own electrical currents, providing painless relief without stress or worry. Ideal for horses as well as other animals alike, this treatment method has proven particularly helpful at early detection of health deficits and deficits.

Within each living being is an electromagnetic wave pattern which vibrates in harmony when healthy biological systems are functioning properly and discordantly when diseased ones do. These electromagnetic wave patterns act as information carriers and can be detected using various non-invasive measuring methods.

BICOM system captures vibrations generated from movement of cells, alters them and then returns the modified therapeutic signal back to patients. An observational study at cellular level showed that treatment led to significant increases in cell vitality as well as faster regeneration/wound healing processes and an inhibitory effect against inflammation processes.
