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What is Bio Resonance Therapy?

Bio resonance is an alternative therapy that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to promote healing and wellness, making it a holistic health method that is quickly growing in popularity around the globe.

At a bioresonance scan, electrodes are applied to the skin and connected to a machine that emits an electromagnetic signal that detects any energy disturbances within your body, including nutritional imbalances, hormonal issues, food sensitivities or energetic matches to toxins that resonate. This electromagnetic signal identifies any energy disturbances and also highlights any nutritional, hormonal or environmental deficiencies or sensitivities.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy, also referred to as electrodermal testing, bio-energetic healing or vibrational medicine, is a noninvasive therapy used to restore energy balance within your body and encourage self-healing. Utilizing electromagnetic frequencies that harmonize with your biomagnetic field and boost cellular function, Bioresonance therapy has proven itself effective against conditions like fibromyalgia, allergies, asthma and chronic diseases like cancer; additionally it may also help treat quitting smoking, recovering from injuries faster or managing stress better.

Bioresonance machines use electromagnetic waves produced by all living organisms to scan for imbalances in your body, and detect anything which interferes with how cells communicate with one another. They work on the principle that every living thing produces electromagnetic wave patterns which vibrate harmoniously in healthy biological systems while dissonantly in diseased or unhealthy ones; bioresonance devices detect these waves and release counter frequencies to help your cells resume resonating at normal frequencies again.

Bioresonance technology enables your practitioner to detect areas that are out of balance due to parasites, toxins or viruses affecting them. Furthermore, this therapy can identify any nutritional deficiencies or food intolerances you might have.

Bioresonance equipment helps therapists identify issues in your body that need treating, so your therapist may suggest specific supplements, vitamins or herbs as remedies – either at home or within their clinic setting.

Some practitioners had claimed in the past that bioresonance machines could diagnose and treat diseased organs using bioresonance machines; however, the American Society for Acupuncture ruled these claims were misleading and were founded upon unproven theories.

To minimize these risks, always seek out a certified bio resonance practitioner and CE marked equipment when seeking bio resonance tests. Be sure to inform your therapist of any nutritional or herbal supplements you take as these could impact test results and be sure to tell them about any illnesses, injuries, or chronic conditions you might have as they could also have an effect on their results.

How Does Bioresonance Therapy Work?

An electrode will be placed on your skin and connected to a bioresonance machine that emits electromagnetic waves, so when healthy cells communicate harmoniously the machine can read clear signals back from them. However, any disturbances to your biomagnetic field could reduce these returns; the bioresonance machine then recognizes which frequencies are out of balance, emitting counterfrequencies to restore them back into equilibrium.

The human body is subject to many environmental, chemical and emotional stressors that can overload its extraordinary self-healing abilities. These stressors include Wi-Fi radiation, electricity radiation from electrical appliances such as laptops and cell phones, cigarette smoke, chemicals present in drinking water supplies, additives and preservatives added to food and pesticides used for farming; each one can wreak havoc with our health, altering energy patterns of our body. Bioresonance therapy offers one way out: it removes these distorted frequencies from our energy patterns, stimulating your own ability to heal yourself!

Bioresonance therapy works on the theory that diseased cells and organs produce altered electromagnetic wave emissions that must return to normal in order for these unhealthy tissues and organs to become healthier; but unfortunately there is no scientific backing to support this theory.

Studies have demonstrated that patients receiving bioresonance therapy experienced better outcomes than those who didn’t receive it, such as in a Russian study on patients suffering from fibromyalgia who received manual therapy and massage alone; another group also received manual therapy and massage plus bioresonance therapy, while only the latter reported less stomach pain from unexplained causes.

Bioresonance therapy‘s other major advantage is that it doesn’t involve needles or surgery; thus making it a safe, non-invasive technique that can be performed on either the whole body or specific areas of concern. Bioresonance is therefore ideal for individuals looking for non-medication alternatives or those unwilling to undergo more invasive procedures like colonoscopies.

Bioresonance Therapy Benefits

Bioresonance scans help identify imbalances within your body and the root causes. Once these issues have been addressed, healing begins naturally and balance is restored – many notice a difference within three treatments! Bioresonance therapy is non-invasive and relaxing – similar to iron filing experiments you did as a child except it uses electromagnetic frequencies instead.

This scan detects discordant frequencies and emits electromagnetic impulses to harmonize them, helping your body release any heavy metals or toxins trapped within its cells, while simultaneously clearing away emotional blocks which often play a part in illness and disease.

Bioresonance therapy may restore natural vibration of cell, helping the immune system work more effectively and possibly reducing inflammation or the risk of cancer through proper functioning of antioxidants. Furthermore, this therapy has also been known to decrease stress by balancing energy systems within the body resulting in enhanced vitality and quality of life.

Studies have demonstrated that bioresonance therapy can effectively treat fibromyalgia by decreasing muscle inflammation and relieving pain. Furthermore, this form of therapy has also proven helpful for other autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, by restoring protein function that protects against free radical damage to joints. Furthermore, its application could be useful in treating allergies as well as stomach aliments, such as stomach pain.

Due to bioresonance therapy being considered an alternative form of medicine, it is not covered by statutory health insurance plans; however, some private health insurers may provide cost coverage or subsidies. If you’re interested in trying bioresonance, we advise contacting an experienced homeopathic practitioner familiar with BICOM technology for an in-person bioresonance session; their therapist can help interpret your bio resonance report while offering holistic guidance to strengthen and balance your body.

Bioresonance Therapy Side Effects

Bioresonance practitioners claim their therapy helps with various medical conditions, although the evidence for this claim remains limited as most studies come from uncontrolled investigations that cannot compare bioresonance therapy against placebo treatments.

Bioresonance therapy consists of electrodes applied directly to the body and a computer which reads energy wavelengths. According to theory, unhealthy cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves which bioresonance therapy seeks to detect before returning them back to their original frequencies.

Bioresonance therapy is generally painless; however, some individuals have reported feeling fatigued after treatment sessions and increased urination – both minor side effects that can be addressed by drinking more water and eating healthy food.

Bioresonance may provide a viable treatment option for allergies. According to some research, bioresonance may reduce allergic reactions by optimizing how antioxidants function within the body, and there’s even evidence suggesting it could ease symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis by helping balance antibodies levels in bloodstreams.

However, more research needs to be conducted to substantiate these results. Uncontrolled studies can produce inconsistent or even contradictory outcomes.

Bioresonance therapy shows promise in managing asthma and other respiratory disorders by pinpointing their source and providing frequencies that encourage self-regulating mechanisms in the body.

One study demonstrated how bioresonance could assist smokers in quitting by encouraging them to reduce nicotine reliance and break their dependency. Although limited by small sample size and absence of control group, participants were paid to participate which may have had an influence on success rates. Still useful due to providing 2-year data from relatively large sample of subjects. Furthermore, research took place in Turkey where there exists an official smoking cessation program funded by government funds.
