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What is Bio Resonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy works to restore and balance the frequencies in your cells to an ideal level, treating allergies and intolerances as well as stress management issues, weight loss issues and more.

As iron filings jumbled into chaos, imbalances in our body’s magnetic field can lead to symptoms. With its ability to detect electromagnetic impulses that match and harmonize discordant fields, the BICOM bioresonance machine offers us relief.


Bio Resonance Therapy is a noninvasive holistic treatment designed to restore balance to the body by eliminating toxins. It has been found effective against everything from fibromyalgia to asthma and autoimmune diseases; plus it’s completely side effect-free! Bio resonance works by studying your energy fields and frequencies to identify any root causes of health issues in order to provide solutions.

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative new way of treating illness and disease. Utilizing electromagnetic frequencies, Bioresonance can restore your cells’ natural resonance to promote rapid healing processes and diagnose numerous conditions, including cancer, fibromyalgia, etc.

BICOM(r) bioresonance device is a medically approved bioresonance machine used to identify imbalances within the human body. The machine reads your cells’ electromagnetic waves and detects discordant energies; then sends electromagnetic impulses that match and harmonize their frequencies, stimulating your immune system faster while speeding healing of all sorts.

All matter is composed of protons and neutrons that vibrate at different frequencies measured in Hertz; the BICOM(r) can detect these vibrations to find resonance matches with your body, which indicate the presence of substances or pathogens and enable your immune system to heal itself by sending appropriate frequencies directly into it for healing purposes.

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself effective at treating various conditions. It can reduce pain associated with chronic illnesses such as arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, improve sleep disorders and depression symptoms, as well as help prevent certain cancer recurrences. Although not yet widely available on the NHS, complementary medicine clinics have seen its popularity grow rapidly – it could eventually become mainstream treatment option; but bioresonance should not be seen as a replacement for traditional methods, such as taking prescribed medications.


Bio resonance therapy is a noninvasive solution for treating allergies, pain, depression and other health conditions without surgery or medication. It works by detecting toxic stressors that interfere with the body’s natural communication system and helping eliminate harmful substances and microorganisms from your system. Bio resonance therapy has no side effects and is suitable for children as well as elderly individuals – making this form of treatment safe and gentle enough to use on both.

Bio resonance refers to both life and vibrational motion; all living things vibrate at their natural frequency, so when healthy living things vibrate near another living thing they create resonance by vibrating at their frequency as well, which in turn causes both living things to vibrate at that frequency and potentially improve health. A device used in bio resonance therapy reads energy wavelengths from cells within the body and can identify different conditions based on these waves.

Bioresonance therapy uses equipment that detects energetic frequencies to match them up with those emitted by biological substances, both alive and inanimate, measuring in Hertz (Hz). By matching up this frequency with disease-causing substances, it creates an ideal resonance match and can manipulate this resonance frequency to restore health to body cells while normal communication between them.

Bioresonance devices offer another important advantage by helping detect and eliminate toxic stressors. They do this by inverting their frequencies – similar to how noise-cancelling headphones work – thus cancelling out harmful stressor frequencies that inhibit natural communication between body parts.

This device is CE marked and compliant with European medical safety regulations, making it available to qualified practitioners in clinics, hospitals and private practice settings. However, evidence for its efficacy in clinical settings remains scarce, therefore before using this device for any condition it is advised that you speak to a qualified healthcare provider first.


Bioresonance therapy is an energy-based noninvasive and natural method that uses energy to locate imbalances within your body, using energy as the agent of change. It can diagnose and treat various health issues and ailments. Electrodes are placed on your skin and linked to an electromagnetic signal generator which emits electromagnetic waves; when electrodes connect back with this machine it reads any signal coming back which shows whether your cells are healthy and balanced or if there is any imbalance present; clear signals indicate a healthy balance. Weaker signals indicate any imbalances which need attention by this machine which identifies any imbalances which need be addressed immediately by addresses this therapy method.

Once imbalances have been identified, the therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to restore bioresonance between your cells and organs using electromagnetic frequency therapy. It helps your body rid itself of toxins while improving overall health in an easy and painless process that could help treat numerous health conditions including allergies/intolerances/gastrointestinal diseases/chronic pains/etc.

Bioresonance works on the principle that healthy cells and organs produce harmonious electromagnetic waves while diseased ones emit disharmonic ones. A device transforms disharmonic waves to harmonic ones and transmits them back to patients; their natural resonance responds positively and healing begins within days – unlike electronic devices which aim to destroy pathogens or suppress symptoms directly, the BICOM(r) device uses extremely low frequencies which won’t give an electric shock or harm their health in any way.

Bioresonance is an alternative form of medicine similar to homeopathy and acupuncture that activates your body’s own healing power, helping reduce stress levels while encouraging healing. It has been scientifically demonstrated as an effective non-drug approach that can relieve your tension while encouraging recovery from illness or injury. Best of all, its non-toxic nature makes it safe and natural choice suitable for everyone regardless of age or gender – including allergies/intolerances/gastrointestinal/smoking cessation disorders/sleep issues/sleep disorders/sleep disorders/sleep disorders/sleep disorders/sleep disorders/sleep disorders etc.


Bioresonance technology utilises vibrational frequency wavelengths that all living things, and nonliving objects alike, emit. This frequency can be detected using simple devices like tuning forks. Tapping a piano string, for example, will cause it to vibrate in unison because they all resonate at their natural frequencies – the same principle applies in our bodies too; unfortunately though our natural frequencies can become altered due to environmental, chemical or emotional stressors resulting in illness and disease.

Bioresonance therapy is a holistic treatment designed to rid the body of its toxic load and restore equilibrium by using electromagnetic waves to identify imbalances and treat them through resonance – just like homeopathy and acupuncture do. This drug-free therapy requires no pain relief or restrictions – making it suitable for anyone over age 4. Bioresonance can be utilized by anyone aged 4 and above without side effects; anyone over 4 may use this service at their leisure.

Bioresonance therapy machines use a system of sensors to analyze your body and pinpoint any issues, from allergies or other symptoms, to testing for toxic materials in food additives or cleaning products that could be causing harm.

At each session, electrodes will be placed on your palms and soles of your feet and connected to an electronic computer that analyses energy wavelengths produced by your body and creates therapy frequencies to restore balance in your system. Regular use is important as this machine can help combat harmful frequencies by detecting them early and counteracting them effectively – the sooner used regularly it can help avoid illness!

On the market are various bioresonance systems such as BICOM, e-Lybra, Medica X, MK6 XXX-Professional Hunter Metapathia and coMra that each offer distinct features while working similarly; each device contains its own frequency patterns sent directly to your body in order to reinforce healthy signals while blocking pathogenic ones.
