Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to identify and correct imbalances within the body. It has proven useful in treating many different conditions – including allergies.
Every living cell emits an electromagnetic signature or resonance that can be measured and compared against the wavelengths and frequencies of healthy cells.
What is Bioresonance?
Bioresonance is a noninvasive, painless treatment designed to balance body energy in order to promote healing and overall wellness. The process uses electromagnetic frequencies generated from a machine with electrodes attached that detect any disruptions to an individual’s energy fields, using electrodes as sensors to detect disturbances in their energy fields. Bioresonance has been used successfully to treat numerous conditions, from allergies and arthritis, as well as identify causes behind their condition while suggesting lifestyle modifications that will improve patient health.
Bioresonance therapy is founded on the premise that our bodies are enveloped by an energy field called the biofield, which interacts with cells and organs to facilitate healing. If there is any disruption in this energy field it may lead to disease; bioresonance therapy uses various therapeutic frequencies resonant with specific cell, tissue or organ frequencies in order to correct imbalances within it. Scalar waves have unique properties including being capable of traveling faster than light; additional therapy options could include these additional frequencies as well.
Bioresonance biofeedback can also be combined with electrodermal screening (EDS), a method which measures skin conductivity at different points on your body to identify imbalances and create biofeedback techniques that enable practitioners to track real-time feedback, monitor frequency of treatments and adjust frequency as necessary.
An average bioresonance session typically involves fully clothed individuals being seated or lying down while connected to bioresonance equipment. A practitioner will select appropriate resonances for you and administer them either through drops/spray, pills/tablets, creams or even devices that will continue providing their beneficial effects even after leaving the clinic.
Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies and electrodes on the surface of the body. If there is a negative resonance within the body, electrodes will pick up on this signal and send it back to the machine for analysis and identification of imbalance. Once identified, a specific frequency may be sent out by bioresonance machine to “cancel out” negative resonance resonance; during most procedures there should be no sensation but in rare instances there may be slight buzzing or tingling sensation.
Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy
Bioresonance therapy can be used to treat allergies, autoimmune diseases and hormonal imbalances as well as stressors in your life that contribute to illness such as EMFs, heavy metals and parasites.
Bioresonance therapy is an noninvasive technique which uses energy waves and vibrations of cells to identify any imbalances. Based on the premise that all living organisms emit electromagnetic frequencies, any disproportion in which can result in illness. Bioresonance is increasingly popular among those seeking natural remedies as an effective healing solution.
At London Natural Therapies’ Sensitiv Imago devices used by London Natural Therapies, you are fully clothed and either sitting or lying down during sessions. Electrodes will then be attached to your skin by placing electrodes to measure electromagnetic frequencies emitted by cells within your body. A Sensitiv Imago device can identify unhealthy energies emitted by these cells which could be contributing to illness; and then create counter frequencies to neutralise those frequencies and restore equilibrium.
A typical session typically lasts from half an hour to two hours and does not involve any discomfort or pain. While mild side effects may arise from this treatment, these should be viewed as positive signs that your body is working towards solving its issues; these typically dissipate within several days.
Bioresonance therapy is a holistic treatment option you can do at home or the office. Your bioresonance therapist will create a profile of your body and symptoms before sending healing frequencies directly into the cells – via internet or telephone connection, so even from abroad it’s possible for a session to take place!
Bioresonance therapy may relieve symptoms of most illnesses, but cannot completely heal them. Furthermore, severe psychological traumas like an unhappy childhood or chronic frustration cannot be resolved with bioresonance alone. It can still help manage symptoms however and many have reported how bioresonance has helped them stop taking medications altogether.
Bioresonance is safe
Bioresonance therapy is a safe, noninvasive therapy using electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat health conditions. Unlike traditional medicine, which simply treats symptoms, bioresonance seeks out its source and works towards harmonizing energy flows within your body to facilitate natural healing processes.
Parasitology testing can be an effective treatment option for many conditions, including allergies and intolerances, gastro-intestinal issues, smoking cessation issues, fatigue, insomnia and rheumatoid arthritis. Parasitology testing also can detect parasites that are difficult to identify through conventional testing techniques.
Bioresonance sessions typically consist of being in either a seated or lying position with various applicators placed on your forehead, hands, feet, back and organ areas to collect data for analysis by the bioresonance machine. Once complete, this information is processed into healthy frequency patterns which then generate a positive signal to strengthen immune systems and increase wellbeing.
Scientists recently conducted a study and discovered that patients suffering from depression experienced significant improvement after receiving bioresonance treatment, comparable to monotherapy with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors – an established antidepressant medication. Bioresonance treatment also proved safe and well-tolerated by participants.
Bioresonance scans offer many benefits to individuals, with one of its key advantages being being their ability to identify inflammation in various parts of the body and detect any issues with low stomach acid causing digestive difficulties and determine which nutrients you are absorbing while also checking for vitamin and mineral deficiencies.
An extensive bioresonance test will identify infections in your body as well as helping you understand if symptoms are psychological or physical in origin – so as to avoid unnecessary medications which could be potentially dangerous over time.
Before your electromagnetic energy test, it is recommended that you drink plenty of water to prepare your body for electromagnetic energy readings. A light meal, caffeine and nicotine-free beverages and fasting could be helpful in producing accurate results; but in certain circumstances this is also required to avoid food interference during your exam.
Bioresonance is effective
Bioresonance therapy is an alternative medicine using electromagnetic frequencies to treat health conditions. It uses electromagnetic waves to identify imbalances in energy fields of the body and restore balance; further, this therapy can strengthen immunity function, alleviate symptoms of chronic illnesses and manage stress effectively. Patients wear electrodes on their head, hands, and feet during sessions that transmit endogenous electromagnetic fluctuations to a device which then reflects and superimposes them with therapeutic frequencies for reflection and superposition; unhealthy fluctuations weaken or disappear while positive ones strengthen and tone body systems.
Every cell in our bodies produces electromagnetic oscillations that can be measured using frequency and wavelength measurements, compared against healthy cells, or disharmonious waves detected using the BICOM device. Therapists can then compare this data against healthy and diseased cells to ascertain which organs are functioning normally and which ones need further intervention.
BICOM can select therapeutic frequencies that resonate with specific cells, tissues and organs within the body and adjust intensity or volume levels for maximum therapeutic efficacy. A bandpass filter may be utilized or working without one may also help achieve desired results; in some cases therapists may use auto-isopathy which operates under the principle that similar cure similar.
Bioresonance therapy has many applications; however, it should not be seen as a replacement for traditional medical approaches to healing. Bioresonance therapists perform several diagnostic techniques during a session in order to identify the source of health concerns in their clients; such as reviewing medical histories and physical exams while using special equipment to measure energy patterns.
Your therapist will then identify the root causes of your health issues and devise a plan to treat them. In some instances, they may suggest eliminating certain foods or taking medicines that trigger allergic reactions; other remedies could include herbal supplements and acupuncture treatments.