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What is BioResonance?

BioResonance is a holistic therapy that seeks out and passes along healthy frequencies to the body in order to restore equilibrium and support itself, making it useful for many ailments ranging from food intolerances to rheumatoid arthritis.

Rayonex Biomedical’s clinical prospective double-blind randomised study on Paul Schmidt’s Bioresonance Therapy is conclusive evidence of its safety and efficacy; other clinical studies also support its use.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy uses resonance frequencies to safely identify and test energy imbalances within the body. It detects electromagnetic oscillations generated from body and toxin sources like heavy metals, parasites, bacteria viruses or even environmental pollutants to identify harmful vibrations that harm us physically – an inverse oscillation pattern helps cancel them out by redirecting their energy signature back into them allowing the toxins to break down naturally within our system and leave our system.

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Bioresonance theory holds that toxins disrupt cells’ ability to receive oxygen and nutrients while eliminating metabolic wastes, leading to disease or ailments in turn. A therapist can identify imbalances by monitoring electromagnetic signals emitted by your body via polar devices (see above) which detect oscillation patterns associated with toxicities which they then cancel out by emitting an opposite signal – helping the immune system remove them more easily, leading to better health overall.

According to reports, energy healing may help treat conditions as diverse as fibromyalgia, chronic stress, arthritis pain and other joint discomfort, asthma, inflammatory skin conditions, autoimmune disease and food intolerances. Many controlled studies have been carried out in order to demonstrate its efficacy.

Studies on bioresonance rayonex treatment show a promising result, particularly when applied to alleviating allergies such as rheumatoid arthritis. Additional trials suggest it could ease stomach pain in those suffering from ulcers; further investigation will need to take place in order to establish its efficacy against these types of conditions. If you would like to try bioresonance rayonex for yourself and have specific symptoms that require relief, contact Quantum Functional Medicine immediately so we can arrange a consultation – our therapists have extensive knowledge in bioresonance rayonex treatment and can tailor an appropriate regimen specifically to you and your symptoms.


Bioresonance Therapy for Allergies

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative yet non-invasive solution for children suffering from allergies. Known for being safe and non-invasive, the method uses resonance frequency waves to balance out and restore natural self-regulating capacities within their systems – often without side effects and significant reduction in medication requirements. Bioresonance can successfully eliminate allergy symptoms like hay fever without side effects and often significantly lessen medical treatments needed. Allergens can trigger allergy symptoms due to food intolerances, environmental pollution, stress or infection and bioresonance therapy can pinpoint their source and identify what allergens they’re reacting against. Allergens that caused these reactions then use resonance resonance technology in rebalancing systems and restoring natural self-regulating capacities within bodies rebalancing them back onto itself for effective self-regulation capacity in response.

Bioresonance therapy‘s foundation rests upon Royal Rife’s early 20th-century discovery that pathogens produce electromagnetic oscillations different from healthy cells. By sending electric pulses resonating at their natural frequencies, bioresonance can destroy pathogens. Rayonex Biomedical GmbH developed and has continually improved their Mini-Rayonex device over its three-decade production run; today it’s used worldwide to successfully treat allergies.

Allergies can cause a wide array of symptoms that interfere with daily life, such as asthma, rhinitis, eczema and gastrointestinal complaints. Bioresonance therapy is designed to identify the source of these issues and eliminate them for good so patients can enjoy life free from allergy symptoms.

Bioresonance therapy combined with a personalized diet can significantly decrease or eliminate allergy symptoms for most patients. Furthermore, Bioresonance can assist the individual in avoiding allergens in the future and finding suitable food substitutes.

Allergies often stem from an imbalance in information flow within the body, caused by external and internal influences such as toxins, emotional stress, poor diet, infections or geopathic stress. Bioresonance therapy can identify and address the source of such imbalances to support natural healing processes – and is both safe and effective based on clinical research studies.

Bioresonance Therapy for Pain

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that electromagnetic frequencies can be detected by our bodies and adjusted accordingly, to amplify harmonious frequencies while cancelling out disharmonic ones, in order to restore equilibrium within our biomagnetic field. A trained therapist may emit counterfrequencies as part of bioresonance treatment in order to assist the body in cleansing itself of toxins and heavy metals.

Therapy with sensory integration may provide relief for chronic pain conditions like rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, nerve damage-related pain (neuropathic pain). Furthermore, this therapy could potentially be useful for relieving headaches, anxiety and depression brought on by stress.

Bioresonance therapy has long been touted as a potential remedy for inflammatory conditions like gout and Crohn’s disease, digestive issues, psoriasis and dermatitis – not to mention reports that it reduced symptoms associated with fibromyalgia – one condition characterized by widespread muscle pain and fatigue.

Bioresonance sessions involve lying down while applicators are placed on various parts of their forehead, hands, feet, organ areas or reflex zones while wearing a special shirt. A bioresonance therapist then connects their device to these applicators, gathering information which they then use to detect imbalances within energy systems in the body as well as apply appropriate bioresonance frequencies in order to restore equilibrium.

Bioresonance therapy devices allow therapists to capture electromagnetic oscillations that are released by healthy bodies when in optimal health, but are blocked due to accumulation of toxins causing disease. Bioresonance therapy, according to Paul Schmidt, can assist the body in clearing away these toxins by strengthening natural oscillations while cancelling out pathological ones. Multiple studies have confirmed this approach’s ability to effectively relieve pain. One clinical prospective double-blind randomised study on Cervical Spine Syndrome demonstrated that patients treated with BICOM therapy experienced significant pain reduction. This therapy is considered safe and noninvasive with no known contraindications; the therapist should also possess appropriate qualifications before administering any such treatments, while any CE Marked devices must also be utilized.

Bioresonance Therapy for Stress

Bioresonance therapy utilizes electromagnetic waves from a machine that sends electromagnetic waves through the body. If there is an imbalance, the machine picks up on any pathogenic substances in the body and returns these frequencies back out, aiding detoxification while improving mental health as well. It has been used in combination with other modalities for maximum effect; non-invasive and safe procedures; this therapy has been said to treat anxiety/stress, chronic back/arthritic pain, asthma, skin conditions, gastrointestinal complaints, food intolerances among many more ailments.

Bioresonance involves placing a device on either the head or body and transmitting energy frequencies; these frequencies are then picked up by bioresonance equipment that reads and interprets what the body transmits, helping identify any imbalances in your system, such as allergies and pathogenic substances.

A bioresonance therapist uses their device to send out corrective frequencies which aim to address imbalances discovered by bioresonance equipment, in order to restore natural balance to body systems such as nervous and cardiovascular. It may help balance nervousness while increasing peace and serenity; potentially reducing symptoms of stress and anxiety while improving sleep patterns and encouraging healthier lifestyle choices.

Some individuals who have undergone this form of therapy report that it helps alleviate their depression symptoms as well. People experiencing depression may benefit from its therapeutic approach as it works to address imbalances in both nervous and immune systems, potentially raising levels of dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin in the brain and elevating mood-enhancing chemicals such as seratonin for enhanced mood stability and mental clarity – qualities which in turn reduce depression symptoms. Furthermore, this form of therapy has also been successfully employed against other ailments like fibromyalgia and inflammatory bowel disease.


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