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What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance therapy is an energy-based practice designed to restore and promote self-healing within the body. Each person possesses their own distinct energy signature which may become altered due to various environmental, nutritional and psychological influences such as stressors.

Bioresonance proponents often claim that it can help with an array of conditions, from allergies and dermatitis to cystitis and prostatitis, hormonal imbalances, sleep issues and beyond. Unfortunately, however, no definitive scientific evidence backs these claims up.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance is a natural method that uses frequencies to balance energy flow within the body and promote self-healing. It operates under the assumption that all living creatures are enveloped by an invisible electromagnetic energy field that serves as both information carrier and coordinater of all body functions.

As soon as energy flow becomes disrupted, symptoms like illness or disease follow suit. Bioresonance therapy uses biofeedback technology to identify any energetic stressors contributing to disease; specifically the BICOM optima device uses special frequencies that read electromagnetic vibrations produced by healthy cells within your body – this allows it to identify imbalances caused by toxins or parasites within cellular communication pathways that contribute to illness or disease.

At a bioresonance treatment session, patients lie down while practitioners place an applicator against their throat or neck. The BICOM device detects saliva produced by both healthy and unhealthy energy from both mouth and throat secretions before going through internal filters to separate out healthy from unhealthy frequencies; any healthy frequency which has been identified becomes feed back into cells while any stressor frequency (distorted frequency) is neutralized by this method of healing.

Bioresonance therapy is a painless and noninvasive process. While no scientific proof exists to support its efficacy, many practitioners believe bioresonance therapy can assist patients in healing from allergies, rheumatic diseases and chronic fatigue. A few studies have provided promising results; however, additional study needs to take place.

The BICOM bioresonance system is utilized by physicians and alternative practitioners alike to restore cellular communication and activate the body’s healing powers. It is a painless, non-invasive therapy that works with natural energies to boost health and well-being; though not meant to replace conventional medical treatments; rather bioresonance can be safely used alongside them for treating conditions like autoimmune disorders and chronic pain; additionally it may also address emotional concerns like anxiety and depression.

Bioresonance is a form of alternative medicine.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative form of medicine that employs electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat health issues. Unlike conventional medicines, which typically mask symptoms rather than treat their source, Bioresonance treats the root cause rather than mask them; its focus lies on energy as everything around us; its magnetic field acts like sheet of iron filings manipulated by magnets but when taken away will reassemble themselves back into its original pattern – bioresonance therapy detects imbalances within this field then works to restore balance through electromagnetic therapy treatments such as magnetic field therapies or electrotherapy treatments to restore balance; conventional medicine only treats symptoms rather than its root source – unlike this alternative therapy method.

Bioresonance therapy is used to treat an array of illnesses and disorders, from arthritis to bronchitis. Women experiencing hormonal imbalances such as premenstrual pain or hot flushes may benefit from Bioresonance‘s potential help in terms of hormone balance. Furthermore, Bioresonance can reduce stress and anxiety as well as aid with weight loss by identifying which foods react negatively within the body.

Bioresonance works on the theory that electromagnetic oscillations emitted by diseased cells or cancerous tumors differ from healthy cells, and an electrical device can detect these differences and ‘cancel out’ any diseased signal via destructive wave interference. Bioresonance equipment ranges from simple machines built by Royal Rife and Hulda Regher Clark to more sophisticated computerized models which can be programmed for specific uses.

Many patients report decreased pain after receiving bioresonance treatment; however, it should be remembered that results may not always appear immediately. After receiving treatment, it is normal for symptoms to temporarily worsen afterward – this indicates that your body is responding positively and will ultimately heal itself. Patients may receive additional support through other treatments, such as herbal remedies and supplements, which can be combined with bioresonance to increase its efficacy. It is advisable for all new therapies to first be discussed with a qualified doctor to ensure it will be safe and effective for each individual.

Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy.

Bioresonance therapy utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to treat various health issues in an effective and non-invasive way. As it does not cause any unwanted side effects, Bioresonance has been successfully employed for treating allergies, digestive disorders and stress related illnesses among others. Furthermore, it’s considered an alternative form of medicine and can even be combined with traditional treatments.

Each living organism possesses electromagnetic wave patterns as individual information carriers that vibrate in harmony when in a healthy biological system and dissonantly when unhealthy; any disruption to this balance leads to disease and bioresonance therapy can identify these deformed energy waves and restore their original resonance.

Bioresonance therapy utilizes electrodes applied to the body that are connected to a machine that reads electromagnetic frequencies emanating from your cells and adjusts those frequencies so they allow cells to vibrate at their natural frequency, much like tuning a piano string: when hitting one key will make the string vibrate at that frequency; similarly, bioresonance technology can detect when there is a pathogen present and make that frequency resonate – killing off pathogens while alleviating disease symptoms simultaneously.

Bioresonance can also help prevent diseases with bioresonance testing. For instance, leaky gut is a condition characterized by undigested food particles leaking into the bloodstream due to damage in the small intestine lining; symptoms include gas and bloating; chronic diarrhea/constipation patterns; headaches; brain fog; as well as auto immune diseases such as MS and other auto immune diseases.

Bioresonance testing can also help identify foods that are causing you discomfort. By pinpointing inflammation-inducing foods, bioresonance can assist with making better nutritional choices more accessible. Furthermore, testing may reveal which ones might lead to allergic reactions so you can take steps to avoid them and build your body instead.

Bioresonance is a holistic therapy.

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative healing modality that can assist with treating many conditions. Using frequencies, this therapy uses frequencies to identify any imbalance in the body before emitting counterfrequencies to restore equilibrium and remove electromagnetic interference caused by stressors, allergens or any other source that are altering its biomagnetic field.

Bioresonance therapy employs machines which measure energy wavelengths produced by cells and tissues to identify any issues in the body. Practitioners then interpret this information, believing that returning frequencies can help diagnose diseases and adverse medical conditions as well as treating them by creating resonance in cells through bioresonance therapy.

Studies on bioresonance‘s effectiveness remain limited; however, research has demonstrated its benefits in treating various conditions. One such research paper focused on patients suffering from fibromyalgia revealed that bioresonance therapy proved more effective than manual therapy or massage alone at relieving pain, as well as being found effective in alleviating stomach aches. Furthermore, bioresonance has also shown promise in improving rheumatoid arthritis symptoms by normalizing antioxidant function within the body to reduce tissue damage caused by free radicals.

Researchers found that bioresonance could effectively alleviate the severity of atopic dermatitis in children, according to results published in Pediatric Allergy and Clinical Immunology journal. As part of this research project, children were given both anti-inflammatory medications and bioresonance therapy simultaneously; those receiving bioresonance therapy demonstrated greater improvement than those receiving only anti-inflammatory medication alone.

Bioresonance machines may also be effective at treating digestive disorders, urogenital dysfunctions, low immune defences and other health concerns; however, many of these issues can also be effectively treated by conventional medication.

Bioresonance therapy can be an excellent complement to traditional medical care, helping reduce recovery times from illness while serving as a preventative measure against future issues. For optimal results from this therapy, consult with a homeopathic practitioner or holistic health practitioner; they’ll explain scan results and help incorporate findings into a wellness plan.
