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What is Bioresonance?

All living and nonliving things possess their own resonant frequency; for instance, lung tissue vibrates at 72 cycles per second (Hertz). When an infection strikes its frequency decreases accordingly.

Bioresonance testing can identify these frequencies with great precision, helping the body heal naturally. At our Karuna Flame Holistic Health Centre we use Deta AP bioresonance devices.

What is bioresonance?

Bioresonance (from Russian:biologics), is a holistic therapy using electromagnetic waves measured in Hertz (Hz). Bioresonance uses principles from quantum physics to restore balance to energy functions within the body – it is noninvasive, nontoxic and painless!

All substances, whether living or inanimate, vibrate at specific frequencies that can be detected using a special device. A resonance frequency scanner detects resonance frequency of substances as well as energetic state. Furthermore, microorganisms like bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites all possess electromagnetic frequencies which can be identified using this technique; even their symptoms in humans can be identified using this approach.

Bioresonance measures the biomagnetic fields of individuals when they become ill and attempts to correct any imbalances that result. The goal is to treat the cause rather than simply alleviate symptoms; Bioresonance can also help harmonize energy fields within our bodies, making bioresonance beneficial in treating allergies, respiratory conditions (such as asthma) chronic illnesses such as cystitis or prostatitis or even some tumors.

Bioresonance scanning can be an invaluable diagnostic tool for holistic practitioners. It enables them to better comprehend what their clients’ bodies are revealing about them, which in turn leads to effective therapies designed to strengthen and balance the body. Bioresonance can also detect parasites and microorganisms.

CBH Energetics offers Deta Elis Holding’s bioresonance devices as a natural, powerful way of improving their client’s health, such as an diagnostic scanner or portable bioresonance device for client use. If you would like more information or wish to book a scan please reach out – CBH Energetics would love to help!

What are the benefits of bioresonance testing?

Bioresonance testing is an alternative therapy designed to diagnose and treat various health issues. The unproven premise behind it is that unhealthy cells and organs emit abnormal electromagnetic waves due to DNA damage; bioresonance machines claim they detect these frequencies before altering them back to their natural frequencies thereby healing organs or cells.

However, science does not support such claims and the Food and Drug Administration has taken legal action against vendors selling electrical devices that claim to treat disease using unproven bioresonance theories.

Underlying this technology lies the concept that all living organisms, as well as inanimate objects (such as bacteria, viruses, fungi parasites and worms) possess an electromagnetic field which can be detected using special devices like Deta Elis electrotherapy machines.

Each biological organism has a distinctive electromagnetic frequency or signature known as its resonance frequency, which is stored on a computer database for bioresonance scanner. When testing patients’ bodies against this database, resonance frequencies from both will match up indicating presence of organism in body of patient.

Bioresonance scans also record resonance frequencies associated with common toxins and pollutants, and compare those resonance frequencies against resonance frequencies present in a patient’s body to determine if there are toxins present. Bioresonance is considered relatively safe because no medication or physical manipulation are needed, making it an attractive option for people looking for noninvasive alternatives such as surgery or chemotherapy treatments that carry greater risks.

Bioresonance offers many advantages as a diagnostic tool; in addition to this use it can also identify and eliminate toxins from the body, providing relief for common ailments like allergies, urogenital dysfunctions (including cystitis and prostatitis), low immune defences, digestive disorders chronic pain asthmatic issues bronchitis or sinusitis.

The Deta Elis electrotherapy machine is an unparalleled new tool for holistic practitioners. Offering efficient, cost effective and pain free diagnostic and treatment services for a range of illnesses – as well as potential early warning indicators – this revolutionary new device makes preventative healthcare easy.

What are the limitations of bioresonance testing?

Bioresonance scanning technology operates under the assumption that humans are held together at their subatomic levels by light waves, with unhealthy patterns in DNA being the source of disease. Bioresonance scans “read” this light to detect imbalances within your system and allow practitioners to develop personalized holistic wellness programs designed to remedy them.

Bioresonance scanning works by sending low-emitting harmonic frequencies that are typical to human anatomy to organs and cell structures in order to return their systems back into balance and trigger self-healing processes in your body. This way, bioresonance can assist your systems back towards natural states while stimulating self-healing mechanisms within your system.

At each treatment session, electrodes will be attached to your skin while the BICOM device reads your body’s responses and displays this data on a screen for your practitioner to make any necessary adjustments based on what was discovered during your scan. The whole process is painless, noninvasive and emits no radiation; although you may feel some tingling or buzzing as the machine reads your energetic signatures.

Bioresonance testing can identify foods, supplements, toxins and environmental factors which contribute to acne, allergies, IBS and chronic fatigue. Furthermore, it can reveal food intolerances caused by E-numbers found in processed food – making this tool invaluable in developing the ideal nutrition plan for each individual.

bioresonance practitioners claim that electromagnetic fields can detect cancerous cells; however, no clinical studies have validated this assertion. Furthermore, electromagnetic waves unlikely would release suppressed tumor-suppressor genes which would help cancerous cells self-destruct.

Bioresonance‘s main drawback lies in its inability to diagnose illness or prescribe medication; thus it should only be used alongside traditional healthcare approaches for best results.

Bioresonance testing can be completed in just 60 minutes during a short appointment, making it the perfect way for new or existing patients alike. Either book a new appointment for bioresonance testing, or modify existing appointments to include it. All new and existing patients must fill out and sign an intake and consent form prior to attending their appointment, which will be sent out electronically prior to scheduling their test appointment.

How can bioresonance testing be used to improve health?

Bioresonance is an intriguing alternative therapy that uses electromagnetic frequencies to promote healing and wellbeing. It can be used to treat conditions ranging from allergies, pain management, emotional well-being to acidity testing in order to determine levels in the body that could contribute to disease prevention.

Bioresonance testing has been touted as an effective means of diagnosing parasites and other organisms that cannot be diagnosed through conventional means, including parasites that cannot be diagnosed using conventional tests such as blood tests. Indeed, Russia uses this technology in their space program to monitor and improve the health of their cosmonauts – yet these claims remain without clinical proof or any other basis for supporting them; indeed the Advertising Standards Authority recently considered a complaint against a clinic that made unsubstantiated claims for using bioresonance therapy to treat weight issues including digestive problems (including bloat), heart conditions back pain arthritis pain arthritis pain skin issues among other things.

Bioresonance testing provides a noninvasive and drug-free means of identifying imbalances within the body. Bioresonance therapy can also be used to address root causes for imbalances such as nutritional deficiencies or food intolerances; additionally it supports immune systems and balances hormones.

Bioresonance testing can also be used to monitor vitamin and mineral levels within the body, determine acidity levels in excess, which has been linked with disease; monitor progress during treatment; evaluate overall outcomes.

Bioresonance therapy can be an effective supplementary therapy for many health conditions. When combined with traditional therapies, it offers patients a holistic and patient-centric approach to healthcare. However, collaboration with a qualified healthcare provider and following the Hippocratic Oath are necessary in order to ensure patients receive high-quality care without unnecessary risks being introduced into their treatment plans. It is also important that they are informed about both benefits and risks when exploring alternative therapies such as bioresonance.
