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What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive, holistic therapy that employs electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat health conditions. Bioresonance can also help identify which symptoms may be genuine while others could possibly be psychosomatic.

All substances vibrate at different energetic frequencies. A bioresonance machine can listen to these frequencies and identify which substance may be causing you trouble before counteracting its unhealthy frequencies with its own frequencies and restoring equilibrium.

Detection of imbalances and disturbances

Bioresonance scans detect electromagnetic frequencies emitted by cells, helping practitioners pinpoint health issues such as nutritional deficiencies or toxic exposures. Once detected, bioresonance machines emit counterfrequencies to reset your biomagnetic field, helping facilitate healing while strengthening immunity and improving healing timeframes. They may even detect and treat allergies/sensitivities.

Bioresonance is a holistic treatment designed to address emotional issues such as stress and anxiety, grief, balancing your energy flow and providing emotional stability. You can use bioresonance alone or combine it with other holistic healing treatments such as acupuncture or massage for complete healing.

Bioresonance sessions involve using an electronic probe to measure resistance at various points on hands and feet, following ancient Chinese meridians to help detect any energy imbalances within the body. A normal reading indicates a state of equilibrium while elevated readings could indicate inflammation or fatigue.

Bioresonance not only detects energy imbalances in the body, but it can also identify and remove parasites. Parasites have been known to have serious impacts on an individual’s health ranging from digestive issues to depression; by using bioresonance techniques practitioners can detect and eradicate any parasites present within.

Bioresonance therapy has been found to benefit various conditions, ranging from fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis to chronic fatigue and migraines. However, it must be remembered that bioresonance should never be seen as a replacement for medical advice; rather it works best when used after conventional and complementary therapies have failed and other tests have come back negative.

Although evidence for bioresonance‘s effectiveness remains scant, it remains an intriguing alternative therapy that can complement other treatments effectively. Bioresonance has shown its positive influence both physical and emotional well-being; pairing it with Functional Medicine allows for a comprehensive healing approach.

Detection of allergens

All substances, whether living or inanimate, vibrate with different frequencies that oscillate at specific Hertz wavelengths. A bioresonance device can detect these vibrations to see if they match those found in specific allergens found within your body, then counteract those frequencies to help restore balance to energy flow and eliminate allergens from your system.

Bioresonance offers an alternative to blood-based allergy tests by relying on electromagnetic waves for allergy testing and food intolerance detection. Furthermore, bioresonance can detect mineral deficiencies within the body as well as suggest dietary modifications for improved health.

Food intolerances can negatively impact digestion, energy levels and sleep. They may be caused by overindulgence in certain foods or by ingredients the body cannot process; the latter condition can be treated by eliminating or managing its consumption in your diet – bioresonance can detect which ones cause issues which is then useful when making necessary dietary adjustments.

Bioresonance can detect pathogenic infections early on, helping you treat them before they cause serious symptoms. Furthermore, it can identify which symptoms are psychosomatic while others have real biological causes – an invaluable way to discover mental or emotional factors contributing to physical health issues.

Allergy testing using the BICOM system can be completed quickly and painlessly, which makes it an ideal way for those who do not wish to take medication for their condition. Furthermore, it can be used to check for imbalances within your body which might be contributing to symptoms.

This technology can serve as an effective alternative to skin prick tests, which have not proven successful at detecting allergies. Furthermore, it can assist in diagnosing chronic sinusitis cases and prescribing appropriate treatments.

By scanning the body with a BICOM machine to identify resonance frequencies related to certain allergens, bioresonance therapy can “reset” your immune system and enhance quality of life by alleviating symptoms and decreasing medication needs. Furthermore, bioresonance can identify and treat other imbalances within the body that contribute to allergies and disease.

Detection of toxins

Bioresonance scans can be an invaluable way to detect and treat allergies, toxicities and imbalances which lead to health concerns. They can also assist with detoxification and stress relief. According to Quack Watch, bioresonance technology operates under the assumption that all matter is energy and we produce electromagnetic wavelengths through our bodies that emit electromagnetic frequencies; then counteracts bad frequencies with appropriate ones in order to rid your body of toxins and restore balance in an organism.

At each session, a client holds two copper hand rods while placing their feet on a foot plate connected to a bioresonance machine. This device senses electromagnetic waves produced by your body and amplifies harmonious frequencies while inverting disharmonious ones caused by toxins; thereby creating an energy imbalance which should facilitate self-healing in their bodies.

Bioresonance therapy not only detects and eliminates toxins, but it can also provide relief from symptoms including chronic pain and fatigue. Furthermore, this method can detect pathogenic infections before symptoms appear – potentially saving lives! Additionally, bioresonance can identify whether your symptoms are psychosomatic rather than stemming from physical illness.

Bioresonance testing can show whether your body is receiving all the essential nutrients it requires. Furthermore, it allows you to detect parasites which are difficult to spot without proper tools; additionally it can show you if stomach acid levels are too low causing digestive issues.

Therapists can utilize bioresonance scanners to assess how the immune system is operating, which can aid in diagnosis and recommending treatment plans. Bioresonance can detect underlying issues like anemia or leukemia as well as autoimmune conditions; furthermore it can even be used to balance out electromagnetic and biochemical systems within the body and alleviate its symptoms related to cancer treatment.

Bioresonance therapy remains controversial, yet studies have demonstrated its efficacy in some cases. One such study demonstrated that patients receiving bioresonance treatments experienced fewer side effects than with conventional care; another demonstrated how those who underwent bioresonance therapy could stop smoking more quickly than those in control groups.


Bioresonance therapy uses an electronic device to “read” energy wavelengths coming from within the body. According to its proponents, diseased cells and organs produce different frequencies than healthy ones; therefore altering these frequencies could help heal the body; however no scientific studies have substantiated this claim; nonetheless some doctors still recommend this treatment option.

Bicom optima, an electromagnetic resonance therapy device based on quantum physics, can be used for bioresonance therapy. This electromagnetic device works by detecting electromagnetic waves within the body and sending them directly to a computer for reading and recording purposes – helping treat asthma, chronic sinusitis, rheumatic diseases, among others.

Recently, researchers studied its use as a treatment for depression. A recent study concluded that it was more effective than medication at relieving symptoms. They studied patients who experienced mild to moderate depression who had previously received selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor treatment in a comparison group treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Bioresonance therapy entails placing electrodes on the patient’s forehead, hands or feet and organ areas or reflex zones while sitting or lying down. The machine then records electromagnetic waves from their bodies before transforming them into harmonic frequency patterns that are sent back through applicators back into them through applicators; amplifying harmonic frequencies while weakening or neutralizing disharmonic ones as necessary.

Bioresonance therapy can be an effective means of treating many health issues, including hormone imbalances in women. Hormonal imbalances can lead to pain, irregular menstrual cycles, hot flushes and insomnia – and bioresonance helps balance out hormones within your body while simultaneously helping with weight reduction.

Bioresonance therapy may also help treat chronic gastrointestinal issues such as bloating and gas, caused by leaky gut syndrome which allows undigested food particles to leak from the small intestine into the blood stream undigested, leading to other medical issues like eczema, rashes or auto immune diseases such as Crohn’s disease or lupus.
