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What is Bioresonance Hair Testing?

Bioresonance hair testing is a noninvasive alternative therapy that utilizes electromagnetic analysis of hair samples. This non-invasive process checks for food items, environmental toxins, vitamins and minerals deficiencies, hormone imbalances, metals toxicity as well as more.

Because it lacks necessary laboratory equipment and technology, its scientific validity cannot be validated or acknowledged by mainstream healthcare professionals.

Quantum physics

Bioresonance hair testing is an holistic procedure used to detect imbalances in electromagnetic signals in the body. It allows practitioners to identify food intolerances, and may be combined with homeopathy, acupuncture or other naturopathic procedures as part of a healing plan for their client. Results can then be combined with nutritional and dietary advice in support of healing process. Typically this test takes the form of taking a small sample of hair which is then exposed to various foods, non-food items, vitamins, hormones gut microbes and metals before being analysed using MARS III analytics machine and producing a comprehensive report for practitioners and their clients to refer back on.

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The quantum theory of matter describes the behavior of atoms and molecules. It provides an explanation for phenomena like electromagnetic radiation and superfluidity that classical physics cannot. Furthermore, it offers more precise ways of describing particle interactions such as how energy from objects can transfer directly to nearby particles as well as why objects behave differently depending on circumstances.

Quantum physics helps physicists gain a better understanding of chemical reactions. A key insight from quantum physics is that interactions between two atoms take place in what’s called a “bound state,” which refers to physical states of systems like electrons or protons within an atom that can be altered with quantum mechanical techniques into various chemical structures like gases or liquids.

Physics scientists can use quantum mechanics to calculate the temperature, color and brightness of an atom at any given moment – thanks to a phenomenon called quantum interference that causes it to emit or absorb photons depending on its environment.


Researchers recently unveiled an exciting new quantum optical effect known as “moire excitons.” These are electron-hole pairs confined within moir interference fringes with slightly offset patterns that overlap, providing quantum sensors capable of functioning as quantum computers in future.

An increasing number of scientists are taking quantum theory seriously, which may make studying its foundations once again acceptable – an evolution which could also give us a clearer understanding of how the world functions – something essential to all.

Electromagnetic resonance

Electromagnetic resonance, or bioresonance, occurs when living organisms produce electromagnetic waves that resonate with other matter in their bodies and form vibrations which can be detected, amplified, graphed and examined – these waves are known as bioresonance waves and believed to be one of the primary reasons that certain individuals prefer certain foods or chemicals like pesticides over others.

Resonance may be caused by changes to the magnetic properties of materials, which in turn are determined by interaction among their atoms and molecules – something which can be measured using an electronic sensor like the computerized BICOM device which measures each molecular frequency compared to body frequencies, while also calculating how much energy each molecule possesses.

The BICOM device then uses algorithms to produce a “resonance map” of energy frequencies specific to each patient, which are then compared against known allergens’ frequencies and used as evidence against potential allergens or triggers for allergic or sensitive responses. Based on these findings, a therapist can pinpoint which substances cause allergy or sensitization reactions.

These results are then interpreted by a therapist, who will use them to devise a personalized treatment plan using nutritional supplements, herbs, homeopathy remedies or other holistic practices. Furthermore, patients should drink plenty of water and avoid foods which cause allergies.

Bioresonance hair testing, while increasingly popular, has its detractors. The test lacks scientific validation and recognition from mainstream health professionals. By comparison, ELISA blood tests offer accurate results that are widely accepted within medical communities.

BICOM machine tests offer an alternative that is both straightforward and cost-effective: hair bioresonance testing measures energy frequencies within a hair sample to evaluate overall body energy, rather than testing food intolerances or antibodies directly. However, it should be noted that hair bioresonance does not identify specific antibodies as part of its methodology.

Entangled states

Entangled states of composite quantum systems play an integral part in theoretical physics, as their nonclassical correlations between subsystems provide vast potential applications in practical computing and communication applications – not to mention implications for understanding reality itself and particle interactions within our universe.

An entangled state is a multiphoton state which cannot be formed as the product of individual photon states, commonly referred to as nonseparable or “nonfactorable”. Although its total energy can still be decomposed into its constituent Fock states, its total energy cannot be conserved like in normal product states.

Current experimental techniques that enable us to create an entangled state are ion traps, cavity quantum electrodynamics (CQED) or optical spontaneous parametric down-conversion (SPDC). Entanglement occurs by splitting pump and idler photons into two longer wavelength photons in a crystal with kh(2) nonlinearity – these must have identical frequencies in order for the state of entanglement to exist.

It produces two entangled photons that remain correlated even after they have been separated; this phenomenon is known as the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) effect and forms the basis of quantum information theory.

Bioresonance hair testing is a complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) technique that utilizes a machine to detect electromagnetic signals produced by the body, such as food intolerances. It recognizes that all objects and living beings produce resonance energy which can be measured to identify causes of illness; in this instance, this resonance energy of hair samples compared with registered items’ frequencies on a database can pinpoint exactly which foods, beverages or substances may be causing issues for users.

The bioresonance hair test can then use frequencies to alter them back into healthy frequencies and eliminate any toxins or pollutants affecting your body, potentially helping heal conditions such as stomach pain, bloating, headaches fatigue depression anxiety. Proponents believe this method can also aid healing processes and relieve conditions such as stomachache bloating headache fatigue depression anxiety depression stress stressors etc.


Bioresonance hair testing offers a safe, non-invasive alternative to other health tests. The technology behind it relies on the belief that all particles of matter, including humans, generate electromagnetic energy which can be detected, amplified and analyzed using devices similar to x-ray equipment or ultrasound machines.

Hair strands may hold information in the form of energy that reveals one’s physical, emotional and mental wellbeing. Bioresonance technology interprets this data by comparing frequencies found within samples of hair to foods, beverages, vitamins & minerals, metals, enzymes & bacteria present within a person’s body – this comparison helps establish levels as well as any imbalances.

A person’s energetic status can be assessed using this test, with reports on minor stressors, chronic weaknesses and bioenergetic sensitivities to food as the result. Furthermore, resonances to toxic substances which might cause imbalance may also be identified along with deficiencies in nutrients and hormone imbalances as well as emotional blocks that might be contributing to issues.

Integrative medicine’s method has gained wide acclaim due to its ability to detect sensitivities that conventional medical tests miss, helping people stop smoking and treating fibromyalgia with great success. When compared with leading treatment methods for these disorders, its success was found equal or superior.

Bioresonance is a therapeutic technique used to detect food sensitivities and imbalances within the body. This can help alleviate symptoms from conditions like IBS, asthma and other respiratory ailments by pinpointing their source. Testing can be completed quickly and is extremely accurate – even for long-term drug usage; making this an invaluable asset for organizations that must monitor long-term employee use of drugs over time.

Bioresonance falls under the umbrella of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), which encompasses various therapies, products and practices outside the scope of Western medicine. As with other diagnostic tools, Bioresonance should not be seen as an alternative treatment; rather it should complement holistic health strategies and increase overall wellness.


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