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What is Bioresonance Medicine?

Bioresonance is an innovative yet gentle treatment using electromagnetic waves to diagnose and treat your body. It aims to shift harmful frequencies away from you in favour of more holistic health in order to promote total-body well-being.

Some practitioners claim electromagnetic frequencies can cure cancer, dermatitis and addictions such as smoking by canceling out unhealthy frequencies; however, the MHRA strongly advises against such devices being CE marked for such use.

Biomagnetic Field

Bioresonance machines are used to detect and correct imbalances in your biomagnetic field. They do this by attaching electrodes directly to your skin and connecting them to an electromagnetic frequency-emitting machine that emits electromagnetic frequencies; when healthy cells respond positively, a strong signal returns; however, any energy disruptions or imbalances result in weaker signals returning, enabling bioresonance machines to identify what type of frequency may be causing problems and then emit counterfrequencies to help balance cells while eliminating unwanted frequencies from returning signals – which allows it to pinpoint sources and emit counterfrequencies to help restore balance while eliminating unwanted frequencies altogether.

Your therapist may ask you to lie down or sit in a chair while the machine scans your body for disturbances in its biomagnetic field and can detect abnormalities in cell metabolism, organ function and DNA. If any problems are detected by the machine, your therapist will use that data gathered by it to recommend an effective course of treatment.

Bioresonance therapy is offered as part of some complementary medicine clinics in the UK. Recently, however, the Advertising Standards Authority reviewed complaints lodged against one company that claimed their bioresonance treatments could treat conditions including “allergies and intolerances; gastrointestinal disorders (bloating, constipation and diarrhea); insomnia; stress related conditions (headaches migraines depression); heart conditions; arthritis joint pain as well as weight problems or bloat.

Bioresonance‘s unproven premise is that electromagnetic oscillations emitted by damaged organs or cancerous cells differ from those emitted by healthy tissue, thus making bioresonance effective at identifying diseased vibrations and cancelling them out with destructive wave interference.

Although bioresonance proponents make unsubstantiated claims about improved health after receiving treatments, many individuals report experiencing improvements after having treatments. While anecdotal evidence may exist to support bioresonance treatments, the Food and Drug Administration strongly cautions consumers against investing in unproven electrical devices which make broad health claims.


Bioresonance therapy works by placing electrodes over organ areas and reflex zones while sitting or lying down, connected to a bioresonance machine which will scan your body for energy wavelengths and detect any frequencies which don’t match or harmonize with one another – once detected, counter frequencies are sent out that restore harmony by matching with discordant frequencies so as to bring your body back into its natural state and help heal itself more easily, ultimately creating more balance for overall wellness.

Bioresonance provides an alternative approach to treating symptoms without always finding their source, helping you discover exactly why and where imbalances in your body have led to illness more quickly, with potentially faster resolution of long-term side effects.

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive approach with no side effects that is safe to use on pregnant women, infants, and children alike. Studies have demonstrated its efficacy at relieving stress, increasing energy levels, detoxing heavy metals and toxins out of your system and treating chronic pain conditions by rebalancing energy systems in your body.

Proponents of bioresonance often mischaracterise it as a healing method that utilizes computers to assess your cells’ musical composition, but this is false: instead, bioresonance machines can recognize all sorts of frequencies, including any returning signals that indicate potential problems with liver functioning or allergens like viruses and molds.

These machines can also be programmed to emit various frequencies that will help reset your biomagnetic field, strengthening and stabilizing it – which in turn improves mood, relieves stress, and may reduce symptoms associated with certain conditions like fibromyalgia.

Although scientific evidence regarding bioresonance therapy is limited, some studies indicate its potential to treat allergies, asthma, sinusitis, smoking cessation, stomach pain fatigue and rheumatoid arthritis. Some researchers maintain these results are due to placebo effect rather than its true effectiveness as treatment option.

Electromagnetic Frequencies

Electromagnetic frequencies emitted by damaged organs or cancerous cells differ from those emitted by healthy ones, so reading their frequencies enables a machine to identify discordant ones and send electromagnetic impulses to cancel them out – stimulating natural healing processes in the body.

Bioresonance therapy is not widely practiced within conventional medicine; however, some studies have demonstrated its efficacy. One such comparison showed that bioresonance therapy proved more successful at helping smokers stop than a placebo for smoking cessation; 78 percent of patients in the bioresonance treatment group managed to quit while only 54 percent in the control group could achieve success at quitting smoking.

Studies conducted since 1998 on 935 allergy sufferers proved bioresonance therapy‘s efficacy at treating their allergies and pain symptoms, with 85.79% being found effective. Furthermore, 88.1 % found it effective at alleviating pain symptoms or infections altogether while 96.1 % saw decreases.

Though not scientifically verified, this method has also been suggested as potentially beneficial in combatting cancer and relieving rheumatoid arthritis (RA). It has been proposed that using the treatment may help activate tumor suppressor genes while dampening overactive immune system responses that contribute to RA.

Bioresonance therapy differs from many traditional medical procedures in that it’s non-invasive and doesn’t rely on needles or drugs; rather, electrodes detect and transmit electromagnetic vibrations of an individual’s body through electronic devices to and from them. Furthermore, it can be performed at home and can even be purchased affordably.

Bioresonance therapy takes an innovative approach to health in which human vibrations align with those of nature and living things, like trees. If these vibrations become disrupted due to modern life’s stresses such as smartphones and Wi-Fi, environmental pollution, poor nutrition or stress-inducing radiation exposure then human self-healing abilities become compromised, leading to various diseases and ailments – hence its creation by Franz Morell in 1977, a German doctor with connections to Scientology.

Bioresonance Machine

Bioresonance treatment utilizes electrodes placed on the skin and connected to a machine emitting electromagnetic signals. If the biomagnetic field of your body is healthy, the returning signal will be strong and clear; otherwise it will appear weak or muted. Once detected, bioresonance technology uses specific frequencies to cancel out any unhealthy frequencies.

Bioresonance machines and therapies are often touted as being capable of diagnosing disease, while cancer treatment practitioners advocate their use as cancer cures. Unfortunately, there is no scientific proof that bioresonance electronic devices play any part in preventing or curing illness; rather the concept of bioresonance therapy relies on an unproven notion that diseased cells or organs emit altered electromagnetic waves due to DNA damage that bioresonance practitioners claim their machines can detect; they then claim that altering them back to their regular frequencies will cure them of their condition thereby treating disease conditions effectively.

Bioresonance practitioners using machines such as the BICOM optima can use it in many different ways. Applicators placed over reflex zones and organ areas while sitting or lying down are recorded by the bioresonance machine; then transformed to produce harmonic frequency patterns through applicators that send harmonic frequency patterns through to your body while at the same time cancelling out disharmonic frequencies.

BICOM optima bioresonance device is available to therapists who want to provide their clients with this treatment option. Convenient for therapists who aren’t always nearby their clients, the machine can easily be transported between locations for use treating allergies, gastrointestinal disorders and smoking cessation among other conditions. Furthermore, your therapist may suggest diet changes during bioresonance treatment sessions in order to further treat the condition at hand.
