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What is Bioresonance Scanning?

Many individuals understand the significance of taking proactive measures to maintain good health throughout the year, and one popular way is through Bio Resonance Health Scans.

This scan examines organs’ energetic states, nutritional imbalances, body toxicity levels and food intolerances before optimizing up to 550 blueprint frequencies for optimization.

What is it?

Bioresonance scanning is a noninvasive way to identify imbalances within the body. The process uses a special machine which emits electromagnetic frequencies and then reads vibrations produced. This enables the scanner to identify things not usually covered by traditional medical tests such as food sensitivities or nutritional imbalances, or detect toxic resonance that prevents you from reaching optimal health.

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Each substance, including our bodies, possesses its own electromagnetic frequency that is measured by a bioresonance scanner and compared to standard diseases, nutrition and toxicity indicators. If necessary, this device produces a counter frequency in order to restore balance to our systems and help return our bodies into balance.

Bioresonance scans work by looking for signs of cell communication breakdown. When this happens, inverting unhealthy frequencies allows your body to dismantle any toxins which are stopping its natural communication with itself and enable healing from within. Electrodermal screening works similarly and also finds instability at acupuncture points so homeopathic prescriptions can be made which will assist healing from within.

At your scan, a practitioner will hold a sensor over your head, measuring electrical activity in your brain’s neurons and amplifying it so frequencies can be detected and decoded by software. After decoding is complete, the scanner displays results on a computer screen.


Once a problem has been identified, a personalized treatment plan will be created specifically for you. This may involve changing your diet to avoid aggravating factors and supplementation identified through bioresonance equipment; typically no pharmaceutical drugs will be prescribed.

Preventative medicine is rapidly growing in popularity due to its effectiveness and low costs. It may even prove more useful than waiting until symptoms arise before trying to address problems, as it can identify imbalances and stressors not normally detected through traditional means.

With the recent pandemic, bioresonance scanning technology is receiving increasing interest. Contact Central Wellness Hub or Stanley Wellness today to book your initial consultation and gain more insight into its many benefits!

How does it work?

The bioresonance scanner uses electromagnetic frequencies to pinpoint and treat underlying causes of disease, illness and pain. It’s safe, noninvasive and side effect free; working in harmony with your own electromagnetic energy to balance and heal.

Bioresonance scanning is revolutionizing healthcare by detecting imbalances in the body long before they manifest as diseases or symptoms, enabling doctors to find and treat the source of many illnesses. Employing similar principles as electroencephalography and ultrasound, bioresonance scanning amplifies natural signals produced by your brain neurons so a computer with diagnostic software can record vibrations of cells from all over your body – then compares this information against a database of standard diseases, nutrition and toxic indicators.

This device scans organs and tissues of your body to measure their energy and frequency of weak magnetic fields, then compares this measurement against that of healthy individuals to detect any imbalances within your organ system. Once detected, this device generates counter frequencies to match discordant vibrations within your system thereby supporting natural healing processes within you body.

Bioresonance scanning works similarly to traditional Chinese medicine in that it detects and corrects imbalances before they manifest as physical symptoms. WebWellness uses its Vega machine, which can detect 47 indicators at a cellular level to help identify illnesses that cannot be diagnosed through other means of testing.

Once we’ve identified imbalances, electromagnetic impulses will be sent at precise ranges to your body to counteract any altered frequencies and restore equilibrium – so your body can start healing itself faster with no external intervention necessary!

Bioresonance scanning can reveal many imbalances, such as issues related to nutrient absorption, low stomach acid production and parasite infestation. When this happens, a bioresonance test provides insight into which food your body is digesting most effectively so you get maximum benefit out of every bite you eat.

What can it help me with?

Bioresonance scanning has quickly become a powerful tool in preventative medicine, providing individuals with advanced knowledge of their body’s current health status and identifying imbalances before they become serious issues, providing targeted treatment that is more effective than conventional methods.

Bioresonance scans can identify various issues that are hindering your health, such as nutritional deficiencies and built-up toxins that have affected you over time, food or environmental sensitivities that contribute to symptoms, emotional disturbances or energetic blockages that are contributing or worsening the symptoms you’re experiencing.

One reason acupuncture is so effective is because it detects information about your body that can’t be detected with laboratory tests – usually because problems exist at subclinical levels or affect multiple organs and tissues in your body.

Bioresonance scans can also detect cell imbalances that lie at the core of most physical ailments. By recognizing them, a homeopathic remedy can be developed to restore balance and promote healing; this involves inverting any unhealthy frequencies detected.

Bioresonance therapy operates under the principle that your body is held together at an atomic level by light. When this light breaks down, cells become compromised and illness ensues. Bioresonance scans allow doctors to examine how your DNA is being expressed and can identify unhealthful patterns which might be contributing to symptoms and illness.

Bioresonance scans differ from many other testing methods in that they require no needles or surgery for testing purposes, providing a safe and efficient means to track wellness and make lifestyle adjustments to achieve optimal health.

Register with RHC now to discover if bioresonance scanning is suitable for you! A full hair and saliva test will give us an in-depth view of your energy flow across eight levels: molecular, atomic, chromosomes, nuclei, cells tissues organs. Prices begin from PS85 including balancing remedies!

How long will it take?

Bioresonance scanning offers an alternative form of health testing that does not involve needles or radiation exposure; additionally, its fast approach enables patients to receive accurate diagnoses and begin treatment right away.

The AO Scan digital body analyser measures the frequencies of organs, tissues and cells within a human body to detect imbalances and identify any imbalances with healthy frequencies stored in its database. When any one of these frequencies are out of balance, AO Scan sends out corrective energy waves to cells to reset their vibration and help the body return to optimal state.

This technology empowers practitioners to assess a person’s physical and emotional wellbeing with unparalleled accuracy, due to the AO Scan’s ability to detect imbalances in cell communication that are usually at the heart of health issues.

Our cells communicate constantly with one another, and any breakdown in communication can lead to illness or disease. The AO Scan detects communication breakdowns by scanning for unstable acupuncture points and inverting any unhealthy frequencies to encourage our bodies to break down toxins and heal themselves.

The AO Scan can detect imbalances that are difficult to identify through other methods, such as food sensitivities and hormonal issues that impact acidity levels in the body. Furthermore, it can determine if someone is deficient in nutrition by identifying any gaps and suggesting supplementing their diet accordingly with vitamins and minerals that will restore balance to their diet.

Bioresonance scanning has rapidly gained in popularity as an integrative therapy and key element of holistic wellness journey. Its ability to balance body and mind without side effects makes it an appealing option for those seeking ways to enhance quality of life without using medications. If you’re interested in adding this technology into your practice, reach out today and speak to one of our team members!


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