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What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and painless technology designed to detect unhealthy electromagnetic vibrations within your body and neutralise them with healthy electromagnetic waves. Once identified, this scan sends out waves designed to neutralise them by scanning for healthy frequencies instead.

Just like iron filings can be rearranged to restore order, cells in your body can also be balanced using bioresonance therapy allowing it to function more optimally.


Bioresonance is a noninvasive technique to assess your body’s health. This non-invasive analysis can help alleviate allergy, asthma and autoimmune disease symptoms; assist in healing from injuries faster; improve gut health and provide better sleep; even help quit smoking while strengthening immunity!

An applicator will then be placed on your forehead, hands or feet and its frequencies transmitted into your body will be recorded by its software to create vibrational tones which will then be played back as an audio file for you to listen and follow its instructions to determine which frequencies best suit you and your body.

This process can be likened to striking two tuning forks together: when these frequencies reach your body, they align with its natural frequencies and restore harmony within it – this allows nature’s healing mechanisms to begin their work immediately.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy for treating fibromyalgia by increasing your body’s ability to utilize antioxidants, reducing inflammation and helping you sleep more soundly. Bioresonance may also help alleviate stress levels while providing relief by balancing energy fields and stimulating thyroid glands.

Bioresonance therapy offers several additional advantages for treatment of chronic illnesses, including autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis and cancer. Furthermore, it has also been utilized as a detoxification aid which can reduce heavy metal accumulation in your body.

Many who have tried various medications for autoimmune diseases claim that bioresonance has helped them heal. One patient reported that after six months of using bioresonance, their symptoms including low energy, muscle weakness, joint and muscle pain had significantly subsided as he decreased his dosage of anti-inflammatory medications while improving sleep quality as well as losing weight and becoming more active.


Biofeedback therapy can assist individuals in learning to regulate certain automatic body functions, including heart rate, muscle tension, perspiration, skin temperature and blood pressure. Furthermore, peak performance training teaches individuals how to improve both mental and physical performance and can even help reduce medical symptoms such as pain, chronic stress or urinary incontinence. Biofeedback practitioners claim their information can also be used to alleviate medical symptoms like pain or chronic stress or urinary incontinence.

Resonant Body Tuning involves using a device that analyzes your body’s electromagnetic field or frequencies and can detect disruptions. Once identified, counter-frequencies will be sent out by the machine to restore balance and bring your body back to its original biological resonance state.

This device is preloaded with thousands of frequencies to understand what different returning signals represent. If, for example, one indicates an issue with your liver cells, for instance, then this frequency might emit stimulation signals to stimulate healthy cell production instead.

Secretions from your mouth or nose (such as saliva, mucus or tears ) can also provide energy input for BICOM to process through its internal filters, which isolate and filter out healthy and unhealthy frequencies for treatment purposes. Once an ideal frequency has been identified it’s fed back into the body via applicators in order to strengthen and lower any disharmonic frequencies that exist in its composition.

Sessions typically last less than an hour and the number of sessions needed depends on your condition. Some patients see improvement after 8 to 10 weekly treatments while others may require more. It is normal for some individuals to experience temporary worsening of symptoms after receiving therapy – this will pass within hours or so.

Bioresonance therapy has been shown to be safe, and is frequently employed as an additional form of therapy alongside conventional medical treatments. However, it’s important to keep in mind that bioresonance scans shouldn’t be seen as replacement tools for traditional diagnostic testing; should you wish to receive one, it is advised that you contact an accredited holistic health practitioner instead.

Resonance Therapy

Like iron filings can become disorganized when removed from a magnet, our cells also possess a biomagnetic field which can become disrupted due to disease. Bioresonance therapy aims to use various electronic devices to reorganize these magnetic fields and restore order, helping our bodies heal while supporting health systems.

Contrary to most alternative therapies, this therapy is completely non-invasive. Sessions are soothing and relaxing as a device transmits electromagnetic frequencies through electromagnetic field to address health issues within your innate energy system.

Bioresonance therapy has long been utilized as an aid for many conditions, including arthritis and chronic fatigue. The equipment can recognize unhealthy frequency patterns that disrupt healthy oscillations within the body and cancel them out, returning proper oscillations back into balance. A skilled practitioner can utilize the information gleaned by this device to tailor individual sessions accordingly.

Bioresonance has rapidly become one of the most sought-after natural methods of treating health issues, thanks to its noninvasive, painless and natural approach. Especially popular among individuals seeking natural alternatives to antidepressants or blood thinners medications.

Bioresonance therapy‘s positive effects may help support behavioral changes necessary for recovery, such as decreasing stress levels and maintaining balance in energy flows, which may help control cravings and facilitate successful recoveries.

Though not scientifically confirmed, many believe that addiction treatment provides a sense of wellness and relaxation, increasing motivation while supporting an effective recovery process.

Bioresonance therapy, an all-natural, noninvasive healing solution available at Aria Integrative Health Denver that may assist your recovery, is likely to produce optimal outcomes. You should research its potential inclusion into your recovery program for maximum effectiveness.


Four men and ten women suffering from depression were tested, using bioresonance therapy sessions with five people each – four men and ten women, who all were prescribed antidepressant medication – and found their depressive episodes reduced from moderate to mild after five bioresonance therapy sessions, as reported in Psychosomatic Medicine journal. This research is now publicly available for all.

Bioresonance tests use electrodes stuck to your body to read your energy frequencies and use electromagnetic pulses to match and cancel out unhealthy ones, amplifying healthy ones into your body in an attempt to restore them back to their natural states and help heal other organs and tissues.

An herbal treatment known as aromatherapy has been demonstrated to effectively manage conditions like gastrointestinal disorders, depression, lymphedema and high blood pressure. Furthermore, according to one randomized controlled study published in Clinical Pharmacology & Therapeutics journal. it can even assist people in quitting smoking.

The test may identify an imbalance in your system that could be contributing to health issues, and may recommend changing your diet or taking certain supplements or medications based on what the results reveal. It could even identify low stomach acidity which impedes absorption of nutrients from food; furthermore, parasite detection could reveal any parasites within either your gut or brain.

Note that the ASA and CAP guidance on health, beauty, weight loss and slimming claims advises consumers to seek professional advice before beginning any new treatment or therapy. They do recognize bioresonance therapy‘s potential use in treating some conditions but advise against its use when treating life-threatening ones that require medical supervision – for more details click here.
