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What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is one of the most popular holistic practices today, employing a device called BICOM to identify stressors that might be impacting your health and balance your frequencies to promote healing.

This technology works by listening for the faint electrical signature frequencies of pathogens, then emitting counter-frequencies to kill them. It draws inspiration from Royal Rife, Hulda Regher Clark, and others who pioneered such research.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is an energy healing modality that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to restore balance in the body’s energetic system. As this non-invasive process doesn’t involve needles or surgery, bioresonance is an ideal choice for patients concerned about potential side effects associated with traditional medicines.

Bioresonance practitioners use a device known as the BICOM to assess a person’s health by studying electromagnetic vibrations that their cells emit, which reveal their state of communication; for instance, healthy cells tend to expel harmonious frequencies while unhealthy ones produce discordant ones. A bioresonance scan helps practitioners detect any disruptions to natural balance within your body’s communication patterns, so that specific frequencies can be used to “cancele” unhealthy signals that disrupt this balance and restore equilibrium within it.

Bioresonance therapy not only diagnoses but can also treat a wide variety of health conditions. From food and environmental allergies, menstrual disorders, joint problems such as arthritis or chronic bronchitis to digestive issues or low immunity and even GI tract infections; bioresonance can provide essential support.

At a bioresonance session, patients lie fully clothed on the treatment table while an therapist attaches electrodes to their head and feet. The BICOM will pick up on frequency patterns within their cells’ networks; any imbalances or infections detected will trigger an opposite frequency that helps restore equilibrium to their system.

Therapists can use the information from BICOM to suggest lifestyle and dietary changes that will further support patients in their healing. For instance, practitioners may suggest cutting dairy from your diet in order to facilitate digestion or prescribe supplements that may combat an infection. The goal is to bring back natural resonance between body and mind – and patients usually see an improvement within just a few treatments.

How Does Bioresonance Therapy Work?

At treatment sessions, electrodes are placed on the body and connected to a machine that measures energy wavelengths. If there are issues with your health, the machine may detect weaker signals coming back from cells and will emit counterfrequencies to bring back their optimal balance.

Bioresonance therapy proponents claim that electromagnetic oscillations emitted by diseased organs and cancerous cells differ from healthy cells. A machine is programmed to recognize those differences and interpret any returning signals; using this information to pinpoint the root cause of symptoms.

Practitioners believe the BICOM device can not only diagnose issues, but also assist in their healing. According to practitioners, it retrains cells within your body so that they become healthier and stronger over time. Furthermore, therapists can offer advice regarding diet and lifestyle as well as suggest supplements that could enhance overall wellness.

BICOM devices can also be used to treat various conditions, including chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, depression and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Studies indicate that some treatments may help reduce inflammation and boost immune function in those living with RA; it has even been utilized as an aid for smoking cessation though further research needs to be conducted in this regard.

Bioresonance therapy has an almost immediate positive effect on many people, often within days. According to one study, those receiving bioresonance along with manual therapy and point massage experienced 72 percent improvement in muscle pain relief as well as better sleeping patterns and reduced weather sensitivity.

However, some medical professionals remain dubious of bioresonance‘s efficacy. They assert that its claims remain unverifiable and it cannot be scientifically supported; furthermore they note that controlled studies attempting to demonstrate its purported health benefits have had mixed outcomes.

Still, many find these treatments relaxing and beneficial if they’re experiencing anxiety, stress or any emotional challenges. Many have praised its calming atmosphere as well as being noninvasive; studies have also demonstrated its psychological advantages; those who undergo treatment report feeling more relaxed after just a few sessions.

What is the Difference Between Bioresonance Therapy and Other Therapies?

Bioresonance therapy should not be seen as a replacement to Western medicine, but may be combined with other forms of therapy to strengthen and balance energy flow within the body. A skilled holistic healthcare provider knows how to incorporate bioenergetic approaches into their services.

Bioresonance scans assess how energy frequencies (wavelengths) are produced and utilized within your body, which can provide valuable insight into any symptoms of illness or imbalance. A trained bioresonance therapist may also alter any wavelengths that cause harm so as to restore equilibrium to your system.

At a bioresonance session, electrodes are attached to a patient’s skin and connected to a machine known as Bicom. The Bicom emits an electromagnetic frequency that travels throughout the body and back out again, producing returning signals which indicate areas that have been affected – for instance liver issues could indicate their return, while another might signal viral or allergenic attack; once recognised by trained therapists they can emit counterfrequencies to combat negative frequencies emitted by Bicom.

Sometimes restoring balance to the body is enough to alleviate symptoms, while in other instances a therapist may suggest supplements or lifestyle modifications to speed healing – for instance cutting certain foods out, drinking plenty of water, or taking herbal remedies might all be recommended as therapeutic strategies.

Bioresonance may not be suitable for everyone and cannot treat every condition; for instance, if your immune system has been compromised due to illness or severe injury, symptoms won’t respond as expected to treatment.

People suffering from severe psychological trauma may also find it challenging to use bioresonance devices to overcome their issues. If a client is addicted to alcohol or drugs, appropriate treatments must first be put into place prior to beginning bioresonance therapy sessions. The American Society for Addiction Medicine has upheld complaints against bioresonance practitioners who claim they can treat addictions as well as insomnia depression anxiety among other conditions.

How Can I Find a Bioresonance Practitioner?

All particles of matter – cells, tissues and organs; pathogens like bacteria, viruses, pollen and toxins; as well as electromagnetic waves produced by pathogens such as bacteria, viruses pollen or toxins – emit electromagnetic waves with specific frequencies that can be measured using bioresonance equipment. Bioresonance technology detects out of balance frequencies that can disrupt healing processes within your body by countering them with healthy ones that restore balance within.

Bioresonance Therapy, commonly referred to as BICOM (pronounced bi-com), is an innovative combination of 21st century biological medicine and quantum physics that employs precise medical systems such as decoding all information pertaining to your health within you, like having an honest conversation with yourself – deciphering all that pertains to physical, biochemical, emotional, mental, spiritual health. Your practitioner uses this system to decode all this data in order to discover hidden determinants of disease or dysfunction on any level including physical, biochemical, emotional mental spiritual.

Holistic practitioners rely on bioresonance technology from BICOM Bioresonance as part of their homeopathic supportive approach to your health and wellness. Their bioenergetic understanding allows your practitioner to recommend specific nutritional supplements or homeopathic tinctures tailored specifically for imbalances identified during your bioresonance scan.

When looking for a holistic health practitioner who uses BICOM bioresonance, consider one who is experienced and educated in naturopathic principles and practice, such as homeopathic master’s degrees or membership with the BPA. Some practitioners combine their BICOM bioresonance skills with other therapeutic practices for holistic support; selecting someone with an understanding of psychology as well as an ability to discover deeper underlying causes can also prove advantageous.
