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What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic waves to detect and treat disease. Proponents believe that healthy and unhealthy cells emit different frequencies that the machine can recognize; then it emits counterfrequencies to cancel out those of the unhealthy ones.

Bio Resonance Machines tap into the energetic information within your body and can assist in its self-healing capabilities. They are safe and non-invasive treatments.

Bioresonance is a non-invasive therapy

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic waves to detect imbalances in the body and attempt to correct them. A machine emits a harmless yet safe electromagnetic field with a series of frequencies which are picked up by electrodes attached to patient skin electrodes, with any disharmonious signals detected being sent out with counter frequencies to cancel out an unhealthy one before sending harmonic oscillations back out into the body to correct its imbalances.

Einstein proposed that this noninvasive treatment is founded upon quantum physics principles. All matter is composed of protons and neutrons which vibrate at different frequency wavelengths measured in Hertz; therefore every living organism, such as our cells, organs and tissues have their own individual set of energy frequencies that work harmoniously within healthy biological systems; however viruses, bacteria, toxins or allergens may disrupt this balance and disrupt communication between cells in our body.

When exposed to external forces that disrupt our energy systems, our cells respond by sending out signals which are then reflected back to us by electromagnetic waves circulating our bodies. Any distortion in those signals can be detected using computerized device software which then creates a “closed circuit” with healthy and harmonizing frequencies for our body while cancelling out disharmonious ones.

This device can also be used to treat allergies, asthma, chronic pain and gastrointestinal complaints. Furthermore, studies have proven its efficacy at helping people quit smoking: 28 percent of participants in a bioresonance group quit compared to 16.1 percent for control participants (Professor Ernst pointed out that the study involved only limited participants and included only one clinical paper).

Though some scientific studies may support bioresonance as an effective therapy, the MHRA has cautioned against making unsubstantiated claims about its efficacy. Furthermore, bioresonance should not replace traditional treatments but should instead be implemented alongside them to maximize efficacy.

It is safe

Bioresonance is a noninvasive therapy that utilizes electromagnetic waves to scan the body. This method may help treat addictions to nicotine such as smoking by cancelling out nicotine molecules in the body. Bioresonance can also detect infections early and treat them before symptoms develop, and identify which symptoms may be psychosomatic rather than actual medical issues.

Holding two brass cylinders in their hands, this device emits electromagnetic signals that resonate with their body’s electromagnetic frequencies, then records these results into a computerised report. This method is similar to muscle testing but much quicker, and not only identifies infections but can also reveal which vitamins and minerals you may require more of.

Some devices, like the Qest 4, allow you to print out your personal health report directly onto a piece of paper. They also have features which allow you to choose which symptom(s) the machine focuses on and provides reports on its frequencies – generally considered well proven devices with scientific publications in Pubmed.

It is effective

Bioresonance is a safe, noninvasive way of treating disease using electromagnetic waves to scan for unhealthy frequencies within your body and then cancel them out with healthier ones. It has been demonstrated to work against cancer, fibromyalgia and even addictions such as smoking cigarettes.

At each session, electrodes are attached to your body and linked to a machine that emits electromagnetic signals. When your system is healthy or under stress, its signals to the machine should be clear; otherwise they could send weaker ones back instead.

The machine then analyzes the signal to determine whether or not its frequency matches that of an individual tissue’s natural oscillation frequency, in order to enter resonance with it and correct its imbalance and restore healthiness. If that occurs, resonance occurs, and correction and restoration take place simultaneously.

Every organ, tissue and cell in your body has a predetermined oscillation or vibrational frequency that oscillates or vibrates at its own unique frequency. Injury, diet and emotional stress can alter these frequencies and cause various illnesses. A bioresonance machine can identify these frequencies to pinpoint potential root causes for health issues in your body.

Bioresonance machines can also detect food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances and toxins – providing doctors with invaluable data that they can use to provide recommendations for treatment and nutrition to enhance overall health and help their patients feel better.

Non Linear Scanning (NLS) is an advanced machine equipped with sensors capable of sensing energy fields surrounding all living matter. When this sensor transmits a spectrum to an individual body, their tissues respond with their own spectrum in return. This allows NLS to distinguish between oscillations caused by healthy tissues vs those caused by illness or stress.

It is affordable

Bioresonance is a noninvasive technology that utilizes electromagnetic waves emitted by living cells to facilitate treatment therapy, much like tuning a musical instrument. Bioresonance devices are designed to detect healthy cell frequencies and transmit them into diseased ones so they resonate, ultimately decreasing toxin load and stress, helping the body heal itself more effectively.

Alternative health practitioners have become adept at using electromagnetic wave frequency analysis as a powerful way of diagnosing illness and creating personalized patient plans. By comparing frequency patterns of these waves to an extensive database of frequencies associated with various diseases, an identification machine can identify unhealthy cells while creating personalized plans tailored specifically for the individual. It also tests for food sensitivities or toxicities which is an integral factor of overall health.

BICOM(r) device is an advanced bioresonance analyzer capable of detecting imbalances in energy wavelengths and vibrations within living organisms at a cellular level, so therapists can develop holistic treatment plans that work with cells to promote healing. This method is especially helpful when analysing microorganisms, fungi or allergens.

A BICOM(r) bioresonance scan can detect multiple conditions, including food and environmental allergies, urogenital disorders, low immune defenses, liver and gall bladder issues, pre- and post-operative pain syndromes such as presbyopia or surgery pain syndromes; premastia; arthritis; thyroiditis; fibromyalgia, insomnia or hormone imbalances as well as chronic fatigue, depression or inflammation conditions.

Before an energy test, patients are advised to drink plenty of water and refrain from taking medications, supplements or herbs which could obstruct accurate energy test results. Furthermore, patients should avoid smoking and being exposed to electromagnetic fields; doing so will guarantee optimal results and minimize risks of complications.

BICOM(r) bioresonance system offers an inexpensive and effective means of testing your pet for sensitivities to allergens, toxins and food that could contribute to common health issues. As it’s noninvasive and stress-free, this approach could also identify areas that could disrupt his energetic flow and pose potential threats to his wellbeing.
