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What is Bioresonance Ultrasound?

Bioresonance is a noninvasive technique that uses electromagnetic frequencies to harmonize your body’s resonance, enabling organs to function normally and starting a rapid healing process.

Unproven theory holds that diseased cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves caused by DNA damage, with proponents suggesting an electronic device can detect these waves and use them to cancel out disease-associated signals.


Bioresonance therapy aims to find and balance disturbances within an organism by emitting electromagnetic waves of specific frequencies or wavelengths, like cells, tissues and organs. When healthy bodies emit these electromagnetic waves at their usual resonant frequencies. When burdensome substances such as toxins, allergens or bacteria enter an organism they disrupt this natural process and affect health in an adverse manner. Bioresonance therapy seeks out these disturbed areas within its constituents before applying frequencies that will restore balance back into those disturbed parts of their system.

Bioresonance derives its name from two Greek words, life and resonance. Resonance occurs when two or more objects vibrate at the same frequency, producing an exponentially stronger vibrational force than any of their individual sources could generate alone. Human bodies, being complex organisms, exhibit numerous vibrational patterns and resonances. To measure these energies from cells and organs, different electronic devices can detect and measure them with great accuracy. Information gathered using this approach can then be used to accurately diagnose disease. Proponents of holistic or alternative medicine contend that diseased cells and tissues emit altered electromagnetic waves relative to healthy ones; by returning their frequencies back to the usual frequencies will heal any disordered condition.

At present, there is no scientific evidence supporting electronic devices as treatments for diseases. The Food and Drug Administration has taken action against providers of such machines while the American Cancer Society cautions against their use.

Bioresonance treatments utilize an electroencephalogram (EEG), which measures brainwave activity through electrodes attached to the scalp and measures brain wave activity through electrodes attached directly to it. These sensors detect electromagnetic oscillations created by the brain and other parts of the body, then translate them to graphs on a monitor for examination by computer software. A computer analyses these oscillations for any abnormalities in their brainwave patterns. The same method can also be applied to studying other parts of the body and their vibrational patterns, and to identifying any imbalances which might be contributing to health issues for clients. Once discordant frequencies have been identified, a bioresonance machine sends electromagnetic impulses at precise ranges to harmonize them and promote the body’s natural healing processes.


Modern applications of an ancient healing art have proven successful at relieving pain and encouraging tissue regeneration. Researchers have recently unlocked the mechanism behind stimulating acupuncture needles: they trigger an automatic and reflexive response which then activates our hypothalamus – an area of our brain responsible for managing our autonomic nervous system. Unbeknownst to us, our system works unknowingly behind-the-scenes to regulate heart rate, blood pressure, digestion and many other functions without our conscious awareness. Research using functional MRI scans, blood tests and other lab methods shows that stimulating acupuncture points results in the release of mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). MSCs have various therapeutic benefits including anti-inflammatory activity, tissue regeneration and immunomodulation.

Previous studies have revealed that acupuncture effectively alleviates pain by acting on both the central nervous system and peripheral nerves, specifically by increasing opiate-like chemicals like neurotransmitters and neuropeptides that increase opiate-like chemicals while simultaneously decreasing inflammation by activating immune signaling proteins such as cytokines; thus providing endogenous opioids which alleviate discomfort.

Electro-acupuncture uses a small electric current passed between pairs of acupuncture needles. An acupuncturist selects the frequency and intensity that best suit their condition being treated; intensity should be sufficient to create change but should not cause discomfort to patients; they will feel pulses, tingles or warmth as the electric charge passes between needles.

Electro-acupuncture is generally safe with only minor side effects, although patients may experience mild bruising or tenderness as a result. Pregnant women, those with pacemakers or open wounds and those who have had seizures or are taking specific medications such as antidepressants, lithium or antibiotics should refrain from receiving electro-acupuncture treatments.

Electro-Magnetic Therapy

Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) have become an effective therapy option for conditions including delayed union or nonunion fractures, osteoarthritis and tendon issues. PEMFs produce an electric current which creates a magnetic field surrounding an affected area, stimulating cell activity and increasing blood flow to tissues – which in turn promotes healing while decreasing inflammation. They may even enhance production of natural painkillers known as eicosanoids.

Electrodes are attached to a machine which reads energy wavelengths emitted by patients; this process is known as bioresonance. Once irregular frequencies have been identified, bioresonance devices alter them so as to restore balance within wavelengths and allow cells to vibrate at their natural frequencies again. A session typically lasts up to an hour without pain – perfect for pregnant women and people with pacemakers!

PEMFs have long been demonstrated to reduce pain and increase bone formation, with numerous studies documenting their efficacy. One such study demonstrated how using 10 minutes per day for three months reduced bone pain for those suffering with nonunion fractures of the wrist while producing no side effects; another research paper concluded that PEMFs were more effective than placebo in treating arthritis symptoms; its results aligned with prior clinical trial data showing positive outcomes from pulsed electromagnetic fields producing positive outcomes in treating nonunions of wrist bones.

Some alternative medicine practitioners claim that bioresonance therapy can treat diseases, including cancer. Proponents believe that diseased cells emit different electromagnetic waves due to DNA damage; electronic devices used in bioresonance therapies can detect such distortion and restore them back to their original frequencies. Unfortunately, however, the FDA has prosecuted some vendors selling unproven devices; consequently the American Cancer Society advises against their use.

Other alternative cancer treatments not backed by scientific evidence include hyperthermia and electromagnetic fields for treating certain tumor types. Hyperthermia involves subjecting patients to extreme heat in an enclosed chamber; this treatment has been shown to kill cancer cells while also damaging surrounding tissue and potentially leading to burns.


Electrostimulation, more commonly referred to as electrodermal testing or bio-energetic therapy, is a noninvasive electromagnetic energy treatment with the goal of restoring organs and biological systems to their normal energetic states by transmitting electromagnetic frequencies which balance discordant energy fields. Once resonance has been restored within the body, rapid self-healing takes place; studies on bioresonance have revealed how imbalances are often connected in unexpected ways; once discordant frequencies have been identified they often lead to miraculous health improvements without drugs or surgery

Electrostimulation is a tool used in rehabilitation of muscle function and movement, increasing strength, decreasing pain and improving coordination. It also serves as an effective preventative measure against sports injuries by stimulating muscles with electrical pulses through their skin causing them to contract in response to signals sent from the brain.

Electrostimulation does carry some risks, including tissue burns and skin irritation; however, the risks become significantly reduced if electrodes are correctly placed and administered by trained professionals.

Bioresonance spectral imaging (BSE) is an emerging technology designed to detect cancer, infections and other abnormalities. Based on an unproven hypothesis that electromagnetic oscillations produced by damaged cells or tumors differ from healthy cells’ electromagnetic oscillations, BSE detects these differences and cancels out diseased signals through destructive wave interference.

The American Cancer Society advises cancer patients against trusting electronic devices which claim to treat cancer or other diseases without providing evidence of efficacy, such as those being sold at flea markets or online marketplaces. The Food and Drug Administration has successfully taken legal action against many purveyors of these products for making false promises about their ability to heal.

Recent research into electrical stimulation for sport training revealed that it can increase strength, power and speed while simultaneously decreasing neuromuscular fatigue risk and failing to recruit all muscles at once. To overcome these limitations, strategies must be included as part of an electrostimulation program designed to increase coordination training while compensating for their increased energy requirements by upping training intensity accordingly.
