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What is NLS Bioresonance?

NLS bioresonance is an innovative, natural health scan that detects intolerances/sensitivities (food, chemicals), pathogens/microbes/parasites and toxicity; additionally it also displays organ/system destabilizations or entropy.

Studies have demonstrated that each disease state elicits its own characteristic frequency compared to healthy tissues and cells, making disease easier to identify and track.

What is bioresonance?

Bioresonance is an integrative form of diagnosis and therapy, employing electrodes placed on the body connected to a machine alleged to read energy wavelengths coming from cells. According to its proponents, these wavelengths can then be altered so as to allow your body to vibrate at its natural frequency, purportedly healing any condition present.

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There is no scientific support for bioresonance therapy. The Food and Drug Administration has successfully prosecuted numerous manufacturers for making unsubstantiated health claims with their electronic devices; while the American Cancer Society strongly discourages cancer patients from seeking out bioresonance or similar electronic devices as treatment solutions.

At each treatment session, a bioresonance device emits specific frequencies that target various organs and systems of your body – such as digestive issues or the immune system. Based on your test results, a naturopathic doctor or certified bioresonance practitioner may suggest dietary or therapy changes to address symptoms while treating their root cause.

Bioresonance operates under the assumption that all living things, including humans, emit electromagnetic energy in oscillatory forms that produce oscillations with different frequencies and wavelengths that can be detected, amplified and graphed. A bioresonance machine’s oscillations can then be compared with those produced by healthy cells to determine whether their vibrations are out-of-tune or out of sync; like when tapping a tuning fork on one piano string causes others to resonate more strongly.


One small study by a naturopathic doctor using bioresonance to treat fibromyalgia showed that 72% of those treated experienced significant relief in terms of muscle pain and fatigue; other symptoms like weather sensitivity and sleep disruptions also saw marked improvements. The researcher however cautions that these results weren’t controlled and warrants further study in terms of randomization and control procedures.

Other studies have demonstrated the ineffectiveness of bioresonance therapy in treating atopic eczema or decreasing medication for rheumatoid arthritis. A review of clinical papers cited in advertisements for bioresonance treatments discovered most were either non-human studies or unrelated to conditions listed. As a result, the Advertising Standards Agency concluded the advertisement was misleading as it implied bioresonance is a medical treatment option.

How does bioresonance work?

Bioresonance works on the theory that diseased cells or organs emit altered electromagnetic waves that can be detected by machines, with advocates maintaining that altering these waves back to their natural frequency will treat disease. Electrodes are placed on the body and connected to a machine which “reads” energy wavelengths emanating from within, then programmed with thousands of frequencies, it recognizes returning signals which point towards problems while emitting counterfrequencies to restore balance in your electromagnetic field.

One study showed that combining bioresonance with manual therapy and point massage significantly alleviated symptoms associated with fibromyalgia, such as muscle pain. Other research indicated that using the BICOM(r) device reduced stomach pain caused by food allergies or sensitivities.

Bioresonance can also be used to detect heavy metals and toxins in your body, like mercury. Mercury can alter cellular frequencies and impact overall function; eliminating it for optimal health is therefore vital. The BICOM(r) device utilizes frequency waves that neutralize these toxins so you can restore optimum functioning frequencies within your system.

The BICOM(r) device can also detect allergies to dairy, gluten, nuts and fruits to determine if you may have food sensitivities that need to be addressed for optimal body health. These tests can reveal whether you require medical intervention due to food sensitivities.

Some researchers have claimed that the BICOM(r) device is effective at treating cancer, yet there is no scientific proof. Some research has revealed how bioresonance may enhance tumor-suppressing genes’ functionality and could thus potentially slow or even stop some forms of cancers from progressing further; but more studies are required to verify these claims.

What are the symptoms of bioresonance?

Bioresonance machines utilize electrodes that adhere to our skin and electromagnetic waves to generate a resonance able to detect unhealthy frequencies within our bodies, such as those emitted by cancer cells or viruses. Once identified, they match that frequency and use destructive wave interference to cancel out its signal and “cancel out” diseased frequencies in order to “cancel out” their signal by matching its frequency exactly.

This machine may also help treat addictions such as smoking by matching its energy signature with that of cigarettes and “cancelling out” nicotine molecules in the body; similar to how magnets cancel out magnetic energy when touched. Unfortunately, such claims have yet to be proven through clinical trials and the American Cancer Society warns against its use (4).

As well, the machine claims to diagnose and heal various illnesses such as food allergies, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, uterine fibroids, menstrual cramps, low immunity levels, rheumatism, joint pains, arthritis spondylolysis osteoporosis heavy metal poisoning insomnia among others. Patients often come to us after exhausting other conventional and complementary treatments for these ailments.

A typical session entails testing various meridians based on traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture, to assess balance, stress and weakness in each. When testing resistance levels of meridians is determined difficult or easy; inflammation or weakness in any meridian will show as increased resistance levels. After reviewing these findings with nutritional, herbal and homeopathic remedies to see which will most effectively restore balance to that meridien, the practitioner makes appropriate suggestions – this process usually lasts about an hour per session.

Most clients report feeling more energized after bioresonance sessions; however, some may experience detox symptoms such as headache, nausea or thirst for 12-24 hours after their sessions – this should be taken as a positive sign that your body is beginning to heal itself, and these symptoms should dissipate over time. According to one small German study bioresonance was effective at relieving unexplained stomach pain (leakage), as well as decreasing inflammation associated with Crohn’s disease, Lupus, ulcerative colitis and fibromyalgia.

Can bioresonance help me?

Bioresonance therapy helps the body remove any substances interfering with its natural healing processes. This could include toxins, heavy metals, infections, food sensitivities or nutritional deficiencies. Bioresonance helps identify these issues and provides targeted treatments so the body can heal itself naturally.

Bioresonance works by emitting a safe electromagnetic frequency that travels through the body. When there is an imbalance, bioresonance detects it and returns an appropriate electromagnetic frequency to cancel out any unhealthy ones; this helps restore cells back to their healthy resonance level, alleviating any symptoms they may be suffering from.

Bioresonance therapy has proven useful in treating many conditions, such as fibromyalgia, digestive issues, insomnia and allergies. One study demonstrated that those receiving bioresonance treatments experienced faster relief of symptoms from bioresonance treatments versus those who didn’t; moreover, its lasting benefits were more noticeable as well.

Studies have also demonstrated the ability of bioresonance therapy to treat chronic fatigue, muscle tension and rheumatoid arthritis by normalising how antioxidants function in your body – essential components of treating free radical damage associated with arthritis.

Bioresonance poses no known risks and should be seen as a non-invasive treatment option, yet other approaches may be more effective at managing certain conditions. Furthermore, reports have surfaced of bioresonance worsening certain people’s conditions, particularly those suffering from autoimmune disease.

If you would like more information on how bioresonance can assist, reach out to us here. We can arrange an appointment to see if bioresonance treatment could help, perform tests on you, and devise a personalized treatment plan to address any health challenges. We look forward to working with you! Our office is conveniently located in New York City. Additionally, we offer in-person sessions, phone/video conference appointments, and online consultations.


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