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What is Rayonex Bioresonance Therapy?

Paul Schmidt, founder of Rayonex, proposed that resonance frequencies could help an organism activate its self-regulatory mechanisms and, thus, establish the company in 1982.

BT operates on the unproven assumption that unhealthy organs emit altered electromagnetic waves and switching these back to healthier frequencies can heal the body.

Bioresonance therapy has been scientifically demonstrated to provide significant pain reduction for cervical spine syndrome patients through clinical prospective, double-blind, randomised studies.


Bioresonance therapy is not a proven medical solution, yet has been touted as an answer to everything from cancer to eczema. Electronic devices utilizing bioresonance purport to diagnose diseased organs and “normalize” electromagnetic wave emissions produced by unhealthy tissues; such devices claim that changing frequency changes of these electromagnetic emissions heals the body. This idea rests on an unproven notion that unhealthy cells and organs release abnormal frequencies that lead to healing effects within.

Bioresonance sessions involve attaching electrodes to various parts of the body, and connecting it to a machine that measures energy waves coming from organs and tissues; then manipulating those energy frequencies accordingly to treat conditions.

Some small studies indicate that bioresonance therapy could provide benefits in treating certain conditions; however, most research does not demonstrate its effectiveness and it’s even possible that people could receive less effective care by seeking bioresonance instead of proven solutions such as surgery or medications.

Rayonex, the German company behind Tailored-Wellness’s bioresonance system, believes that good health begins with proper nutrition and self-regulation systems that are balanced, along with reduced exposure to chemicals, pathogens, and stressors – and bioresonance is part of this holistic approach.

According to the company website, bioresonance therapy can balance biological frequencies in order to strengthen one’s immune system against viruses, infections and diseases while supporting detoxification and healing processes within their bodies.

This machine utilizes sensors connected to electrodes attached to electrodes that are connected to a computer and reads their frequencies as input to create a graphic representation of an individual’s health state. These frequencies can then be translated into a visual display, providing insight into imbalances such as excesses in minerals, vitamins and fatty acids as well as digestive or metabolism issues that impact digestion or metabolism. Furthermore, it detects allergies, intolerances and addictions, providing solutions such as acupuncture homeopathy reiki therapy to address them as well. Furthermore, this machine promotes itself as an aid to quit smoking as well as providing fertility benefits; plus helps with anxiety, asthma and depression symptoms as well.


Paul Schmidt, the company founder, discovered in 1975 that each organ has an individual frequency spectrum that can be effectively stimulated. Schmidt described Bioresonance as being a cause-oriented method which involves stimulating individual cells for self-regulation purposes.

All cells vibrate rhythmically within an interlinked environment of wave patterns, each performing an essential role in our essential life processes. If we become sick, these frequencies become disrupted and we are unable to access natural healing mechanisms within the body. Rayonex bioresonance devices deliver signals in harmonic frequency patterns to restore these functions and help the body heal itself.

Bioresonance therapy operates under the unproven assumption that electromagnetic oscillations emitted by healthy tissues differ from those emitted by cancerous or damaged tissue, and a device can detect these variations to cancel out diseased signals by destructive interference waves. Unfortunately, however, Food and Drug Administration officials have prosecuted manufacturers of this electrical device for making false health benefit claims.

Bioresonance therapy appears to be a popular alternative, whether or not its claims of effectiveness can be verified. Available worldwide and often touted as an alternative to chemotherapy and radiation, bioresonance may help treat digestive system, skin, or nervous system related conditions; but is no replacement for traditional medicine or any other forms of therapy.

One condition believed to be treatable by bioresonance therapy is rheumatoid arthritis, which may be brought on by stress and environmental toxins. A Russian Academy of Science study of lymphocytes from patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis demonstrated that bioresonance therapy increased activities of antioxidant enzymes like superoxide dismutase and catalase while increasing nonprotein thiol groups lost due to oxidative stress.

Bioresonance therapy has been used to treat allergies, inflammatory diseases and cancer. This therapy has also been combined with other approaches such as acupuncture and homeopathy for effective results; some studies have been positive; while other have not. On BBC TV broadcast Richard and Judy followed two smokers who claimed they had stopped smoking after receiving sessions from bioresonance practitioner.


Bioresonance therapy, as an oscillation medicine approach, is founded upon the theory that all matter is constantly in motion and vibrating at various frequencies measured in Hertz (frequency wavelengths). All parts of the body – cells, organs, systems – have their own individual spectrum of frequencies related to them; similarly all diseases possess specific frequency spectra as do substances such as foods, toxins, drugs and pathogens which emit energy wavelengths – these frequencies can all be measured and detected using devices called bioresonance therapy machines which measure and read energy wavelengths as part of oscillation medicine practiced medicine.

Bioresonance therapy utilizes a special device that detects and adjusts imbalances before they manifest as disease in the body. At Tailored-Wellness, we utilize the Rayocomp PS 1000 Polar 4.0 device which has been approved as a class IIa medical device by European directives since January 2019. This equipment can be fitted with additional modules tailored specifically to client’s needs and therapeutic priorities, such as Rayoscan which translates heartbeats into frequencies to scan entire bodies and detect up to 68 issues that may exist.

Paul Schmidt, the originator of bioresonance, asserts that all disease begins as higher frequency signals that eventually manifest as symptoms in our bodies. By using bioresonance machines to identify imbalances early and correcting them before they manifest physically, our bodies have an opportunity to heal themselves naturally.

Allergies, atopic dermatitis and smoking cessation are just a few conditions Rayonex devices can effectively treat. However, it should be noted that clinical trials using electrodermal testing or bioresonance to diagnose allergies have proven unsuccessful, while European guidelines do not endorse its use as a cancer cure treatment option. We suggest speaking with your primary healthcare provider who will help identify an appropriate course of action suited specifically for you.


At Tailored-Wellness, bioresonance therapy can be an effective tool both in treating disease and in preventing it. I offer treatment sessions using the Rayonex Bioresonance system Rayocomp PS 1000 Polar 4.0 which provides noninvasive health assessments by translating heartbeats to frequencies and identifying up to 68 issues within your body. By testing and harmonizing imbalances such as reduced stress signals or unbalanced immune response while simultaneously improving communication between cells – during sessions the device identifies each client’s energetic state so as to determine what needs testing/harmonisation efforts need focusing on.

Engineer Paul Schmidt discovered in the 1970s that each organ has its own frequency spectrum that can be stimulated through bioresonance therapy to support self-regulating capabilities of organisms. According to Schmidt, bioresonance therapy promotes organism’s natural self-regulatory abilities.

Schmidt’s discovery formed the cornerstone of an integrative complementary medicine approach now used around the globe by doctors, alternative practitioners, veterinarians and animal healthcare providers alike. His method focuses on cause rather than symptoms; clinical trials have confirmed its efficacy.

Energy medicine practitioners claim it can treat numerous conditions, from smoking cessation (as featured on a Richard and Judy TV broadcast) to allergies, digestive complaints, fatigue, sleeping disorders and even cancer. Unfortunately, hard evidence for many of these claims remains hard to come by because many areas do not yet recognize this practice within the NHS system.

Learners interested in bioresonance may take part in either an introduction course or five-day seminar provided by Rayonex Biomedical GmbH, designed specifically to equip healthcare professionals with bioresonance therapy qualifications.

Dietmar Heimes is now managing the company his father founded back in 1982, with help from Dietmar Schmidt’s son Dietmar Heimes having graduated in mechanical engineering from RWTH Aachen University and being employed with them since 1998. Bioresonance therapies used by healthcare professionals, chiropractors, and acupuncturists make use of an extensive worldwide network of trained bioresonance therapists – these services being made available via certified training programmes at bioresonance therapy centres around the globe.
