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What is Regumed Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance is an efficient, noninvasive natural treatment method designed to detect imbalances in the flow of information within an organism and identify any disturbance fields.

Royal Rife discovered that pathogens could be killed by emitting frequencies that match their biological signature frequencies, making BICOM devices ideal for such attacks.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive, painless way of diagnosing imbalances in the body. This non-invasive therapy measures energy frequencies or wavelengths produced naturally by your body to detect various health problems, while then using specific frequencies to alter any unhealthy wavelengths into healthier ones for optimal body functioning.

bioresonance therapy offers an alternative approach to diagnosing health issues by targeting their root causes. It’s especially helpful at uncovering hidden conditions like intestinal leakage (intestinal permeability) or autoimmune conditions like Crohn’s or Lupus that could potentially have serious repercussions for your health.

Bioresonance therapy has also proven useful in treating various other conditions, including food intolerances and allergies; urogenital disorders, cystitis, prostatitis and low immune defenses; respiratory issues like asthma, chronic bronchitis and sinusitis; as well as hormone issues including premenstrual syndrome and menopause. Bioresonance can even assist athletes who want to enhance their performance without turning to drugs or invasive procedures like surgery for relief.

Bioresonance therapy with the BICOM mobile VET unit measures biological vibrations within your dog or cat’s body, then transmits modified vibrations / therapeutic frequency patterns that stimulate healing processes for more balanced, healthy bodies with reduced stress levels and greater overall wellness.

Gentle, holistic therapy takes an holistic approach that considers all of your energetic components – physical discomfort as well as emotional and mental states – and treats any imbalance without side effects or harmful results. Bioresonance therapy stands out from pharmaceutical treatments by being completely safe for pregnant women and people with pacemakers; unlike pharmaceuticals, it works to restore equilibrium rather than just mask symptoms – which makes it extremely popular with children. Due to its effectiveness and safety, bioresonance therapy is increasingly being used as an effective and safe treatment option for allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, hormone imbalances and pain relief. A recent study also demonstrated how bioresonance improved symptoms associated with moderate to severe pain conditions for patients suffering fibromyalgia.

Bioresonance Therapy for Dogs

Bioresonance therapy, an all-natural, painless and stress-free form of treatment for pets, has proven itself effective at alleviating various health conditions in them – especially dogs. Furthermore, traditional veterinary therapies have found it invaluable as an additional measure to bolster their effects while decreasing side effects.

BICOM mobile VET device employs electromagnetic oscillations to identify and address disharmonies within a dog’s body, often uncovering and treating early symptoms of illness. Treatment typically entails balancing electromagnetic fields within their bodies to help balance out electromagnetic fields used with homeopathy or other natural healing procedures.

Bioresonance therapy recognizes that every living organism emits electromagnetic frequencies that form part of its natural balance. If these frequencies become disrupted due to illness, stress or toxins then their natural balance becomes impaired and health and wellbeing decline. The BICOM device can detect imbalances and transmit harmonising resonance patterns into animals to restore balance thereby supporting self-healing processes and improving overall wellbeing.

The BICOM device can help diagnose and treat an array of symptoms, from allergic reactions to skin conditions like psoriasis. Additionally, it may assist in soothing gastrointestinal disorders like vomiting or nausea while aiding detoxification processes by supporting balanced bodily functions.

Additionally, the BICOM device can help treat behavioral problems like anxiety and stress. Its calming effects may help improve sleeping patterns as well as general behaviour and mood.

Many pet owners and veterinary naturopaths who utilize the BICOM device in their practices have reported how its treatments have helped their dogs recover from illness or prevented further disease outbreak. Furthermore, they have appreciated having peace of mind knowing bioresonance can complement other therapies while supporting natural healing processes for their animals – you can read some testimonials at Bioresonance UK website.

Bioresonance Therapy for Humans

Bioresonance therapy has become a widespread method for diagnosing and treating numerous conditions in humans. Studies have demonstrated that it helps with conditions like fibromyalgia, allergies, asthma and other autoimmune diseases as well as helping individuals stop smoking or recover from overtraining and fatigue.

When participating in an FMS session, one lies on their back with applicators placed on their forehead, hands, feet or organ areas and reflex zones. A device then reads your body’s electromagnetic field emission and sends back harmonic frequencies that balance out any disharmonic frequencies to help your body naturally eliminate pathogenic vibrations.

Regumed’s BICOM optima and mobil devices use electrodes to record the electromagnetic information of your body, before processing this using a computer program and sending the results back to your practitioner for interpretation. You and your therapist can then use bioresonance treatment together to address specific imbalances.

Researchers found that one bioresonance session significantly reduced recurrent depression among individuals experiencing moderate to mild symptoms of depression. They noted this improvement as comparable to monotherapy using selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors.

Bioresonance therapy has been used successfully to treat various conditions, such as fibromyalgia, allergies and autoimmune diseases; helping individuals quit smoking; recovering from overtraining/exhaustion; as well as helping people stop smoking and recover faster after overtraining/exhaustion. A small German study demonstrated that patients receiving bioresonance therapy for their fibromyalgia experienced better results than those only receiving manual therapy and massage; stomach pain has also been successfully addressed using this method.

In 2019, the Advertising Standards Authority reviewed complaints related to an advertisement by a clinic which claimed bioresonance therapy could diagnose weight and digestive problems, including bloating; heart conditions; arthritis, joint pains; back pains; diabetes; skin issues (rashes); Psoriasis eczema acne; headaches migraine depression anxiety fatigue etc.” Though CE marked device was used, clinical papers provided were non peer reviewed and did not address conditions listed in ad; as such the complaints against it were upheld.

Bioresonance Therapy for Pets

Bioresonance therapy is a gentle process with no known side effects, making it suitable for animals of all kinds. Therapists have found it effective at relieving symptoms and healing illnesses in dogs and other animals alike – evidenced by studies. Alongside homeopathy, acupuncture and other naturopathic methods, bioresonance is one of the best solutions available to address allergies or chronic illnesses in pets.

The BICOM bioresonance method utilizes magnetic frequencies to read electromagnetic waves within the body and neutralize distressed (asymmetrical) waves using magnetic frequencies, encouraging cells to return to their natural balance and treating various ailments such as allergies, chronic pain and digestive disorders.

Bioresonance therapy can restore balance to energy flows and relieve symptoms as well as help prevent future diseases.

Allergies in dogs can be extremely challenging to treat, as determining their cause can often be hard. Furthermore, medications often prove toxic or cause side effects which compromise treatment effectiveness. Bioresonance therapy offers an alternative option and has been found to be highly successful at managing food allergies in animals.

As well as treating allergies, the BICOM bioresonance system can also be used to detect and treat various other canine ailments. For instance, this device can help identify and treat digestive disorders, joint problems, neurological conditions, as well as behavioral problems in dogs.

During a session, the dog lies comfortably on a soft mat and relaxes completely – some even doze off during treatments! Sessions are painless and stress-free for both pet and therapist, and several scientific institutes have proven its safety and efficacy; furthermore, veterinarians and naturopathic practitioners from around the globe use it.
