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What is Rife Bioresonance Therapy?

Rife machine therapy utilizes low energy electromagnetic frequencies that resemble radio waves. According to American scientist Royal Raymond Rife, every medical condition has an electromagnetic frequency; sending impulses with this frequency kills diseased cells.

Though his research was initially controversial and met with disbelief from institutions like the American Medical Association, more recent research supports some of his claims. Below are several benefits associated with Rife Bioresonance Therapy that should be noted.

It’s Non-Invasive

Rife bioresonance therapy stands out from many medical procedures by being completely non-invasive. Patients use electrode pads connected to a machine that emits low-energy electromagnetic waves; the machine then reads energy wavelengths emitted by cells within the body to assess whether they’re vibrating at healthy frequencies or unhealthy ones.

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Whenever the bioresonance device detects an unhealthy vibration, it applies specific frequencies to “cancel out” that signal and encourage the body’s cells to vibrate at more normal and healthier frequencies. Furthermore, bioresonance devices can also identify vitamin and mineral deficiencies, helping clients understand which diet changes or supplement regimens they must make to ensure optimal health.

Royal Raymond Rife created his Rife frequency machine nearly 100 years ago, emitting low-energy electromagnetic waves said to kill harmful pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungus. Supporters believe that Rife machines can identify these harmful organisms by watching how their electromagnetic oscillations differ from healthy organs and cells; furthermore if tuned in correctly to a particular disease’s electromagnetic frequency it can send out impulses at that specific frequency in order to destroy or eradicate it.

But these claims lack scientific proof and Rife machines have never been approved by any government regulatory body for treatment purposes. Furthermore, several proponents have even been charged with making unsubstantiated health claims and selling counterfeit equipment.


Rife frequency therapy is used not only to kill pathogens, but it is also utilized to treat various health issues. It has proven helpful for treating fibromyalgia, chronic diseases, autoimmune disorders, asthma and allergies – even helping people quit smoking or alleviate the pain from musculoskeletal injuries.

At a Rife Bioresonance Therapy session, patients must wear pads on both feet and hands that connect to a machine which emits low-energy waves. Treatments usually last only minutes but should be repeated frequently to achieve maximum effectiveness; there are no dangerous side effects and you can resume your regular activities directly afterwards.

It’s Effective

Bioresonance therapy uses frequencies to target harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, parasites, and fungi with bioresonance therapy‘s rifing process. Exposed to specific frequencies that target these pathogens they become incapable of reproduction and die eventually leading to healing processes taking over to eliminate dead cells and pathogens leaving healthy tissue undamaged in its place.

The Rife machine–and similar electronic devices–works on the principle that diseased organs and cancerous cells emit different electromagnetic oscillation patterns than healthy ones, with each frequency “cancelling out” diseased signals through destructive wave interference. According to its proponents, an electrical device can use this knowledge to monitor these oscillation patterns and “cancel out” harmful ones using destructive wave interference technology.

Even though these devices are often advertised for treating cancer, there is no scientific basis to support those claims. As such, the Food and Drug Administration has prosecuted numerous manufacturers of electrical devices like these for making false health benefits claims; furthermore, the American Cancer Society advises patients against their use.

Recent research is exploring the effectiveness of pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs) as a treatment option for tumors, and it appears that specific frequencies can prevent some cancerous cells from growing while sparing surrounding normal cells. Unfortunately, however, these studies were only performed in lab environments and don’t include human testing.

Rife machines not only zap pathogens, but can also identify vitamins and minerals deficient in your body – this allows a practitioner to make necessary dietary and supplement changes to restore balance to the body and enhance healing.

Rife bioresonance therapy‘s unique combination with biofeedback provides an innovative solution for healing and wellness promotion. Practitioners using this technology are able to monitor physiological responses during each treatment session and adjust frequency settings as necessary, customizing each session according to each client’s individual needs – this level of precision makes bioresonance therapy so successful at providing holistic healing.

It’s Safe

Royal Raymond Rife claimed in the 1930s that his machine could selectively destroy cancerous cells while leaving healthy ones intact, though his experiments were condemned by the American Medical Association and there is no scientific support for his claims. Still, some websites continue to promote it as a cancer cure.

Rife frequency generators use electromagnetic waves that penetrate the skin without breaking it, at much lower energy than X-rays or radiotherapy, thus making them suitable for longer sessions, whole body therapies and killing micro-organisms while leaving surrounding tissue undamaged.

Researchers have revealed that while Rife devices cannot cure cancer, research suggests they may help slow its cell growth. One study showed specific electromagnetic frequencies prevented certain cancerous cells from growing while not impacting healthy ones – however this experiment was performed in a lab and not on real humans.

Bioresonance therapy can also aid by stimulating the body’s immune system to support healing of disease as well as strengthening defenses against infections.

Some people utilize the Rife frequency generator to treat other conditions, including fibromyalgia and arthritis, as it may help relieve their discomfort. Before trying any such treatment, however, it’s essential that any physician be consulted first and to avoid using this device if you have metal implants or are taking certain medications.

The Deta Professional Rife bioresonance device is an innovative diagnostic and therapeutic tool, ideal for anyone seeking holistic approaches to healing. Using Rife frequencies in Frequency Therapy to target harmful pathogens – bacteria, viruses, fungus parasites molds – Frequency Therapy has the power to target them directly and disrupt their structures resulting in their elimination – providing an alternative to surgery or chemotherapy treatments.

It’s Affordable

Rife bioresonance therapy uses low-energy electromagnetic sound waves to diagnose and treat health conditions, by using their frequency to identify unhealthy energetic frequencies in your body, neutralising them to restore equilibrium to keep you at your most natural state of being. It was originally developed in 1934 by Royal Raymond Rife. This noninvasive therapy allows for rapid results.

Rife machine technology utilizes electrodes attached to your skin that are connected to an energy reading device that detects energy wavelengths within your body. Once identified, these energy readings can identify any unhealthy energetic frequencies signaling a problem within your system and send out different frequencies to cancel out those unhealthy wavelengths, helping restore balance to your system and help improve overall health.

Royal Rife was an American scientist who held that bacteria and viruses emitting disease-causing electromagnetic frequencies were key. He created a device known as the Rife Frequency Generator to produce low-energy radio waves with identical frequencies emitted by diseased cells; his theory held that sending waves with these same frequencies would kill or disable diseased cells. Even today, people still claim the Rife machine cures cancer and other conditions, although its claims lack scientific backing; medical regulators consider them quack treatment solutions; many promoters of such machines have been charged with healthcare fraud charges.

Researchers have disproven the Rife machine’s claim of employing low-energy electromagnetic waves to kill microorganisms with its Rife machine, using low-frequency vibrations that break glass as evidence that these frequencies kill or disable microorganisms. While Rife machines are still sold online and may cause vibrations which break glasses, these waves do not produce strong enough waves to kill or disable any microorganisms present in any sample tested by researchers. Several Rife machines were even sold as counterfeit devices with counterfeit versions being sold online by sellers selling counterfeit devices ineffective or being ineffective or being ineffective themselves – often leaving consumers unaware.

An experienced Rife therapy practitioner can offer many services that will enhance your health and wellbeing, such as the Qest4 system which analyses hormones, chromosomes, diet and presence of parasites and bacteria such as candida. A bioresonance test can also help identify which foods will harm rather than improve health, helping you increase consumption of healthy ones while decreasing consumption of any that don’t.


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