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What is SCIO Bioresonance?

Bioresonance activates your body’s incredible healing power by detecting and relieving stress. Additionally, this method assists in eliminating viruses, toxins, nutrient deficiencies, hereditary patterns and mental factors from the system.

SCIO conducts body scans similar to virus scanning programs on computers to identify imbalances within its client’s body. It measures vitamin levels, amino acids, nutritive substances, minerals, enzymes, natural sugars, toxins, hormone levels, muscle tone as well as bacteria fungus and viruses – among other metrics.

What is SCIO?

SCIO is a computerized system that utilizes quantum physics to assess and balance your body’s subtle energy fields. As the first energetic diagnostic and therapeutic device able to identify imbalances before they manifest physically, SCIO can identify stressors like viruses/bacteria/fungus infections, nutritional deficiencies, allergies and even hereditary weaknesses as early signs. Furthermore, it will reveal their source and provide advice on what steps should be taken.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!

Stress disrupts the electromagnetic frequencies at which your cells resonate, disrupting physical function and leading to disease. To diagnose this imbalance and restore proper resonance and vibration within the body without drugs or needles – something the SCIO makes possible! – SCIO measures your subtle energy field, compares it to an ideal one and provides the appropriate frequency/application that will restore resonance and vibration – perfect for infants, children and elderly patients alike!

At each session, your practitioner will instruct you to hold various objects and substances in front of the SCIO, which will then resonate with each item for one hundredth of a second before measuring how your body responds. Based on these readings, the SCIO compares these readings against organ and tissue resonance frequencies in your body before reestablishing your natural frequency, which usually aligns perfectly with the rest of existence.

QXCI or Quantum Xrroid Consciousness Interface resonance testing is a scientifically proven process which allows your body to access your subtle energies – beyond what current medical technology can detect – which includes every cell, organ, meridian, emotion and molecule within you that has its own electro-magnetic signature.


SCIO will identify these disturbances and restore your body’s innate bioenergetic balance to reduce disease vulnerability, by using frequencies with reverse harmonic frequencies to balance out unfavorable frequencies, eliminating anomalies and stimulating its own renewal processes.

How is SCIO set up?

SCIO is the world’s most advanced evoked potential bio-feedback device on the market, using cutting-edge technology to electrically scan your entire body and assess your state of health. Designed naturopathically and stimulate your natural ability for self-healing, SCIO serves as an efficient quantum energy healing tool used by many complementary practitioners.

This system operates under the assumption that stress disrupts your cells’ natural electromagnetic frequencies and that this interference can be corrected through SCIO communication with the body to restore energy balance for physical, mental, and emotional issues. SCIO measures body chemistry for nutritional deficiencies, toxins, food sensitivities and other imbalances – even very subtle reactions which might otherwise go undetected by naked eye analysis.

The system connects to its client via electrodes attached to their ankles and wrists, sending information through a special interface into their individual quantum energy fields. This allows the machine to measure physiological oscillations within them which then feed back into their brain to restore them back into normal biological frequencies.

Once the practitioner has entered their patient information into SCIO, scanning begins immediately. A full body scan can be completed in minutes and analyzes 55 parameters simultaneously – such as vitamins levels, amino acids, minerals, nutrients, organic sugars, fungus hormones and bacteria levels as well as disease indicators in certain areas. It also shows the extent of disruption.

Based on this information, SCIO can use signals sent into the body to locate any areas of distress and then use various programs that address these problems. Unlike other modalities that send data first to conscious mind before transmitting to unconscious for feedback processing, SCIO sends its data directly into subconscious. This method allows SCIO programs to elicit responses from bodies that can often be quite dramatic.

What are the benefits of SCIO therapy?

SCIO is a non-invasive, safe and effective device that supports your body’s amazing self-healing powers by detecting and relieving stress. Similar to scanning for viruses on a computer, SCIO scans your body for bacteria, fungus, viruses and weaknesses as well as food sensitivities or emotional factors that contribute to poor immunity. In addition, SCIO detects and corrects energetic imbalances that contribute to poor immunity.

EDUCTOR and SCIO technologies utilize bioresonance technology to map electric patterns within body tissues affected by stress-inducing lifestyle factors and overload, then restore healthy functioning using electrical frequencies. The process provides a non-drug alternative that supports rather than suppresses natural defense mechanisms of the body.

Clients typically report feeling energised, relaxed and emotional as dysfunctional energies are released during an in-person session – this is completely normal as we create new, functional energy circuits in their cells!

Virtual or online SCIO sessions are available for those unable to come directly into our clinic, while in-person appointments provide the best results of SCIO treatment and provide personal interactions between our practitioners and you.

SCIO monitors vitamin levels, amino acids, minerals, enzymes, natural sugars and hormone balance as well as toxic bacteria levels, viruses, modes and fungi levels against your “norm”. This method provides more comprehensive results than blood tests or X-rays and should serve as the first step towards natural healing of internal organs.

At each session, a practitioner can customize the frequency settings on an EDUCTOR/SCIO according to individual client needs and goals. While one session may address many conditions or symptoms effectively, for optimal results it’s recommended that weekly visits take place for 2-3 months; sessions are non-invasive and conducted in an informal atmosphere.

Can SCIO be used on children?

Scientific Consciousness Interface Operations System) is one of the most sophisticated bioresonance feedback machines currently available. This device measures basic electrical factors (impedance, voltage and amplification) before producing feedback through audiovisual or haptic stimulation to reduce electrostress. SCIO gives clients an overall picture of their health status and balance; corrects blockages to the flow of energy within their bodies while stimulating natural cell regeneration capabilities which restore integrity, strengthen immunity, slow aging and counteract stress-related side effects on their bodies.

When treating, the SCIO adjusts its input resonance according to your feedback. It maintains any beneficial settings as long as they continue helping, changing them immediately if they become harmful.

This tool uses electromagnetic frequencies from various substances and compares them against your resonant signature, to detect specific allergic/intolerance reactions related to foods, environmental chemicals and other products that could lead to reactions in individuals. With this knowledge available to them, their diet and supplement regime could be tailored accordingly.

The system also tests clients’ hydration and oxygenation indexes, measuring how efficiently their bodies are hydrating their bodies while also circulating blood through them. It identifies areas in which dehydration or stress exist within their systems as well as pinpointing any areas where there may be deficiency or excess stress in their systems.

Quantum bioresonance operates under the theory that disease stems from imbalances in subtle energies of the body, which can be corrected using quantum bioresonance. The subtle energy field acts as an early warning system; any imbalances therein can be detected much earlier than overt physical symptoms.

This system integrates quantum physics, fractal dynamics and subspace theory with quantum homeopathy, homeopathy, acupuncture, Rife resonator technology, psychotherapy, neuro-linguistic programming and colour therapy to bring balance back into your energy field. Unlike conventional Western medicine, SCIO addresses root causes rather than symptoms; bioresonance research proves this effectiveness by activating tumor suppressor genes and normalizing antioxidant enzyme functions in the body.


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