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What is Test Bioresonance?

Bioresonance therapy is a holistic form of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), using ancient meridians from Chinese and Acupuncture medicine as points of connection for electromagnetic signals that travel throughout the body.

Bioresonance therapy has long been touted as a potential treatment for various conditions, from allergies and intolerances to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Studies conducted under controlled conditions have demonstrated its efficacy by normalizing antioxidant functions that fight free radicals and decrease tissue damage.


Bioresonance testing is an emerging non-invasive alternative therapy that has gained increasing traction among those searching for holistic health solutions. It identifies imbalances within the body by analyzing electromagnetic frequencies emitted by unhealthy cells and comparing them against a database of known frequencies, thus helping practitioners create personalized patient plans targeted specifically towards each area of concern.

An electronic probe is used in testing to measure resistance at various points on hands and feet based on ancient meridians used for acupuncture and Chinese medicine. Based on how easily current flows through them, balance, stress or weakness may be determined for each point based on readings; elevated readings may indicate inflammation while decreased ones could indicate lack of energy in your body.

This test measures the energy levels of all your organs and tissues to assess whether they are in balance. This includes your heart and circulation system, respiratory system, digestive system, liver, endocrine (hormone), nervous, musculoskeletal systems. Furthermore, it can assess any pathogenic burdens like parasites, bacteria or viruses as well as toxic or chemical substances present within your body.

Additionally, this test can detect food sensitivities and allergies as well as vitamin and mineral deficiencies caused by inability to absorb and utilize vitamins, minerals, oligo-elements from food. Furthermore, it can identify any environmental factors affecting your body such as electro smog, radiation, electrical frequencies, magnetic energy radio waves as well as geopathic stress (e.g. ley lines).

Bioresonance testing falls within the umbrella term of Complementary and Alternative Medicines (CAM), and should be used alongside conventional medical treatment rather than as a standalone alternative therapy. According to its proponents, healthy cells emit specific electromagnetic waves while unhealthy ones emit altered ones; doctors can detect abnormal waves using this technique to diagnose disease while returning the frequency of cells back to their original frequency can ultimately treat illness.


Bioresonance scans can detect imbalances in your energy flow that indicate possible unhealthy cells or disease in your body, helping you develop a wellness plan to maintain optimal health and prevent future issues before they strike. Furthermore, energy testing is noninvasive and doesn’t expose you to radiation such as X-rays.

Bioresonance seeks to restore equilibrium to both electromagnetic and biochemical functions within your body in order to facilitate self-healing and promote healing. A Bicom-Optima machine scans electromagnetic fields on the body before comparing frequency readings against an established database of healthy or unhealthy ones; any imbalances detected are corrected through nutritional, herbal or homeopathic remedies that resonate best with you body.

Bioresonance therapy has quickly gained prominence as an integrative form of healing. Based on the concept that every cell emits electromagnetic wavelengths and frequency patterns, this noninvasive therapy has become popular throughout Europe and North America for identifying food intolerances, allergies, environmental triggers or health concerns which might contribute to illness.

Recent research found that bioresonance therapy could improve symptoms of recurrent depression. This was seen through reduced frequency and severity episodes; however, researchers are calling for larger and more rigorous studies to verify these results.

Bioresonance may cause discomfort for some individuals; however, most find the process painless. Testing typically takes 60 minutes and your healthcare provider needs time to discuss results with you afterwards.

Before beginning a test, it is recommended to drink plenty of water to remain hydrated and maintain an accurate electromagnetic field reading on the machine. You should also refrain from smoking or allergens prior to your session as these will alter its frequency and interfere with proper readings of electromagnetic waves in your body.

Testing typically lasts an hour and results will be discussed with you by an experienced healthcare provider in person. Based on their findings, recommendations may include diet, supplements or lifestyle modifications to address the issue at hand. Incorporating testing into your overall wellness routine can help maintain balance within your body and identify any emerging health problems before they emerge.


Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic fields to identify imbalances in energy wavelengths in the body. Once identified, personalized plans are then devised that address each patient’s condition specifically; such plans include treating conditions like rheumatoid arthritis and allergies that are hard to diagnose with other techniques, like rheumatoid arthritis. Quantum physics underlies test bioresonance therapy‘s theory as all matter emits energy which can then be measured through oscillations with various frequencies which can then be amplified, graphed and analysed for test bioresonance‘s scientific basis; such techniques allow doctors to accurately pinpoint sources.

Treatment of cancerous organs and cancer cells involves an unproven hypothesis: electromagnetic oscillations emitted by damaged organs or cancerous cells differ from those generated by healthy tissues, so an electrical device detects such differences and interferes with their signal via destructive wave interference to eliminate diseased cell signals.

Bioresonance testing is becoming an increasingly popular alternative method for identifying food intolerances and has many uses within complementary medicine clinics. Not only can it detect intolerances but it can also treat chronic diseases and pain management such as arthritis, stomach pain and migraines – plus reduce stress and improve sleep quality!

One study demonstrated the usefulness of bioresonance therapy in treating smoking cessation. Another demonstrated its ability to alleviate gastrointestinal symptoms and muscle spasms for cancer patients. Furthermore, bioresonance therapy can also improve asthma and eczema by decreasing allergy sensitivities; and treat rheumatoid arthritis by normalizing how antioxidants function within our bodies thereby combatting free radicals more efficiently and lessening tissue damage.

Bioresonance can also help detect toxins and parasites in the blood and can assist with detoxification. Furthermore, it can detect genetic predisposition to certain cancer types. Unfortunately, its use is unregulated; the FDA has taken legal action against some purveyors of this electrical device who made unfounded health benefits claims.


Bioresonance therapy has become increasingly popular among those searching for non-invasive health solutions. It utilizes electromagnetic frequencies emitted by cells within the body to identify unhealthy ones and create tailored patient plans. Bioresonance operates under the theory that all cells emit electromagnetic waves; any disruption of these frequencies could result in illness in one form or another.

Energy testing is a form of bioresonance which detects imbalances in the body’s energy wavelengths and frequency patterns without using radiation such as X-ray imaging. It can be used to diagnose and treat various conditions, including allergies, autoimmune diseases and metabolic disorders as well as potential food sensitivities. To achieve accurate results from an energy test it’s essential that participants prepare properly before their session by drinking plenty of water and refraining from certain foods or medications prior to testing sessions.

Some practitioners of bioresonance therapy claim it can treat tumors by stimulating the release of suppressed tumor suppressor genes; however, no scientific proof has ever shown this to be the case. Furthermore, mutations to tumor suppressor genes could prevent them from performing their intended role of regulating cell division or initiating apoptosis.

Bioresonance therapy does not have any scientific backing to support its efficacy as a form of medical treatment, leading to criticism as pseudoscience and discouragement from seeking out more proven options like other forms of alternative medicine or medication. Furthermore, its practice could even prevent patients from seeking out more beneficial forms of therapy which might prove more efficient in helping with medical conditions than bioresonance could ever offer.

Although bioresonance testing does not have scientific proof, some studies have demonstrated positive outcomes. Studies suggest the treatment can reduce allergic reactions such as rheumatoid arthritis and atopic dermatitis; detect nutritional deficiencies; overexposure to heavy metals; determine which homeopathic remedies would best meet an individual’s specific needs; among other uses. It is wise to consult your physician prior to undertaking energy testing of any kind.
