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What is the Qest4 Bioresonance Machine?

The Qest4 bioresonance machine from Germany provides invaluable insight into imbalances within a patient’s energetic and biochemical systems, and assists healthcare practitioners in creating more tailored treatment plans to address root causes rather than mask symptoms through medication.

The Qest4 system employs digitally encoded information to transmit electromagnetic waves through brass cylinders and record their effects as the body responds.

Bio-energetic testing

The Qest4 bioresonance screening system integrates digitally-stored information pertaining to thousands of physiological, nutritional, emotional, and environmental factors with an apparatus which measures electrical resistance changes of skin surface areas. By comparing results against what is stored in software, the system determines which signatures resonate with an individual’s body as well as frequencies that might help balance it.

Every individual possesses an energetic pattern that influences their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing. Chinese medicine refers to these pathways as meridians. Stressors on these energetic patterns may lead to chronic fatigue, food sensitivities, muscle tension and headaches if left unaddressed – these stressors may also remain hidden to traditional diagnostic tools like MRIs, blood work or X-rays.

Bioenergetic testing is an energy healing modality which assesses disturbances to these energies and their potential to create symptoms or imbalances in health. It can help identify stressors related to nutrition, food sensitivities, emotions, toxins and hormone imbalances; and can assist people experiencing weight gain, belly bloat or digestive complaints.

Biofield physiology is an emerging discipline utilizing evidence gathered from fields like cell biology and quantum physics to understand how shifts in human energy fields can alter regulatory systems that control physiological functions within the body.

Bioresonance testing is non-invasive and an excellent complement to traditional diagnostic techniques, enabling practitioners to provide more tailored and comprehensive care plans for their clients and uncover root causes of health issues that require attention – key steps towards creating long-term strategies to promote wellness in patients.

The Qest4 bioenergetic scanning software is one of the most advanced and flexible bio-energetic scanners on the market, featuring lightweight portability that enables practitioners to take it with them on-the-go or use remotely. With complete new user training available and worldwide support for future software updates available it makes a valuable holistic addition to modern diagnostic methods.

Meridian Stress Analysis

The Qest4 bio-energetic scanning system can detect energy imbalances in your body by assessing meridians – the channels through which qi or vital energy circulates throughout. Meridian stress analysis provides invaluable information that may lead to finding and treating the root cause of illness; additionally it’s an invaluable way of improving overall wellness by learning more about diet and lifestyle choices that could benefit you.

Qest4 bio-energetic testing works on the principle that everything in your body is connected, and any change to one part could impact another area. It utilizes an energy language process called “energetic language” to communicate with your innate intelligence and give an overall picture of your energetic state than can be gained through case history or simple observation alone. Furthermore, Qest4 can identify possible contributors to your health issues such as toxins, nutritional factors, food intolerances, emotional patterns or anything else contributing to illness such as toxins, nutritional factors or emotional patterns among others.

At a Meridian Stress Assessment, you will be tested on 28 acupuncture points that correspond with each of your meridians. A stylus sends low levels of electrical current through each point and records data onto a computer system; it’s pain-free and noninvasive with results available within one hour.

Based on ancient Chinese philosophy, this technology can detect imbalances before they manifest as physical symptoms. Many illnesses begin subtly with functional disturbances that are invisible to the naked eye – this test can help address those imbalances before they become medical issues.

Meridian Stress Assessment can provide your homeopath with essential information that will allow them to craft a personalized treatment plan designed to restore balance to your body, such as homeopathic drops, nutritional support or emotional clearing work. Furthermore, this test can even serve as support for traditional diagnosis if that’s what’s desired.

Bio-individual recommendations

The Qest4 is an advanced bio-energetic testing device designed to give an accurate overview of an individual’s health by measuring energetic balance in their body. It can identify imbalances and suggest remedies such as frequency balance to restore health; additionally it detects disturbances which preceed physical imbalances that could potentially prevent illness altogether.

This device works by measuring electrical responses of the skin through galvanized skin response, reading its energy field. This enables it to identify imbalances without engaging the conscious and language centers of your brain, and test thousands of nutritional factors, homeopathic remedies, cell salts herbs and nosodes for bacteria viruses fungi etc. within just seconds! With Qest4 you can have an overview of your health and wellbeing within seconds!

Painless and non-invasive technology, free from radiation and chemicals. Safe for babies and people who may be sensitive. Once collected information from this device can be turned into homeopathic remedy that patients take at home to continue healing process until their next session.

Body energy wavelengths produce various waves that influence how organs function and can even lead to disease if exposed to heavy metals, stress or poor diet. With the Qest 4 system’s advanced technology and powerful algorithms for recognising and altering harmful wavelengths into healthier ones for overall whole-body wellness and disease prevention. It is an incredible way to improve health while helping prevent illness!

Clinical use

The Qest4 system integrates MSA, EDS, bio-energetic testing and biofeedback into one comprehensive platform designed to give health practitioners information they cannot find through traditional case history and questioning alone. Instead it works like Kinesiology/Muscle Testing but more effectively as its results are then recorded into mediums such as liquid or skin patches for easy takeaway.

A typical scan takes only minutes. During the test, you hold two brass cylinders handgrips while software reviews a long list of health factors such as anatomy and physiology, medications, supplements, herbs, food sensitivities, emotional patterns pathogens and environmental stressors. A low voltage circuit formed by two brass cylinders emits electromagnetic signals into your energy field that produce minute electromagnetic pulses which respond in small changes in electrical resistance on your skin surface.

This test does not diagnose illness or recommend treatments, but rather seeks out areas in your energy flow that have become disrupted due to nutritional deficiencies, environmental toxins, physical or emotional trauma, parasites or even just stress. A scanner will identify these areas and suggest treatment strategies – these might include herbal remedies or diet changes as possible solutions.

Screening with functional disturbance testing can be particularly helpful for people experiencing symptoms without evidence of tissue damage to be seen through pathology tests or ultrasound imaging. About seventy percent of my clinic patients exhibit what’s called functional disturbance, meaning no specific organ or gland has been damaged but they nonetheless show multiple symptoms.

Functional disturbances often stem from imbalances in your energetic field, and the Qest4 bioresonance scan helps identify their sources while providing treatment strategies to restore equilibrium to it and ultimately relieve your symptoms.
