Free distant healing can be used as a powerful tool for mental, physical, and spiritual wellbeing. Based on the theory that energy flows across space and time through intention alone, free distant healing works to heal all parts of yourself at once.
Healer Jasmmin, our founder Healer, holds a certificate as a Reiki Master. In addition, she has expanded her repertoire with Lama Fera, Pranic Healing, and Shalvik Mantra energy healing modalities.
Lama Fera
Lama Fera healing uses symbols to channel life force energy from the universe directly to patients. First practiced by Tibetan lamas, this powerful energy healing technique can remove negative energies from your body while increasing spiritual awareness and improving soul vitality. Furthermore, Lama Fera may help treat physical ailments or emotional concerns. For optimal results when learning Lama Fera seek out an experienced practitioner.
A Lama Fera Grandmaster must undergo an intensive training program and receive attunements or initiations from a certified teacher, learning symbols and mantras used in this ancient Tibetan healing modality as well as how to channel energy into patients. Furthermore, an intuitive spiritual connection should also be fostered during this practice.
Lama Fera is an effective energy healing system rooted in Tibetan Buddhism. Also referred to as the Buddha Healing Method, this healing practice uses Buddha’s power to bring about physical and mental wellbeing within humans. Additionally, its properties can help clear away negative energies in an environment, provide personal protection and spiritual awakening.
Lama Fera guru is renowned spiritual healer, offering guidance and support to his clients. In addition to offering workshops on various spiritual topics – energy healing, meditation and hypnotherapy among them – these sessions may take place either face-to-face or remotely as per client preference.
He has been practicing spiritual healing for 15 years in Pune and offers Reiki and other energy healing techniques as a teacher. Additionally, he practices other spiritual arts such as Akashic Record Reading & Healing, Angelic Healing, Tarot Card reading and Shalvik Mantra depending on client requirements.
During healing sessions, energy healers channel positive energy into a client’s body, dispelling any blockages and rejuvenating their spirit. Sessions typically last an hour but can be extended upon mutual agreement; clients should keep in mind that energy healing does not replace conventional medical treatments or cure diseases.
Reiki healing is an ancient Japanese healing art designed to relieve tension, reduce stress levels and promote emotional well-being. Reiki may also assist with physical ailments as it clears away energy blockages in your body’s ability to fight disease; though its scientific effectiveness remains unverifiable. Still, many health professionals have found reiki therapy an effective complement to conventional medical treatment approaches.
Reiki practitioners contend that all living things possess an energy known as “ki” or universal life force energy that runs through them, and when its flow decreases people become more stressed and susceptible to illness; when its levels rise it helps prevent disease while improving mental clarity – some even report curing serious illnesses through Reiki!
At a reiki session, the individual receiving therapy lies down and relaxes while their practitioner gently places their hands on or just above their body in various positions that correspond to chakras (energy centers). Although its exact mechanisms remain unknown, studies suggest it may promote relaxation, increase mental and emotional well-being as well as boost immune systems while encouraging self-healing processes.
“Reiki” is composed of two Japanese words – “rei” and “ki.” Rei is used to refer to universal spirit or higher power; while ki refers to the energy found within all living things. Reiki practice involves connecting with this energy; some practitioners believe it to be God; however others disagree and view it more as an unnamed higher power that fosters universalist thinking and positive energy.
Mikao Usui, its founder, recommended that practitioners adhere to certain ethical ideals in order to promote peace and harmony between all peoples, such as treating all beings with respect, practicing an honor code of conduct, and refraining from harmful activities. These values transcend cultures regardless of religious belief, making the practice of Reiki suitable for use on its own as well as combined with other healing techniques such as massage therapy or yoga for treating various conditions.
Pranic Healing
Pranic healing is a non-contact energy therapy that harnesses prana, or life force energy, to restore harmony in the body’s energy systems. Practitioners utilize breathing techniques and hand movements to scan auras for imbalances and stimulate chakras; practitioners believe physical and emotional ailments often begin as energetic disruptions within an aura that need clearing in order to allow natural healing processes within our bodies to take effect.
Pranic Healing can be an excellent way to detoxify and improve overall health, clearing away mental clutter while decreasing stress levels. As an alternative to prescription drugs, Pranic Healing has proven highly successful at treating various conditions while improving sleep quality, immunity levels and energy levels – an effective tool in long-term recovery from substance abuse.
Stay hydrated and consume light meals prior to and following Pranic Healing sessions, avoiding pork, eel and catfish consumption as well as excessive alcohol use and addictive substances. Pranic Healing should only ever be performed by trained professionals.
This healing method is founded on the idea that our body’s natural ability to heal itself can be enhanced by increasing life energy (prana) in our system. It is an easy, straightforward, and noninvasive technique without medication or surgery – its principles based on Correspondence Law and Self Recovery Principle.
Pranic Healing operates under the principle that we all have an energy field known as an aura that absorbs and distributes prana throughout our bodies, which may be affected by mental, emotional or spiritual states. Psychologists have observed that many individuals experiencing illness also display disharmonies in their aura’s energy pattern; Pranic Healing can therefore help treat stress-related conditions like depression anxiety insomnia chronic pain digestive disorders etc.
Meditation can also help treat addiction by relieving cravings and improving focus. Furthermore, it may foster spiritual connections to the Universe.
Shalvik Mantra
SHALVVK is an effective spiritual mantra designed to bring peace and prosperity in life. It helps remove negative planetary effects as well as clear any negative energy in one’s home, office or business, protect from witchcraft/black magic as well as attract health, wealth, abundance and prosperity in one’s life. Anyone of any age and experience can easily use this tool; writing/pronouncing with emphasis on first syllable makes learning simple – great addition to healing practices!
Getcured is dedicated to offering only the highest-grade spiritual healing techniques to the world. Our skilled healers offer distant as well as in-person treatments and are here to assist with any ailments you might be suffering from. We focus on working on the energy layer of the aura – that subtle energetic field that encompasses and protects physical bodies.
Dr. S. K Saini created LAMA FERA Healing Techique between 1992-1995 as part of his Suksham Nadi Tantra Kosh Vigyan tradition, providing fast energy healing techniques that address physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ailments simultaneously. LAMA FERA works quickly by clearing away negative vibrations while welcoming positive energies into one’s energetic system – truly making this healing method unique in its nature!
Lama Fera is the combination of two words- ‘LAMA’ & ‘FERA’- each having their own identity and meanings. This energy healing system developed in monasteries in the Himalayas has been employed for centuries in clearing negative vibrations from one’s body energy field and helping individuals navigate life more smoothly and peacefully.
Healing Reiki can be an extremely powerful remedy for physical, emotional or spiritual imbalance. It can assist you in overcoming various challenges and problems of daily life to make every moment count and bring stability and happiness in relationships as well as protect you against curses, evil eyes or other forms of negativity.