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Healing Through Distant Distance

Regardless of what traumatic events have occurred in your life, it is normal to experience difficult feelings. Acknowledging them and reaching out for help are both acceptable options; family, friends or therapists may all provide healing support that could assist.

Distant healing is a powerful technique used by many cultures and across millennia to send energy healing towards friends, family members, animals, plants, homes and environments. Over time and centuries it has been treasured way of providing aid.

What is Distant Healing?

Distant healing is a form of energy healing in which healing energy can be sent across distance without both healer and recipient being present physically. Based on Reiki principles and understanding that intention can travel across distance, research in quantum physics has demonstrated how energy does not have physical boundaries that limit its reach – this knowledge can be harnessed for distant healing of people and animals alike.

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Healing energies come from God or the Source; when directed through healers to individuals or situations in need. Healers channel this energy to specific individuals or places such as landscapes or situations to affect subatomic changes that can be measured using various techniques (DNA testing for example). As a result, both humans and animals experience improved physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.

Unlike listening to our favorite radio song, distant healing can quickly lift our spirits or tug at our emotions even though we aren’t physically present with its performer. Additionally, distant healing offers powerful aid for disabled individuals, those living in restrictive environments or those who can’t access traditional hands-on sessions nearby.

An energy remote healing session begins when the healer meditates on cosmic energy, then sends that energy directly to those suffering from illness or chronic diseases, altering their pranic energy bodies to effect changes. It may help ease chronic diseases & illnesses while clearing away blockages in energy centers & realigning auric fields.


There is not enough reliable information to know whether distant healing is safe for pregnant or breastfeeding women or interacts with any medications, so if there are any concerns it is essential to speak to a health provider immediately. In order to maximize results patients should make lifestyle changes to support the healing process such as getting enough restful sleep and eating nutritious foods.

What is the Distant Healing Method?

Distance healing is a form of energy medicine that utilizes vibrational energies to promote wellness, making it an invaluable way of supporting individuals who may not be able to receive hands-on treatments due to physical or mental limitations. Its positive effects can be felt across physical, emotional and spiritual realms.

Distance healing works similarly to face-to-face sessions, with the healer and client separated geographically. A healer meditates upon cosmic energy and sends it directly to those in need, where it will reach the individual via their etheric/pranic body and improve flow of energy in meridians, release blockage, balance excess or depleted energy, as well as cleansing chakras of any negative energy that has built up there – eventually reaching physical bodies, healing their condition.

Healers may utilize various tools to facilitate distance healing sessions. From using online platforms that facilitate conversation during sessions to advanced devices that amplify and direct healing vibrations over long distances, healers must establish clear communication with their clients at the outset of any healing session in order to set expectations and set any personal boundaries that must be respected.

Distance healers must also ensure they are adequately prepared for their sessions with clients, including by clearing the room of distractions and creating an energetic bond with them. Intentions must also be clearly set during healing sessions so as to direct energy in an effective manner and achieve desired results.

Distant healing can be a fantastic solution for individuals unable to receive hands-on treatments due to physical, emotional or mental restrictions. This form of medicine has proven its worth treating all sorts of conditions such as pain, anxiety, stress, allergies, insomnia and more.

How can Distant Healing be used?

Distance healing can be used to heal people, animals, plants, and situations at great distance. Healers use energy to send healing vibrations over long distances via techniques like visualization, meditation and Reiki symbols; their energy is amplified through their intention and compassionately directed towards its recipient.

Distance healing has the ability to positively influence mental, emotional and physical wellbeing in various ways. It may help them achieve deeper relaxation and release stress more easily while strengthening spiritual ties and increasing self-esteem. Many spiritual healers use distant healing treatments for treating conditions like chronic pain, cancer, PTSD anxiety depression or any number of psychological issues.

Healers must ensure a quiet space is free of distractions when conducting sessions, clearing their minds and getting ready to send and receive healing energy. Communication between healer and client should also be open from the outset of every session, outlining expectations, duration and potential ways quantum healing devices or radionics machines may amplify and direct energy remotely.

At each session, the healer will meditate while channeling healing energy to their patient. They’ll scan their aura and any affected areas on the body before channeling the appropriate energy towards healing them. Healers are clairvoyant; therefore they can identify problems quickly before sending healing energy accordingly to cure it. Though the process takes time, its results should eventually show.

Distant energy healing has been proven safe and effective through numerous experiments. Its main functions are stress relief and immune support. Furthermore, energy healing techniques may also be effective at treating various chronic pain conditions, arthritis, high blood pressure and heart disease as well as psychological conditions like insomnia anxiety depression and chronic fatigue.

How can Distant Healing be beneficial?

As part of a holistic approach to health, distant healing can provide patients with relief from stress and pain while increasing quality of life. Furthermore, it may act as preventive measure and maintain optimal wellness; research shows that patients who participate in distant healing sessions experience lower rates of depression, anxiety and fatigue while feeling in control over their situation more. It could even reduce symptoms after surgery or medical procedures more quickly and lengthen recovery times after surgeries or procedures are performed.

Distance healing sessions enable healers to send energy healing energy anywhere around the globe to an individual in need, be they at home, work, school, playing sports, eating meals or asleep during treatment. Healing energy comes directly from their hands and may be targeted toward specific parts of the body or organs that have disease; or to the entire being.

Distance healing aims to remove blockages in energy flows between body and mind, and allow natural wellbeing to take over. A healer works with universal energies to restore and harmonize physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellbeing within their client’s bodies.

Diverse theories exist regarding how distant healing works, such as energy being transferred across long distances or that mental thoughts have an effect on physical matter. Studies have also indicated that prayer, which includes distant healing, may not be effective at treating certain conditions such as decreasing mortality risk after heart surgery or curing warts.

However, according to a 2020 Journal of Complementary and Integrative Medicine study, distant healing significantly improved quality-of-life for cancer patients. Researchers concluded that while additional study may be required, their results show promise as an adjunct therapy alongside traditional cancer treatments.


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