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Meridians – The Core of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture

As with the circulatory system of blood, meridians facilitate the free flow of vital energy known as Qi through our physical and etheric bodies – this form the core of Chinese Medicine and acupuncture practices.

Pericardium Meridian is known for its deep and protective nature that serves to safeguard against emotional strain while supporting inner equilibrium.

What are meridians?

Your body has twelve meridians, or energy pathways that connect and pervade every part of it. They act like highways for moving qi – life force – around your etheric body, connecting organs as well as shaping how you think, feel, act, and interact with others.

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Each Meridian is distinguished by its own distinct functions and traits; three well-known examples are Heart Meridian, Kidney Meridian and Liver Meridian. Of these meridians are Heart Meridian (regulating circulation and emotions) Kidney Meridian and Liver Meridian being among them. Heart Meridian serves to regulate circulation while also balancing basic emotions; when imbalanced it can result in anxiety headaches or trouble focusing. Furthermore, Heart meridian plays an integral part in growth regulation via hormone imbalances as well as being responsible for regulation in general endocrine system regulation so its malfunction may manifest as hormone imbalances in some way too!

The Triple Warmer Meridian runs from the tip of your little finger up the back of your arm and along the neck, where it regulates pituitary gland activity and balances endocrine systems. Additionally, this energy pathway controls temperature in your body as well as many bodily functions.

Extraordinary Vessels, less widely recognized than their 12 Principal Meridian counterparts, consist of eight meridians known as Extraordinary Vessels that may not be as well known. These eight meridians include the Governing Vessel, Penetrating Vessel and Girdle Vessel – with the former serving as the focal point for all yang meridians as well as being associated with immunity – though most commonly associated with disease fighting capabilities of our immune systems and being associated with emotions – such as how it influences these. Any imbalance between them causes depression as it struggles to express feelings – something Principal Meridians alone do not do!


How do meridians work?

Meridians are super energy highways that carry Qi to where it’s needed in your body. These meridians form part of your etheric energy body which pervades physical structure.

The twelve major meridians are named for organs they correspond with (with exception to the pericardium meridian which controls cardiovascular health and triple burner meridians that oversee metabolism). All twelve run on both sides of your body and intersect.

Each meridian contains vital life force to keep both body and mind healthy, so when one becomes blocked or out-of-balance it can manifest as symptoms that affect various parts of your body and emotions.

Meridians may become out-of-whack due to the presence of non-serving energies or structural issues. Emotional energies that accumulate can clog meridian channels and reduce energy levels significantly, leaving the body lacking vitality and vitality.

Meridians can also become imbalanced when overworked. This happens if there is too much energy concentrated in one area of your body, often an indication of stress that leads to physical problems. Energy healing on meridians can help clear away extra energy and rebalance its flow; energy healing on the meridians is an incredible way to support physical, mental and emotional wellbeing; they’re even part of the practice of acupuncture – with many clinics now specializing in meridien therapy known as Meridian Energetics therapy!

How do meridians get blocked?

As with other energy pathways in your etheric body, meridians may become blocked and stagnant with external non-serving energies, including emotional stressors such as sadness, building up in one or more meridians and slowing them down, leading to reduced levels of energetic wellbeing and even fatigue.

Meridians are channels that transport qi throughout the body. Each meridian serves a specific function and corresponds with one organ; twelve principal meridians are most often seen; these correspond with specific organs named after them. Furthermore, there are two more notable meridians known as extraordinary vessels which do not correspond directly with any particular organ; they include Conception Vessel and Governing Vessel respectively.

As one of the principal meridians, the lung meridian, often called “Minister of Air,” regulates blood and energy circulation as well as linking mind to body through breathing and can influence a person’s emotions and mood. Any imbalance can result in respiratory infections, skin disorders or despair.

The Spleen Meridian begins at the back of your head and runs along your spine before reaching your legs, over your kneecaps, and up the inner leg until it reaches your big toe. From there it wraps itself around your stomach before heading up through your chest and throat region where an imbalance could manifest itself by having red lips.

The large intestine meridien, often referred to as the Master of Transportation, works closely with its respective organs to balance fluids and perspiration in the body. An imbalance may lead to constipation, diarrhea or abdominal pain; additionally, lung meridians cooperate in perspiration regulation as well.

How do meridians get unbalanced?

Meridians are essential to the flow of Qi in your body. But they can become blocked or imbalanced, which may lead to physical and emotional health problems. Massage, acupuncture, and EFT Tapping may all be used to address blocked meridians that cause physical and emotional disturbances. These meridians form part of an etheric body which acts like an energetic replica of the physical body receiving energy known as Chi Ki Prana from outside sources and transmitting it back into it via meridians; meridians help balance masculine/feminine energies within it in order to maintain health vitality and happiness.

The body has 12 primary meridians that correspond with different organs and their respective functions. These meridians connect the internal organs to allow energy and blood to move smoothly throughout. For example, lung meridians play an essential role in respiration and immunity; starting at the front of the chest and traveling down towards diaphragm before branching off along inner arm into middle fingernail corner they eventually branch off along inner arm ending at corner ending in imbalance resulting in respiratory infections, breathing issues or skin disorders.

The large intestine meridian plays an integral part in maintaining body fluid balance; its close relationships with its associated organ make it especially vital. It contributes to perspiration, digestion and waste elimination processes while its imbalance may result in constipation, diarrhea and abdominal pain; additionally it may wreak havoc with emotions like anxiety and depression. Finally, heart meridians play roles in circulation as well as emotions – any disruption to one can result in fatigue, depression or anger.

What are the benefits of meridians?

Traditional Chinese medicine recognizes that imbalances of energy, or vitality, known as Qi or vitality can lead to physical and emotional ailments. Meridians are networks of pathways designed to restore its flow. Meridian therapy uses pressure needles suction or heat treatments in order to unblock Qi and restore health and well-being.

Meridians can be excellent targets for energy healing, particularly if their balance and healing is the focus. Their presence also touches almost every part of the body so working with meridians has an energetic ripple effect throughout.

Meridians typically only circulate positive and vital energies; however, when non-serving energies enter, this can cause meridians to block or become sluggish; this means energy is no longer being distributed efficiently through them, leaving people feeling fatigued and lacking vitality.

Meridians also transport glucose, the sugar that provides oxygen throughout our bodies and helps maintain proper metabolism and blood circulation. To test this theory, researchers blocked minipig stomach meridians to cause them to experience stomach pain and diarrhea before injecting a radioactive glucose solution through an IV and measuring its distribution along the meridian.

Results revealed that molecules had moved from the blocked meridians into other parts of the body, including the heart and lungs, suggesting that TCM is indeed accurate in depicting how stomach meridians affect these organs. Furthermore, this research suggested meridians can serve as an effective way of understanding why different substances move through our bodies in such an effective manner that might even aid drug delivery systems development.


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