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Reiki Hand Positions for Remote Healing

Reiki practitioners use energy healing techniques on the energy field of clients to treat mental, emotional, and physical conditions. Reiki practitioners can also send healing energy directly to someone or an animal remotely.

Reiki hand positions are used as the main conduit to channel this energy. Here are some of the more frequently employed hand positions during distance healing sessions.


There is no one-size-fits-all approach to Reiki hand positions; rather, there is a set of guidelines to be observed. What matters most for practitioners of Reiki is feeling connected with energy and having clear intent so that Reiki flows effortlessly. Other aspects such as meditation, visualization, intention setting and breathing practice, along with quality of heart mind (Kokoro), play an equally essential part.

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One of the most often-used symbols in Reiki distant healing is the power symbol. This name refers to any combination of Kanji characters that can be written using any Kanji script and usually translated as “choku rei”, or simply power. The power symbol increases reiki energy flow and can be used with any body/hand position for greater effectiveness of treatment.

Mental/Emotional symbols are another powerful resource, used to heal any type of emotional or mental imbalance. These can help restore harmony to relationships while eliminating negative feelings such as anger, fear, sadness and anxiety from relationships and dispelling addictions such as cigarettes, alcohol and drugs.

This symbol activates the sacral chakra by stimulating its lower abdominal region. This energy center is responsible for creativity, sexuality and social skills development as well as being the storehouse for Kundalini energy which awakens human spirits – essential components for leading a balanced physical and spiritual lifestyle.


If the source of any physical imbalance lies within, adding extra Power symbols as well as Mental/Emotional ones into treatment plans can help bring it back into balance and restore equilibrium.

At Reiki, it’s essential to keep in mind that all conditions – physical or emotional – should be addressed holistically. For example, if your father is having money problems, sending energy directly into his root chakra would help improve his financial situation and create a sense of security and stability in his finances.


Reiki treatments come in several different forms. While many practitioners prefer placing their hands directly onto an individual, there may be times when this is not practical or possible; when this is the case, alternative healing methods such as using surrogates such as teddy bears or photographs of intended recipients may be used instead; or pouring energy over something such as rainclouds or pillows may also be utilized – regardless of which way energy flows, its goal remains unchanged: healing energy gets sent wherever it’s needed.

There may also be times when full-length Reiki sessions aren’t possible due to time or location constraints for those receiving treatments, yet Reiki remains effective when performed in these situations – all that’s required for its effectiveness is your intention as a practitioner.

Reiki practitioners use a hand positions distant healing technique that is useful in this instance: placing their hands on an inanimate surrogate such as a teddy or stuffed animal as a surrogate, placing their hands also on symbolic objects that represent who or what needs treatment like crystals or flowers, so the Reiki energy can reach its intended recipient directly.

Experienced Reiki practitioners often perform a Reiki session on themselves to strengthen the link with their energy. Since energy can often know more than humans can about what someone needs or situation needs, practitioners believe they don’t need permission to send Reiki – the energy will flow regardless of what anyone thinks is appropriate or not.

Other Reiki hand positions that can be sent without being present include Heart, Solar Plexus and Root. In the Heart position, hands are held either alongside each other or end-to-end over the recipient’s breastbone; Solar Plexus places hands on lower ribs; while Root brings both hands down over pelvic bones.


Reiki practitioners who employ hand positions during treatments must realize that using them does not innately draw more energy or produce superior results. Instead, Reiki’s healing power comes from intention, meditation, visualization, breathwork and connecting to one’s heart-mind (Kokoro). Hand positioning represents only one facet of practice which facilitates self-connection.

Reiki practitioners must first connect with the energy of their client. One effective approach to doing so is using Reiji ho, an affirmation which invoking Universal Life Force Energy (Reiki). You can invoke Reiki by raising both hands together and saying out “HSZSN”.

Once a practitioner has connected to their energy, they must then choose where to place their hands. Common choices include the crown chakra – symbolic of connecting to Divinity and higher consciousness. Other popular centers of power that may help alleviate physical or emotional trauma include the brow chakra and solar plexus.

The brow chakra can heal mental and emotional trauma by providing access to deeper understandings of ourselves, the universe, intuition, wisdom and memory – often used for long-held memories and emotions that have been held onto.

Solar Plexus Treatment. A highly sensitive area, the solar plexus requires great caution when treating it; placing hands alongside each other or end-to-end over the lower ribs of your client may prove more successful than any other approach.

Finally, the Hara Chakra can be an extremely beneficial area to target with Reiki treatment. It can assist in finding balance and building a sense of purpose within yourself as well as increase creativity capacity and intuitive abilities – even connecting you with an inner teacher!


Reiki is an energy healing system involving the placement of hands on the body to channel universal life force energy and facilitate healing at all levels of being. Practitioners use their hands to channel universal life force energy into recipients’ bodies, which then facilitates healing at all levels – body, mind, emotions or soul healing are all possible with Reiki – not restricted to religion or belief systems, making it accessible for anyone looking for health improvements.

Hand positions used during Reiki sessions include those to soothe the head, reduce headaches and anxiety; soothe eyes; treat vision problems related to eyesight stress and strain fatigue; alleviate neck pain by relieving tension in this position and alleviate shoulder strain and fatigue; or soothe shoulders to alleviate neck pain and tension relief.

Chest – This energy-boosting position aids circulation while supporting lung function. Additionally, it can clear congestion and coughs from your lungs. Belly – This position energizes the digestive tract; treating ulcers, heartburn and diarrhea and even constipation! Back – This position supports reproductive organs by stimulating small and large intestines as well as the uterus (prostate for men) and bladder while potentially treating problems associated with appendix problems.

Once a session is over, the practitioner typically moves their hands from head to feet before closing with thanks and placing their hands down to ground themselves. They may rinse their hands or touch the floor briefly in order to break any energy connections with their subject of treatment; after which, they can stand up and leave. If they have distance clients they will arrange an appropriate meeting time together.


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