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What is Soul Retrieval?

Soul retrieval is a powerful, ancient technique designed to heal and balance an energetic body, often providing relief for those experiencing trauma from physical or emotional abuse, death in a car accident or any other source.

Sometimes energy clearing can leave clients feeling worn-out temporarily; however, this serves to pave the way for increased vitality over time.

What is Soul Retrieval?

Soul retrieval is an effective and profound healing technique designed to treat trauma and disconnection, while simultaneously helping individuals reclaim the fullness of their identity and power as human beings. This healing practice stands as one of the most efficient and profound methods available today.

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Soul loss can come in various forms and often comes as a result of trauma or major life events, such as physical or emotional abuse, death or serious illness, chronic pain issues such as food or drug dependency or addictions and any other situations that cause disempowerment and disconnect with oneself and one’s true identity.

Soul Retrieval Sessions allow me to reunite the aspects of your spirit that have become scattered by these events, using my paqo’s intent and qaway, the ability to perceive reality from other dimensions, to pull it back. It is an effortless process; just as in traditional Andean practice there is no elaborate ceremony involved here; just love grounded in will that follows intent – energy must follow intent!

Once your soul parts have been restored, you will discover it is much simpler to create healthy energetic boundaries and manage relationships effectively. This can make co-dependent dynamics harder to slip into while making it easier for you to speak out against abusive situations and individuals.


As part of my soul retrieval sessions, I often bring two power animals back with me to help support you. A power animal is a spirit who appears as an animal form to give comfort to infant souls as they find their place in this world. Building relationships like this one can be immensely powerful; long after soul retrieval has taken place.

Soul retrievals also bring back memories of what caused their soul loss; these facts-only memories don’t carry with them the associated emotion and can therefore be highly therapeutic, and won’t leave behind a “dark night of the soul” feeling.

How Does Soul Retrieval Work?

Soul retrieval is an advanced shamanic healing practice which addresses trauma at both physical and spiritual levels. This powerful yet transformative practice offers deep healing, insight and life changes for its recipients – an ancient healing tradition which was frequently utilized as soon as an event of trauma occurred in ancient cultures.

At a soul retrieval session, the client and I take an exploration journey into the non-physical reality of spirit world to witness and track down a lost part of soul that may have been scattered along with it’s energy field and soul. After communicating with it and convincing it back home, a shamanic practitioner then retrieves this lost piece for integration back into energy field and soul of client; all while being guided by their guiding spirits. It must be conducted safely with professionalism for maximum effect.

Contrary to popular belief, soul retrieval should not be thought of as inner child work or emotional therapy. While old memories may surface and need releasing, soul retrieval is actually quite enjoyable and many choose to take extra downtime following their session just to relax and recover from the experience.

Due to this work being so rewarding for the soul part, they often seek it out eagerly and are usually eager to return home. It is their own natural way of rebalancing and returning healthiness to life.

Soul retrieval is an extremely tailored practice and each shaman has their own style for performing this healing work. At its core lies an understanding that when soul parts dislodge from an energy field it may have been taken by another, often as the result of trauma or abuse, and hidden away somewhere within the lowerworld – often death and darkness – in search of safety. A shaman will often use intuition to determine where this journey should begin in order to locate this missing soul piece and return them safely into a person’s energy field.

What Can I Expect from a Soul Retrieval Session?

Soul retrieval sessions are an effective shamanic healing method that can assist individuals in managing chronic emotional distress, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and other mental health challenges. This ancient practice relies on the concept of soul loss; pieces of your inner self that have become separated may be recovered and integrated back into wholeness through retrieval sessions. This book explores this concept while offering advice for how to prepare for and experience such sessions as well as ways to integrate newly acquired parts back into daily life.

Emotionally, clients may experience various feelings during a soul retrieval session ranging from excitement to fear. It is essential that clients acknowledge and accept these emotions as part of the healing process. They may also notice sensations like warmth, tingling or sounds as their energy shifts as soul fragments reintegrate.

Soul retrievals offer many people relief from traumas that are too deep-seated for talk therapy or traditional healing modalities to address, such as childhood abuse, sexual trauma or severe depression. According to this book’s explanations of shamanic perspectives on wellness, unresolved emotional or spiritual traumas can lead to soul loss as well as chronic health conditions like chronic disease; without intervention the soul could play an essential role in maintaining overall physical wellness and the shaman will help guide their soul retrieval journeys back towards health and wellbeing.

Soul retrieval should be seen as more of an approach to healing rather than the solution, since its primary goal is not to get to the source of trauma itself or remove its cause at its roots. According to shamanism, soul retrieval causes imbalances in body’s energy systems by making attempts at connecting back with its source, so healing must start on an emotional level before working with mind, body, and spirit simultaneously.

After receiving soul retrieval therapy, clients typically report feeling emotionally and physically healthier. For some individuals however, integrating all of the soul fragments may take longer for full effect to be felt.

What Can I Expect After a Soul Retrieval Session?

Soul retrieval may be the ideal treatment option if you are suffering from persistent emotional numbness, feelings of emptiness or feeling disconnected from yourself and from those close to you. Trouble forming healthy relationships, repeating negative life patterns or difficulty with releasing triggers could all indicate the need for such therapy.

At each session, your soul’s highest aspects are invited back into awareness. Typically these aspects were hidden during traumatic experiences or challenging childhood years – for instance one client buried her artistic sensitivity, while another suppressed feelings associated with grief over losing a loved one. Through healing sessions you are able to reclaim these lost parts so you can feel whole and complete once more.

Once your missing pieces have been returned, they may not immediately integrate back into your body – this is part of the healing process and should take up to three weeks post soul retrieval session for full integration to take place. You should expect old emotions to surface for release during this timeframe as another positive side effect of soul retrieval sessions.

Your body may also show physical symptoms of stress such as muscle aches, fatigue and flu-like symptoms. Listen to what it needs and rest when necessary – old emotions that remain trapped can stay inside of it and cause disease and illness in later years.

Soul retrieval helps people set much healthier energetic boundaries that won’t easily break. Being aware of this as you navigate life and form new relationships is helpful in keeping these limits intact.

As a soul retrieval practitioner, my sessions often include the return of two power animals: these benevolent spirits in animal form that provide post-session support and guidance. Depending on your specific needs and wishes, I may also incorporate spiritual guides back into our sessions.

Soul retrieval can be an extremely effective treatment option, yet it should not be seen as a one-stop shop solution for complex issues like severe mental health challenges, addictions or trauma. Although soul retrieval may assist in the deep healing necessary for these conditions, additional practices like inner child work and shadow work must also be implemented simultaneously with this process.


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