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A Little Book of Energy Medicine

Donna Eden is an internationally recognized healer and alternative health expert who is known for developing effective energy medicine practices that focus on simple exercises to bring balance, flow and harmony back into one’s energy system. This book of energy medicine offers simple yet effective exercises for improving the flow and harmony within our energy bodies.

This essential guide to energy healing provides a five-minute daily routine for revitalizing the body’s natural energy flow and specific exercises to combat conditions ranging from headaches and nausea, insomnia, and the common cold. A must-read for any holistic library.

The Basics

Energy Medicine is founded on the notion that any physical, mental or emotional issue has an equivalent in the body’s energies – where healing must often begin. This class offers techniques designed to strengthen and balance those energies for maximum effect. Energy medicine can be combined with other health care systems and used as part of self-care and healing; at its best it’s an integrated self-healing method called Qi (chi), Prana, Innate Intelligence Vital Fluid Odic Force or Orgone energy within us all.

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Donna Eden is a pioneer of EEM and one of its foremost teachers. This course is intended to introduce participants to its basic principles and practices. Topics may include energetic integrity, understanding why some treatments work while others don’t, basic daily energy routines and ways to combat stress effectively.

This course, which introduces the fundamentals of Eden Energy Medicine, is perfect for anyone wanting to become more actively and intelligently involved in their own healing and well-being. It teaches participants to consciously draw upon nature’s storehouse of ancient knowledge for which their bodies have an unrivaled aptitude.

The inaugural course in our series, this class introduces you to an easy daily energy routine that will have your energies revving in no time. Additionally, it covers meridians (rivers of energy that run throughout our body and vitalize its systems), energy testing as a practical method to evaluate energetic harmony before indulging in certain foods or substances, and more!


This course builds upon the techniques learned in Introduction to Energy Medicine and introduces you to techniques for working and balancing two key meridians: Triple Warmer and Spleen. You will learn advanced techniques for moving and clearing away blockages in your energy system while receiving tools for dealing with stress more effectively. Finally, this session concludes with a full-body EEM mini session designed to leave you relaxed yet revitalized!

The Five-Minute Energy Routine

This five-minute daily routine helps refocus disorganized stress energies into balance, increasing performance. It is easy and accessible anywhere; no special equipment or space are needed; can be done alone or with others, and is especially effective in work settings where concentration, mood and clarity of thought improve and communication improve; such as healthcare environments where workers and patients benefit from increased learning speed, focus and speed of action.

Eden developed this routine as an energy medicine exercise regimen to maintain proper functioning of our meridian and energy systems, including our meridians and chakras. Comprised of seven simple postures and movements lasting less than five minutes each day, making this exercise part of daily life can greatly increase health and well-being over time. Most who follow it find their health improves dramatically over time.

Geoffrey White sends his clients several pages of intake forms prior to their first energy medicine session, such as a health history form, Informed Consent statement and Privacy statement (HIPAA). At their first energy medicine session, Geoffrey reviews these intake forms while discussing subjective experience of health, energy levels and daily functioning – reviewing any intake forms completed, testing pre-checks for imbalances found and teaching a five-minute energy medicine routine designed to correct them.

At an energy medicine session, the practitioner evaluates each chakra and meridian for any imbalances or dysfunctions and instructs their client on using a five-minute routine to restore equilibrium to these systems. Once their client has learned this routine, healing energies may be applied by the practitioner in order to initiate positive change in physical and emotional wellbeing for all parties involved.

Exercises for a Healthy Mind

Most people want a healthy body, yet many overlook its importance in maintaining overall wellness. Mens sana in corpore sano (meaning “healthy mind in a healthy body”) is frequently quoted; although some aspects of physical health (such as our genes) are out of our hands, mental wellbeing lies firmly within reach.

Research suggests there is an intimate link between mind and body, and this book delves into ways you can strengthen it. The authors offer exercises and a five-minute daily energy routine designed to balance out your energies so you feel rejuvenated, happier, more alert, and less anxious.

The book includes exercises that promote neuroplasticity and cognitive reserve. These can be especially helpful for anyone concerned about aging and their risk of dementia or caring for someone with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia; strengthening cognitive defenses helps offset effects such as cognitive decline or memory loss.

The Little Book of Energy Medicine presents easy-to-learn exercises designed to quickly improve well-being and manage stress, strengthen immunity, and improve sleep quality. Readers can quickly use these energy-boosting exercises at any moment for increased wellbeing and better quality rest – key components to leading a happy, healthy life.

Exercises for a Healthy Body

Utilising these simple energy exercises, you can support your body’s natural healing powers and achieve overall wellbeing from within.

Donna Eden has long provided individuals with tools to understand their bodies as energy systems and identify aches and pains as signs of imbalance in an energetic field. Now in this long-awaited book she speaks directly to women on how energy medicine can address specific health concerns they are facing, from PMS and fertility to menopause and high blood pressure.

Ancient energy techniques outlined in this book are easy to learn and can provide lasting benefits when practiced at home, such as reduced stress levels, stronger immunity and greater peace of mind. Furthermore, the methods can help improve sleep quality, vitality levels and overall sense of well-being.

Exercise program designed to be completed quickly–even as little as five minutes each day–to maximize results and achieve optimal health. While each move is effective on its own, they can also be combined into full body workouts or weight training regimens for even greater benefits. Four fitness experts share their favorite moves that offer unique advantages and how you can adjust them according to different experience levels or fitness goals.


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