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Acupuncture for Kidney Energy in Chinese Medicine

TCM assigns each organ an emotion, color and flavor associated with it; kidney energy represents fear in dark or black hues with salty undertones.

When kidneys are weak, the body may experience symptoms like edema, low libido, fatigue and early ageing. By tonifying them properly, however, strengthening essence qi, activating immunity and improving blood pressure.

Ear Acupuncture

Winter months see an uptick in activity at the acupuncture points on ears. Ear acupuncture can be used as an easy and powerful way to support kidney energy and provide relief for chronic neck pain issues.

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The kidney energy is essential to our overall health and wellbeing. As the Yin of our bodies, its main function is holding onto and protecting what matters in life. According to Chinese medicine, kidney energy corresponds with water elements as well as Winter time – the season associated with rest and regeneration.

From a practical point of view, our kidneys play a pivotal role in developing and functioning of bones, teeth and hair as well as sexual energy regulation. According to an ancient TCM text called Internal Classic Suwen, women’s reproductive essence (Jing) typically begins developing between 7-14 years of age – which allows for conception to take place successfully. When Kidney energy depletes suddenly or unexpectedly a woman may experience infertility, irregular menstruation or impotence – symptoms which will ultimately have their impact.

Acupuncture on the ear can stimulate and restore kidney yin levels, thus relieving or eliminating symptoms of kidney imbalance. Frequent seminal emission is one of the telltale signs that a kidney has overworked. Other indicators could include dry mouth and throat conditions, tinnitus, insomnia or palpitations as well as dry hands and feet as well as weakness in lumbar region knees hands feet bluish tongue without coating and thready rapid pulse pulse.

Ear acupuncture can be administered in clinical settings as either an independent therapy, combined with body acupuncture or alongside treatments like Chinese herbal medicine. At SATU, the ear acupuncture protocol serves to assist clients during their addiction recovery journey as well as other emotional or psychological conditions like anxiety, depression, fear and anger management.

At SATU, we believe acupuncture to be an invaluable tool in helping our clients overcome addiction and build healthy and vibrant lives. Because recovery requires long-term dedication and support from all corners, our holistic treatment approach includes acupuncture, mindfulness meditation and nutritional coaching – equipping clients to maintain long-term recovery success. Discover more about our personalized recovery treatment plans here.

Bone Acupuncture

TCM associates the kidney with bone health, an integral aspect of our bodies that must remain strong and supportive. The kidney stores essence that generates marrow that creates bones; when not given sufficient energy to do its work, bone disease can result. Furthermore, Chinese Medicine recognizes that kidneys serve as sources of Qi (energy). They supply reserve energy reserves when any other organ requires reserve energy reserves and store our prenatal Qi inherited from our parents’ pregnancies. Wintertime sees our kidneys responsible for keeping our feet and back warm – making wearing warm scarves or taking Moxibustion treatments which involve warming acupuncture points with heated herbs on lower body acupuncture points so essential in order to stay warm!

As well as fluid metabolism and filtration, kidneys also play a vital role in edema formation, blood pressure abnormalities and urinary problems. If the Kidney isn’t functioning well it could prevent you from having children or lead to menstrual irregularities – all symptoms of weak kidney energy.

Another key function of the kidneys is to regulate sex hormones. People with weak kidney energy may experience infertility. Fear, one of the spirit aspects associated with the Kidney, becomes weak when we lack motivation or willpower due to shock, trauma or fearful situations causing shock damage to occur within our systems. When these circumstances arise we become vulnerable.

Acupuncture and herbal therapy are two approaches that may help the Kidney improve its health, treating symptoms such as tinnitus, deafness and ear infections. Acupuncture can increase estrogen and testosterone production for stronger bones that resist fracture. Furthermore, osteoporosis relief may prevent fractured hips wrists ankles and spine.

As per Five Element theory, someone with balanced Kidney energy would typically be introspective and enjoy spending time alone to reflect and think philosophically; they might even appear unconventional or quirky at times. When their Kidney energy becomes imbalanced it can cause obsessive worries over future possibilities or fear of death and an eventual sense that there is no point living.

Acupuncture has proven effective for treating conditions affecting the Kidneys, such as oedema, tinnitus, ear infections and rheumatoid arthritis. When used alongside herbal therapy treatments it becomes especially potency. Chinese Medicine takes an integrative approach that strives to address both root causes of problems as well as symptoms, in contrast to Western medical approaches which tend to focus solely on treating symptoms. TCM utilizes an anti-inflammatory combination called Bo He as an example of how they treat the whole person holistically. If you want more information on how acupuncture could benefit your overall wellness, feel free to reach out – the initial consultation is complimentary!

Salt Acupuncture

Acupuncture can assist with strengthening Kidney energy, restoring balance to this system and warding off disease. One telltale sign of compromised Kidney energy is proteinuria – where essential substances meant for storage in the body leak from kidneys into urine instead. Acupuncture helps combat proteinuria by warming kidney yang and increasing how much essentials substances the kidneys store.

Like their liver and gallbladder counterparts, kidneys play an integral part of detoxifying our bodies. Not only do they regulate water passageways within the body (think aqueous fluids), they also play an essential role in supporting immune health. According to Five Element theory, kidneys belong to Winter’s Water element while in Chinese Medicine they store our vital essence – our essence of self-life.

People with balanced kidney energy typically possess a strong sense of direction and purpose in life as well as an in-depth knowledge of themselves and will enjoy quiet space to reflect and think alone – perhaps they might even be unconventional and quirky! Conversely, someone whose kidney energy has become imbalanced could easily be startled or scared off, with even small things frightening them and fearing death being more prominent emotions.

The kidneys are at the epicenter of body’s Yin aspect and, thus, their balance determines that of its energy throughout. When deficient Yin exists within kidneys it will adversely impact other organ systems which could result in heat, insomnia, night sweats or an overall sense that your body isn’t healing properly.

If the kidneys become overflowing with Yin it can cause blood to collect in the lower abdomen, leading to painful urination or diarrhoea. Acupuncture and herbal medicine can help rebalance this balance so as to alleviate these symptoms.

Diet and water consumption can help nourish kidneys by providing soothing foods that are cooling and soothing, drinking plenty of water, and avoiding spicy or hot food items. Foods which support kidney health include seafood, bone broth and beans. Stimulating certain acupuncture points associated with kidney meridian can strengthen energy. Acupuncture and moxibustion – which involves heating specific points on body with mugwort – both support strengthening kidney energy.


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