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Acupuncture, Herbalism, and Psychic Readings by Jill Blakeway

jill blakeway energy medicine

Jill Blakeway is an acupuncturist and clinical herbalist based out of New York City who established Yinova health clinic. She coauthored Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program to Increase Fertility and Sex Again: Recharging your Libido as well as hosting weekly CBS Radio podcast Grow Cook Heal.


Modern wellness trends span from fringe approaches that don’t abide by science to tried-and-tested, science-backed techniques like Acupuncture. Acupuncture has proven itself an effective treatment option to ease many illnesses and ailments, making it a go-to treatment option.

Acupuncture is a form of Chinese medicine involving the insertion of needles at specific points on the body in order to alleviate pain and promote healing. Originating in China, the technique draws from ancient principles which believe that our bodies contain two opposing but inseparable forces: yin and yang that work in concert to maintain spiritual, emotional, mental, and physical wellbeing. An imbalance leads to blocked energy flowing freely throughout our systems resulting in disease – something which acupuncture seeks to address by clearing blockages through clear pathways.

Acupuncture is generally safe when performed by certified practitioners and rarely causes side effects; however, you should notify your acupuncturist of any conditions or medications you’re currently taking as some forms may not be appropriate for all patients.

Make sure to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water to stay properly hydrated throughout your treatment sessions. Some may experience results right away; others may require several sessions before seeing results. Some common conditions that acupuncture treats include fibromyalgia, asthma, carpal tunnel syndrome depression headaches insomnia menstrual cramps and anxiety.

Jill Blakeway is a licensed acupuncturist and clinical herbalist who founded Yinova Center in New York City and currently serves as clinic director. Her books Making Babies: A Proven 3-Month Program for Maximum Fertility and Sex Again: Recharging Your Libido are bestsellers; in addition, she hosts CBS podcast Grow, Cook, Heal.


Herbalism is the practice of using plants to promote wellness, with roots dating back to ancient times. Modern herbalists continue this ancient practice in contemporary herbal medicines that draw heavily upon plant materials like herbs. Nowadays, herbalism has experienced a renaissance – many modern natural remedies contain ingredients extracted from herbs or are inspired by them.

Herbal medicine differs significantly from conventional pharmaceuticals in that it relies on unprocessed plants rather than synthetic drugs that have been mass-produced, often with high dosage levels. Herbalists employ various plants such as seeds, berries, flowers, leaves, roots bark rhizomes and mushrooms when selecting which herbs would best benefit an individual based on biochemistry, emotional state and spiritual needs.

Herbalists specialize in helping their patients integrate all aspects of themselves into the healing process, from diet and lifestyle modifications to addressing emotional or physical concerns that could be contributing to their condition.

Herbal medicine is often not used for acute conditions; rather it serves to prevent and treat chronic illnesses or imbalances. Herbalism often works well alongside acupuncture or other integrative forms of treatment to provide long-term solutions.

Herbalists use herbalism as a practice to deepen their connection with nature and all its living beings, including plants. Herbalism serves to acknowledge their spirit while respecting their life processes; and it ensures the quality and purity of an herb; an experienced herbalist can distinguish between high-quality ethically and sustainably sourced herbs from those that may contain pesticides or contaminants that compromise its purity.

Qi Gong

Many major cultural traditions recognize a vital energy that governs both physical and mental processes and supports our health, such as prana in Indian culture or qi in Chinese medicine. Jill Blakeway brings cutting edge research to this ancient practice while exploring both its science and mystery of healing in her new book Energy Medicine.

Qigong is a dynamic series of exercises that teaches you to consciously control and direct qi, or “life force”, throughout your body’s meridian pathways. The practice encourages lifestyle choices that promote optimal qi flow such as adequate sleep, balanced nutrition, moderate exercise and tailored practices that include gentle movements, breath work and mindfulness aimed at cultivating and improving your own personal qi. Once optimized, your qi can then be directed where it’s most needed – whether healing an illness or simply increasing vitality!

Primary Qigong forms focus on the body’s twelve meridians, or energy pathways that connect organs and parts of the body with one another. There are hundreds of forms, but most involve slow and repetitive movements performed with deep diaphragmatic breathing and an uncluttered mind. Of particular significance are Ren Mai (Conception Vessel) which runs along the front of your body and Du Mai (Governing Vessel), which covers your spine and head’s centerline.

Jill discusses how the circulation of qi through our meridians is vital to overall wellbeing, while she describes eight extraordinary vessels which serve as reservoirs of energy and play an essential part in storing and dispensing it. Each vessel represents an emotion or color as well as functions such as movement digestion or strengthening our immune systems.


Jill Blakeway, a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine (DACM), is a licensed and board-certified acupuncturist and clinical herbalist who founded Yinova Center in New York City where she currently serves as Clinic Director. Additionally, Jill authored Making Babies and Sex Again: Recharging Your Libido as well as another book about energy healing that is due out April 2019.

Jill employs energetic forms of acupuncture and herbalism to address our vital life force, or “qi,” that courses through all of us. She believes many aspects of healing cannot be explained through modern science alone and she’s set off on a global quest to explore the science and mystery of healing.

Meditation has been proven to reduce stress, anxiety and depression while increasing peace, perception and self-esteem. Studies indicate that regular mediation may also lower blood pressure as well as help protect against heart disease by lowering cholesterol levels and decreasing atherosclerosis or the build up of plaque in arteries.

Meditation derives its name from Latin meditatio, which translates to “to think, contemplate, devise or ponder.” Meditation can be practiced across a range of traditions and styles such as Zen Buddhism – Jill practices this type of practice herself – yoga or tai chi can also incorporate this practice.

Note that when practicing meditation, thoughts and emotions will naturally come and go; your goal should not be to suppress them, but rather observe them and let them pass by before returning your focus to breathing and returning your attention back to noticing and returning attention cycles – over time this practice will reorganize how your mind works.

Psychic Readings

A psychic reading is an energy healing session designed to connect you with your higher self and gain intuitive guidance. Not only can psychics assist with physical healing, they can also offer insight into relationships, careers and past traumas that help move us forward with new possibilities for living our lives.

A great psychic should have an open mind and accept your energy as their own, reading your aura and understanding your current challenges. They also take the time to listen and address any queries or concerns during readings so that you feel at ease while trusting that their information is reliable.

No matter your experience level, always remain open-minded when attending a psychic reading. Expectations should be set aside; psychics only share intuitive information they receive in the moment – this may differ significantly from what was anticipated or imagined.

Psychics do not need to be present when providing you with information; they can actually receive it remotely from their psychic source. This is particularly effective when working with mediums who can connect with spirit guides or angels that send them messages through your body and send these directly back out as messages through you.

Jill Blakeway, D.Ac, L.Ac and clinical herbalist has been practicing energy healing for more than 20 years. She founded Yinova Center in NYC and wrote Making Babies and Sex Again before giving a TEDTalk about fertility and spirituality. Jill travels globally on her quest to better understand, apply, and explain energy medicine‘s power.
