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Acupuncturist and Yinova Founder Jill Blakeway

Jill Blakeway is an internationally recognized expert on women’s reproductive health. As founder and acupuncturist at Yinova, she is widely considered an authority in this area, having written several bestselling books like Making Babies and Sex Again as well as appearing frequently in media outlets like CNN.

With their clinical judgment, physicians identified adult patients whose conditions had failed to respond to conventional therapy and invited them to participate in this research study with a local EM solo practitioner.

What is Energy Medicine?

Alternative medicine based around the belief in energy pathways running throughout the body has long been a cornerstone belief of many cultures, while their healing has become an integral component of alternative therapies like acupuncture, herbal therapy and Reiki – with all three providing ways of relieving imbalances in invisible electromagnetic fields believed to envelop and protect us as well as stimulating self-healing abilities within ourselves.

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Energy medicine is an integrative form of healthcare that seeks to combine traditional healing traditions with modern science and technologies. Though still relatively minor in comparison with healthcare industry revenue of $2.2 trillion, energy medicine is steadily gaining ground as part of an integrative solution. Key properties include its ability to target biological processes at their energetic foundations (reach), regulate biological processes with precision speed and flexibility (efficiency), foster health through interventions easily applied at home (practicality) as well as embrace ideas such as distant healing, prayer power and quantum compatibility (integration of mind body and spirit).

Jill Blakeway takes us into the world of energy medicine in this book. Her expert analysis draws upon cutting-edge research, showing how acupuncture, one form of energy medicine, can spark your body’s natural self-healing mechanisms. Dr. Blakeway founded Yinova in New York City where she marries academic rigor with healing talent as both a healer and academic researcher.

Utilizing techniques that are both straightforward and straightforward to learn, she shows anyone how they can participate more actively in their own wellbeing. Additionally, she shows the profound effects of an at-home energy medicine routine as well as ways in which it complements conventional medical treatments. Finally, she asserts that now is the time for mainstreaming energy medicine‘s healing properties as an essential step toward true healing in today’s complex and challenging society.


How does Energy Medicine work?

Energy medicine works to support human life force and correct energetic imbalances. Its core principle holds that illness, pain and discomfort are symptoms of energy imbalance in our bodies that can be resolved by rebalancing these patterns. Furthermore, energy medicine also addresses emotional and spiritual aspects of healing by encouraging suppressed emotions to surface and unresolved issues to surface so they can be addressed appropriately.

Energy medicine practitioners use various techniques to access, manipulate and direct the body’s energies for healing. Such therapies include acupuncture, reiki, therapeutic touch and qigong which do not involve pain; some such as meditation and tapping specific points on the body called acupressure may cause mild discomfort but should have no long-term adverse side effects.

Human energy fields are subtle fields of electromagnetic energy that encase our bodies, and are affected by our thoughts, feelings and intentions. Energy healers believe that when these energy fields are disturbed due to negative or unsupportive environments or disease-induced impacts on them – leading to physical symptoms or imbalances which must then be addressed through energy healing – our bodies can then naturally heal themselves over time.

Modern science has detected these fields, most notably within our bioelectrical circuits and hearts and brains, yet has yet to pinpoint their source or how they operate from a scientific viewpoint.

Energy medicine seeks to clarify these interactions and demonstrate how healing occurs through an energy force which transcends ordinary laws of physics. Though some may regard this practice as New Age, energy healing has been practiced for centuries with examples found in Hindu Vedas and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras; numerous studies show it’s indeed possible for humans to heal themselves using this holistic approach to medicine; one found a woman’s migraine headaches had significantly decreased after just three sessions of energy healing!

What is the Placebo Effect?

Jill Blakeway uses traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) to treat women for everything from PMS to menopause. Instead of prescribing medications or performing surgery, her treatments manipulate qi (pronounced “chi”) which flows through our cells and forms networks of interconnecting pathways throughout our bodies. Though she has witnessed remarkable healings first-hand, she maintains healthy skepticism about its efficacy.

However, the placebo effect remains an effective tool both within Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and modern science. Jill Blakeway provides readers with an in-depth introduction to its science underlying this fascinating field, taking us around the globe in her journey which brings together Stanford and Princeton professors investigating energy medicine physics to renowned healers like Chinese Qi Gong master who can manifest herbs from her hand directly and even skeptical scientists who have used energy medicine to treat cancer mice!

At the heart of it all lies our brain’s sensitivity to beliefs and expectations, as these shape how we perceive and react to events; how our self-perception aligns with external realities; and how well internal homeostatic mechanisms operate.

People tend to view placebo treatments that reflect prior beliefs about pain experience as helping (a disconfirming outcome bias). This reinforces these beliefs even against contrary evidence, ultimately becoming self-fulfilling prophecies and further compounded.

As such, the placebo effect has an enormously powerful impact on our mental and physical wellbeing. It forms an integral part of current neuroscientific thinking which suggests that subjective concepts like expectation and value possess identifiable physiological bases and act as potency modulators of basic perceptual, motor, and internal homeostatic processes.

Participants were recruited for this study of placebo effects based on physicians’ clinical judgment. Physicians identified adult patients whose medical conditions weren’t responding or only slowly responding to medical therapy and weren’t likely to gain secondary benefits from a placebo; an EM practitioner also conducted brief training sessions at each patient center outlining its objectives and goals for participation.

What is the Science of Energy Medicine?

The body is an amazing tool designed to heal itself and maintain good health; we just have to learn to access its vast store of natural wisdom consciously. Energy medicine provides one method of tapping into this wealth. Tuning into your vital energy is at the center of it all.

Jill Blakeway, an internationally acclaimed Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner and best-selling author, presents the fundamental concepts and techniques of energy medicine for health and well-being in this book. She covers an array of therapies from basic to advanced levels and shows their applications across a range of health issues.

Maria Marlowe: Jill is an acupuncturist, clinical herbalist and the founder of Yinova Center in New York City. Additionally, she’s written three books including Energy Medicine: The Science and Mysteries of Healing.

Her work has focused on developing community support for energy practitioners and helping develop the Energy Medicine Society of America’s (EMSA) curriculum and training programs. She has collaborated with energy practitioners to refine their professional practices and ethics as well as served on various ethics, curriculum, certification boards. Furthermore, she is certified EMSA trainer.

Before recently, few studies had been conducted on complementary and alternative medicine modalities that are believed to utilize energy and informational fields, such as acupuncture, magnet therapy, therapeutic touch, bioelectromagnetic therapies and kinesiology. Recent advancements in research methods, instrumentation and technology have helped biofield studies rapidly grow in number and scope.

This book presents a groundbreaking field of energy medicine – how it can be used to diagnose and treat illness with energy medicine techniques – in an easily understandable format. With easy-to-read coverage that simplifies this complex topic and detailed, coherent explanations. The authors examine key components of our subtle energy system such as meridians, energy centers and biofield, then review how EM techniques alter this structure with impactful biological consequences; finally describing future research possibilities into energy physiology to complement conventional medicine’s foundation in anatomy and physiology.


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