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Boost Your Immune System With Energy Medicine

Energy work may be an effective way to strengthen your immune system and complement Western medicine in helping keep it strong. Donna Eden and other teachers of energy medicine offer effective techniques that complement this form of healing.

Radiant Circuits – instant circuits that distribute energy throughout your entire body – are activated, providing joy, vitality and spiritual connection through energy distribution. They embody spontaneous intelligence while giving joyousness and vitality.

They’re Your Joy Pathways

Life’s energy source lies within our radiant circuits – instant circuits that distribute energy throughout our bodies to bring joy, vitality and excitement to everyday living. Eden Energy Medicine founder Donna Eden refers to them as inner wells of joy.”

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Radiant circuits are intelligent and helpful tools, waiting to be activated by triple warmer. As such, they play an integral role in maintaining happiness and enthusiasm within a body; linking all its energy systems together so they can jump or hyperlink where needed most in an instant – traditional Chinese Medicine calls these channels Extraordinary Channels; we prefer calling them by their original name: organ meridians.

Balance and nourish all energy systems within our body, including meridians, chakras, aura and physical system. Healthy free-flowing radiant circuits also act as gateways to connect with universal forces while awakening intuition and psychic wisdom.

Over time, daily pressures can drain energy away from radiant circuits and into systems designed to manage stress – something which may have long-term health repercussions if you are living with chronic illness.


Learning to activate your radiant circuits and harness the power of intention can help you overcome chronic health issues that keep you from enjoying life fully. It can help create an inner knowing that helps sustain joyous resilience even during times of hardship and difficulty.

They Follow Your Intention

Harold Burr at Yale University utilized sophisticated measuring devices in the 1930s and 40s to demonstrate that all living organisms, including humans, have electric fields that surround them. He found that healthy organs had distinct electrical patterns than unhealthy ones, demonstrating how the Auric field acts like a space suit filtration out harmful physical, emotional and psychic energies. Over time though, your Radiant Circuits may become compromised due to daily stresses from work deadlines, money worries, relationship struggles or global concerns; when this happens your Radiant Circuits divert energy away from joyous moments and towards handling those energy systems designed specifically to handle stress systems that divert energy away from joyous sources instead.

When your Radiant Circuits become inactive, life can seem dismal and meaningless. By activating and balancing them, we give ourselves tools to fully enjoy each moment of peace, happiness, gratitude, exhilaration and spiritual ecstasy in life.

Donna Eden, founder of Eden Energy Medicine, refers to these extraordinary energy pathways as instant circuits – instant pathways of joy and healing throughout your body that distribute joy and healing throughout it all. This course will teach you how to activate Radiant Circuits using easy yet powerful techniques anyone can do themselves.

In this first session, you’ll gain a fundamental understanding of energy medicine, while experiencing firsthand what impact these 10 energy systems can have on healing. Beginning with an emotional release technique designed to shift flow of emotions – fear and anger will be no more! Learn to activate Radiant Circuits and connect with inner wisdom and your Higher Self. Discover a yin complement to warrior energy that calms hypervigilance, as well as practice an effective technique that empowers you to stand tall in your power and boundaries. At the conclusion of your initial session, you will learn an effective technique to overcome long-standing health problems and move toward your dreams. Over 10 classes, this class will cover each Radiant Circuits so you have a source of joy and healing available 24/7/365.

They’re a Powerful Source of Healing

Your radiant circuits are channels of natural energy that respond to your needs, emotions and thoughts. They have the capacity to move freely around your body when necessary – linking directly into wherever they’re required in response to whatever might be going on in your mind or body – helping connect to universal forces and spark intuition and psychic knowledge; when functioning effectively they also aid emotional healing while strengthening immunity systems and helping reduce resistance to change – providing support in facing fears head on!

When these circuits are activated, you experience feelings of joy and gratitude. They serve as inner wells of wellness that bring vibrancy, harmony and peace into your being – this energy can be felt when gazing upon a beautiful sunset, falling in love, touching fur of a puppy or sharing laughter with someone special.

These Radiant Circuits possess the power to heal almost everything that’s bothering your life. Their energy of forgiveness, compassion and trust has the ability to reverse negative patterns of behavior as well as shift chronic health conditions that prevent you from living your best life.

Engaging the radiant potential of these four Double Agent Circuits (Central, Governing, Triple Warmer and Spleen) can help transform relationships, break free from old habits and open yourself up to spiritual development and experiences. You’ll discover how stimulating and linking these circuits fuels meridians, chakras and aura in your energy body – offering transformative results!

We will explore the healing power of your Yin and Yang Regulator Flows. You’ll learn how to activate and strengthen these instant circuits to enhance physical resilience, emotional balance and ability to flow with unpredictable change. Yin and Yang is at the core of human resilience and living an abundant, fulfilling life – helping us remain present when faced with inevitable challenges such as sickness and tough times – they help sustain relationships as well as make sense of suffering or tough times.

They’re Easy to Activate

Activating radiant circuits is a powerful and effective way to restore inner joy. You will rediscover your zest for life, overcome self-sabotage, and transform feelings of anxiety, despair, numbness or numbness into love, happiness and gratitude – even if the thoughts accompanying these emotions don’t align instantly.

Donna Eden refers to radiant circuits as the wellsprings of healing, and believes they can be activated at any time by simply thinking about an image such as a beautiful sunset, child or puppy, etc. that brings up loving happy thoughts. By doing this, the radiant circuits move quickly through your body – for instance helping calm Triple Warmers, healing livers and adrenals or supporting digestion for example.

All the other energy systems of the body are connected through these organs and they work in concert to maintain balanced energetic pathways throughout. When needed, they help regulate energetic deficiencies, imbalances or disconnections within them – including strengthening immune systems, improving concentration and stamina, freeing from old blocks or addictions, relieving stress/anxiety levels etc.

Over time, modern life can erode your Radiant Circuits. Work deadlines, financial woes, relationship conflicts and global concerns can zap their energy away into systems designed to handle stress – taking away your ability to fully appreciate simple pleasures like reading or the thrill and wonderment of watching children discover things for the first time! This drain reduces our ability to experience pure bliss such as playing with our toddler.

Donna Eden’s 7-week course, Becoming Radiant – Awaken Your Inner Source of Healing can help you unleash one of the most potency healing forces within you! You’ll learn easy-to-learn energy medicine techniques that have already helped thousands create an inner source of healing strong enough to endure even difficult times – plus an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee so you can test out this method risk free and see if it works for you! To find out more and enroll, click here or register right now – to start taking advantage of this opportunity!


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