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Celtic Weave Energy Medicine

Energy Medicine (EM) encompasses practices from yoga, acupuncture, qi gong and kinesiology that have been tried-and-tested over time, to balance your body’s energies for healing purposes.

EM comprises nine energy systems, such as meridians, chakras, aura, radiant circuits, five rhythms, triple warmer, celtic weave and electrics. The celtic weave is an intricate network of crossover patterns featuring large and small figure eights.

The Body’s Energy System

Body energies move with amazing beauty through spirals, spirals, curves, twists and criss-cross patterns of beautiful energy flows. Their structure is known by energy healers around the world as an energy framework called by various names; within Eden Method it’s commonly referred to as Celtic Weave.

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The Celtic Weave acts like the connective tissue for your energy system. It connects all of the other energy systems into a web of communication between them all and with physical body itself, including meridians, chakras and Tibetan Energy Rings – these rings resembling double helix DNA in their appearance.

Redistributing energy where needed, they redirect it back into the body in response to any health challenges it is experiencing, like rivers do with flood or drought flows. While part of the Celtic Weave, these energetic rings can also be accessed independently.

These energies connect us to all aspects of life. By harnessing them, we can face life’s challenges with more ease and grace, reclaiming lost equilibrium along the way.


The Celtic Weave Exercise is an invaluable tool that anyone can use, but particularly helpful for those seeking to deepen their connection between body and energy. Although simple in practice, its impactful results cannot be ignored! I encourage you to give this routine a try and experience its impact for yourself! This daily energy routine incorporates time-tested techniques from yoga, acupressure, tai chi, qi gong and other forms of energy healing in order to create an energetic equilibrium for optimal wellbeing and overall well-being.

The Aura

The aura is an energy field that serves as the blueprints for both your body and mind, providing blueprints that contain your cellular vibration, electromagnetic wavelengths, rates of vibration and patterns of pulsation. Additionally, this field has structures and patterns such as vortexes, Vivaxin, Tibetan Energy Rings and Assemblage Point nested within it; generally the more figure eight patterns (crossover energies) present, the healthier it will be for both individuals.

Energy Medicine techniques aim to stimulate the body’s meridians and chakras, encourage flow through Celtic Weave patterns, clear blocks from flowing freely, balance basic grid, correct reversed body polarities and correct any reversed body polarities. They are extremely safe and effective treatments which can be practiced alone or learned as part of an Energy Medicine course.

At the core of Eden Method are nine energy systems (meridians, chakras, aura, Celtic Weave, Five Rhythms Radiant Circuits Basic Grid and Electrics) which form the basis for understanding and working with subtle energy. These energetic anatomy patterns help identify imbalances while restoring healthier patterns for overall wellness and creating an effective framework to ensure future wellbeing.

Donna Eden became an internationally renowned healer not by inheriting an energy system with abundant, healthy energies or by living a life of effortless wellness; rather, she learned how to build and strengthen her own fragile, depleted energies through simple energy healing techniques she used while still severely sick – this experience eventually inspired the Eden Method of Energy Medicine.

The Basic Grid

Our energy foundation, or basic grid, serves as the platform upon which all other energies in our bodies rest. A trained eye may see it like the chassis of a car supporting all other energies within. Although strong and necessary for survival, severe trauma may damage this foundation, hindering all systems from working optimally.

Energy bodies consist of an intricate network of energy crossing patterns known as the Chakra System. This pattern often takes the form of Celtic weaving or sideways infinity signs, sometimes even forming triple spirals. This system connects all other energy systems through communication channels that act like double helix DNA molecules to give resilience to all systems within this energetic body.

Like other Eden Energy Medicine energy treatments, this one focuses on the movement of energy through your meridians, chakras and aura as well as your Chinese five rhythms, Celtic Weave, Tibetan Energy Rings and Electrics to bring profound revitalization. It binds all seven energy systems together for profound rejuvenation.

Eden Energy Medicine was pioneered by internationally acclaimed healer and teacher Donna Eden. As an energy therapy practice, Eden Energy Medicine works directly with your nine primary body energies and flows: Meridians, Chakras, Aura Radiant Circuits Basic Grid Five Rhythm Triple Warmers Electrics.

Eva has completed four years of intensive Eden Energy Medicine training and earned certification as an EEM Advanced Practitioner. She excels at pinpointing imbalances within your energies and working directly with them to bring harmony back into balance, teaching self-healing energy techniques as part of yoga classes, while clients report these practices help maintain healthier energetic patterns more easily while quickly responding to any problems when they arise.

The Electrics

The Electrics represent the electrical element in all other energy systems – from aura to Basic Grid – as they interact directly with and affect them all, especially nervous system function. They act as “glue” connecting all other energies together.

Eden Energy Medicine (EEM), is a form of energy healing developed by Donna Eden, an internationally acclaimed healer and teacher. EEM integrates principles from Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda and Celtic traditions into an approach for balancing body energies simply – often called “acupuncture without needles”.

Donna describes nine major energy flows and systems within the body in her classic book Energy Medicine — meridians, chakras, aura, celtic weave, five rhythms radiant circuits triple warmer and the grid. These systems help support vital functions essential to our health and well-being and play an essential role in maintaining balance in our health and wellbeing.

Energy healers and light workers around the world observe energy flows in various shapes, sizes and patterns. I personally find one such pattern particularly striking: celtic weave. This web of interweaved energy produces many figure eight patterns which can be seen throughout both auras and cells of our bodies – even down to our double helix DNA strands!

At the conclusion of each session, I weave figure eights through the aura to reinforce and solidify all that has been accomplished. This strengthens its protective layer while helping maintain more stable energy within the body – it can be very helpful if someone has imbalances within chakras, anxiety or depression symptoms or digestive or elimination issues.

The Celtic Weave

The Celtic Weave is a web of cross-crossing energies that interlace the body’s energy systems. Similar to a basket or cloth’s weave, its interlacing threads connective tissue throughout an energy system’s entirety – its figure eight crossover patterns found throughout nature can become more prominent as health increases – providing evidence of its existence within its biofield.

Donna Eden offers Energy Medicine that draws upon techniques from yoga, acupuncture, tai chi and qi gong to heal human bodies. According to Donna Eden’s explanations of energy fields that surround us such as our bodies spinning around them like a kaleidoscope of colors and shapes forming an equilibrium to maintain physical and emotional wellness.

She describes meridians, chakras, and aura as invisible yet integral components that play a part in every bodily process but remain unseen by humans. Additionally, she recognizes five other energy systems she refers to as more dense: Celtic Weave, Five Rhythms Radiant Circuits Triple Warmers.

Energy Medicine sessions conclude by weaving figure 8’s around your aura to lock in changes made during the session. It’s an easy exercise that you can perform by yourself or with others – great for flow yoga sequences as well! Weaving will strengthen heart energy while harmonizing autonomic nervous system responses; perfect for anyone experiencing stress, anger, anxiety or depression and will help balance energy centers of the body.


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