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Crystal Springs Energy Medicine

crystal springs energy medicine

There is no one-size-fits-all healing modality; rather, your best path forward depends on trusting in what your body and spirit tell you they need.

To maximize their effects, crystals need to be regularly cleansed and charged using water (e.g. smudging with sage or palo santo), salt, moonlight or sunlight. Also try meditation daily with your crystals so you can connect with their guidance.

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Orange Calcite

Orange Calcite brings fizzy fresh joy in its cheerful shades of orange and its sacral chakra association, awakening a surge of positive energy while cleansing away obstructions to reaching one’s potential. It helps people reach their true potential faster while amplifying positive vibes from positive interactions, amplifying positive vibes in an aura-cleansing capacity, amplifying positive vibes in general and amplifying positive vibes further still.

Crystals such as amethyst are well known to assist with anxiety, stress and depression – it is particularly helpful in encouraging those to take risks more readily. A great addition to any home or work space, amethyst provides environmental cleansing while offering protection from electromagnetic frequencies and pollution.

To improve the state of your personal aura and expel any negative energy, hold an Orange Calcite piece in a dimly lit room while performing rhythmic breathing. Visualize negative energies leaving your body as dark cloudy swirls before being blessed as they vanish into thin air – repeat this process until you feel rejuvenated and revitalized.


Stilbite is an emotional healing crystal known to open the heart chakra. It may help alleviate insomnia while encouraging restful sleep and self-love; furthermore it promotes compassion and love towards others that can aid healing past wounds or emotional traumas. Furthermore, this stone enhances intuition, psychic abilities, opens portals to other dimensions, aiding spiritual transformation.

Stilbite encourages people to be more honest with themselves. It can help process repressed emotions and reveal one’s true purpose in life – thus showing one what they really stand for in life.

Similar to Heulandite, Stilbite can assist with astral travel, visualization and soul retrieval as part of shamanic journeying. In addition, its grounding properties help provide a subtle feeling of security and protection during these travels. Furthermore, Stilbite helps enhance the third eye and promote gratitude; both will attract greater things into your life and aid throat laryngitis treatment. Stilbite can be found both igneous and metamorphic rocks; its name derives from Greek word stilbein meaning to shine which describes its surface features which shine like pearly-shence.


Scolecite, a white crystal with pearly shine, is known for its ability to dispel negative energy and protect the aura. Furthermore, this stone of spiritual healing helps connect people to spirit guides and angelic beings while clearing blockages in chakras to promote deep inner peace.

Scolecite stands out among other calcites as being particularly useful in increasing energy and amplifying vibrations, helping one increase spirituality and dream recall/lucid dreaming, making it an excellent crystal to explore your subconscious mind and connect with intuition.

Chrysocolla is an effective healing crystal that can release feelings of fear, anger and guilt while encouraging love, devotion and self-love. Additionally, Chrysocolla strengthens bones, teeth and muscles as well as helping with female issues like PMS and menstrual cramps in female patients. Chrysocolla acts as a detoxifier, soothing headaches while alleviating high blood pressure as well as supporting digestive health problems, eye issues and liver ailments.

Platinum Quartz

Es a powerful crystal for emotional healing, helping balance and open your heart to spiritual connection. Its frequency fosters trust while deepening self-understanding; simultaneously it amplifies intuition. Furthermore, its use has also been known to strengthen and regulate digestion systems.

Brookite in Quartz can provide individuals with spiritual protection by creating an energetic shield to ward off negative energies from outside sources and foster inner strength and resilience, helping them through difficult emotional times more easily.

Hematoid Quartz can provide a soothing and grounding influence on the mind, relieving anxiety in individuals facing mental health crises. Furthermore, Hematoid Quartz may stimulate intellectual thought by unifying logical and spiritual perspectives – making it an excellent crystal choice for use in scientific environments.


Amethyst is known for its gentle sedative energy and can help with insomnia by encouraging more restful sleeping patterns. Additionally, amethyst can soothe anxiety and fear as well as acting as a soothing remedy against emotional stress due to anger, rage, grief or sadness related to substance use (ie alcohol/drugs/smoking). Furthermore, amethyst has long been considered an aid towards sobriety for its support during recovery efforts – hence why it has come to be known as sobriety stone over millenia of support efforts towards recovery from these substances such as drugs/ smoking/ etc.

Spiritually, amethyst is believed to encourage wisdom and greater understanding, providing clarity of mind and encouraging balance. Additionally, amethyst may stimulate the crown chakra to facilitate accessing higher states of consciousness.

Amethyst can be combined with Citrine to produce a synergistic effect that helps ward off negativity, promote stability and serenity, and remove hostile energy. It’s also useful in drawing abundance to you while manifesting self-confidence, creativity optimism and motivation – not forgetting their ability to bolster immunity, protect from toxins, enhance health and vitality overall!

Smoky Quartz

Quartz is known for amplifying energy and creating balance, helping address imbalances in chakras, while strengthening spiritual growth.

Reiki works slowly and thoroughly to restore balance to physical, etheric and emotional bodies. It is particularly helpful in balancing solar plexus chakra, or third chakra – associated with personal power and vitality – while simultaneously helping energise hands and feet.

Mineralogists theorize that smoky quartz’s dark hue is caused by natural radiation that alters the oxidation state of mineral impurities found within clear quartz, turning its hue gray or brownish-black over time. Native Americans prize this variety as it can facilitate communication with spirit beings.

These crystals can be identified by abrasions and intricate indentations that create patterns and textures, perfect for meditation and scrying (a form of divination). Furthermore, it’s said to help improve communication skills, group cohesion and facilitate passage over or entry through what previously seemed unpassable or unearthable.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz exudes soft feminine energy of unconditional love, compassion, and peace, connecting hearts to the Cosmos while soothing emotional wounds. Furthermore, its vibrational positive mindset fosters healthy thoughts of love within us all – helping remove self-judgment while heightening feelings of personal worth and purpose.

This crystal is also believed to promote fertility and help balance masculine and feminine energies, making it an excellent companion for couples experiencing issues in their relationships. Furthermore, its electromagnetic smog-proof properties could aid healing any heart and blood issues.

Crystals with healing properties for skin rejuvenation include lavender. You can use facial rollers or gua sha tools with lavender crystals in facial rollers or facial massagers to promote cell regeneration and lymphatic drainage, or place one in your bedroom to promote restful nights’ sleep and relieve any anxieties while deepening inner nourishment. Sometimes even used romantically as an attracting tool; lavender helps attract soulmates while healing any negative patterns within current relationships.

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is a master healer, offering harmony, balance, and amplified energy to all who wear it. As such, it makes an ideal stone to deepen meditative practices by deepening focus and clarifying thought.

EFT is thought to help balance and stabilize emotions, building emotional resilience and strength. This therapy may be particularly helpful for relieving anxiety and soothing fearful emotions, while its energy promotes inner wisdom that guides spiritual growth and truth.

Clear quartz resonates strongly with the Crown Chakra, offering spiritual connection and increased awareness. Furthermore, its properties also amplifies and purify all chakras to ensure optimal energy flow throughout the body.

One of our favorite uses for clear quartz crystal is programming it with your intentions and goals. Askinosie recommends holding it in the hand that receives it (usually left), closing your eyes, and stating what you hope to manifest through that crystal’s energy amplifying that intention as you work toward reaching your goals! You can also clean them by submerging in saltwater or leaving in sunlight – either of these methods should suffice!


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