Dr Melanie Smith will guide your energy medicine self-care practices from the convenience of your home via livestream video streaming to strengthen cognitive capacity, protect optimal brain function, enhance memory and clarity as you age.
She’ll share energy medicine tools to help balance your autonomic nervous system, repair blood-brain barriers, improve sleep quality and activate radiant circuit energies…and much more!
Taking Back Your Brain Power
Join energy medicine pioneer Donna Eden for an entertaining and fulfilling experience that will teach you to balance your energy so it supports your brain, so you can regain your health. In this workshop you will discover 25 energy healing self-care techniques you can start applying immediately such as shifting away from fight/flight/freeze responses into flow states that elevate consciousness.
This 50-minute video will also reveal that everyone emanates an energetic vibration which attracts or repels various external energies. To maximize this energy vibration and raise consciousness, you will learn how to stimulate your pineal gland, power points and third eye chakra to expand and raise your vibrational frequency and expand awareness. You will also explore ways of clearing away electromagnetic stressors such as cell phones, electronic devices, WIFI routers, microwave radiation sources from electric vehicles etc that may cause stress, fatigue and disease-related symptoms in your biofield.
No doubt we are familiar with the “fight/flight/freeze” response of our sympathetic nervous system, but do you also understand its partner, the parasympathetic nervous system? In this workshop we will also discover the powerful connection between gut bacteria and brain function via vagus nerve pathways – and its role in energy medicine practices to maximize physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing.
Your journey will also explore the role diet and nutrition play in maintaining brain health, including exploring omega-3 fatty acids, microbiome-friendly foods, food additives/GMOs avoidance strategies and more. Learn about the Blood-Brain Barrier (BBB), an impermeable membrane separating your circulated blood from cerebral spinal fluid in your brain. Additionally, you will learn to access and activate your radiant circuit energies and engage in sound healing guided meditation in order to unlock joy and elevate consciousness. Your takeaways from this course will include tools and practices you can incorporate into daily life to boost brain health for lifelong mental acuity. Connect to the class via livestream video from any device such as a computer, tablet or mobile phone; recorded sessions will also be made available afterward for viewing on demand.
Brain Health
Human brains serve as the nerve center, orchestrating thought, memory and movement through complex functions that represent biological evolution’s crowning achievement. For optimal wellbeing and longevity it is vitally important that an individual maintains healthy brain function throughout his or her lifetime.
Though brain health offers numerous advantages, some individuals still face difficulty in attaining and maintaining it. Brain disorders ranging from migraines and depression to other neurological conditions affect millions worldwide and often go misdiagnosed or undertreated leading to disabling symptoms in patients and the burden of unmet need.
Brain health can be improved through various measures, including physical exercise, adequate rest and nutrition (avoiding diets that are excessively salty or processed) as well as social connections. All these components play a role in how one experiences brain health throughout their lifespan from prenatal period through later life.
Dr Melanie will lead participants through energy medicine self-care techniques designed to activate their brain’s power points and third eye chakra, introduce them to the concept of the endocrine system and its role in regulating both mind and body health, discuss autonomic nervous system balance, as well as use energy medicine self-care practices to reset and rebalance adrenal glands.
She will discuss lifestyle hacks to promote brain and mental health, such as optimizing sleep, improving mood and stress reduction strategies and encouraging new neuron development. In addition, she will identify early warning signs for diseases which cause cognitive decline such as Alzheimer’s and dementia.
Participants of this course will come away from it with a toolbox of practices they can use to regenerate and strengthen brain health, improve cognitive performance and reduce aging process. These include how to reconnect neural communication pathways, boost vagus nerve function and slow the aging process. Each class session is presented live via high-quality video so you can connect with the teacher while taking part in class from home or office – classes will also be recorded and made available on streaming afterwards so they can be watched anytime you like!
Hormone Havoc
Hormonal imbalances can wreak havoc with your health, leading to weight gain and fatigue as well as memory loss. Terri DeNeui, DNP, APRN, BC is an accomplished healthcare practitioner certified in hormone replacement therapy and preventive wellness medicine who has assisted tens of thousands of patients through her EvexiPEL pellet therapy method in restoring balance to their hormones and leading more fulfilling lives. Through her book entitled Hormone Harmony she provides both scientific insight and practical advice that will unlock its secrets for yourself!
Dr. Smith also conducts Energy Mastery Workshops covering an array of topics, such as Heart Health, Brain Health, and Cancer Care. She has published several Energy Medicine for Healthy Living charts as well as several online video programs designed to teach patients all over the world how energy healing can benefit their overall wellbeing.
Raising Your Consciousness
If you are having difficulty manifesting the circumstances you desire in life — be they a fulfilling relationship, health and wellness goals, thriving career success, peace of mind or spiritual advancement — it could be that negative energies have become trapped within your system and cannot be released with traditional medicine practices alone; energy medicine techniques and body healing could help dissipate it quickly and efficiently.
This retreat will include LIVE teachings, interactive sessions and experiential practices. Each session will build harmoniously upon one another to give you a comprehensive holistic understanding of tools, practices and principles needed to manifest the life you envision for yourself.
Dr Melanie Smith, MD is an award-winning Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Acupuncture Physician, Eden Energy Medicine Advanced Practitioner, Licensed Massage Therapist and Feng Shui Consultant based out of St Petersburg Florida. She has become renowned as a nationally recognized speaker and integrative healer who blends Body Mind Spirit to assist her patients achieve wellness. Dr Smith founded Well Within Natural Medicine Inc – her own clinic offering services in this regard – founded by herself.
In this module, the vagus nerve is an invaluable source of wellbeing, and you will learn to tap into its potent connection to your endocrine system. Furthermore, you’ll discover how to activate pineal gland, power points and third eye chakra to increase consciousness and healing potential – not forgetting our sound-healing guided meditation to activate and enhance biofield activity!
This workshop will teach you how to break free of energetic buildups that prevent the manifestation of your dreams. By understanding their root causes- difficult relationships, financial issues or low self-esteem-you can then release these energies to make room for new, empowering ones that will support creating the life you dream about! You will leave this session equipped with an easy multi-layered protocol for manifesting goals – you may be amazed at just what can be accomplished!