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Eden Energy Medicine

Energy medicine taps into your energy to bring resilience, joy and greater vitality into your life. By balancing all nine energy systems you are empowered to meet modern day challenges with grace.

Donna Eden famously overcame multiple sclerosis without resorting to conventional medicine over four decades ago through working with her body’s energy system and applying Kinesiology techniques in order to assess what was needed for healing.


Eden Energy Medicine practitioners utilize nine specific energies or systems which support and maintain body health: meridians, chakras, aura and radiant circuits, Celtic weave, Five Rhythms Electrics and Grid. Energy medicine differs from conventional medicine by treating energetic imbalances rather than trying to repair physical conditions directly; as such, its approach relies on shifting impaired energy patterns rather than trying to restore physical conditions directly.

Energy work can aid digestion, increase vitality, reduce stress and anxiety levels and even provide relief from depression and PMS symptoms. Furthermore, its techniques can strengthen and support immunity, improve sleep and balance hormones; all possible as a result of balancing our nine energetic systems that make up our physical bodies’ infrastructure.

Energy Medicine by Donna Eden is an exhaustive overview of this subject matter, covering 9 energy systems with detailed explanations, case studies and research findings. She has also created an accompanying 6-hour video program entitled “Energies Medicine Essential Techniques”, where Donna herself instructs exercises for participants.

Titanya completed the two-year Eden Energy Medicine certification program and is a certified instructor. She serves as Movement Director and Ceremonial Mistress for Donna’s workshops worldwide, contributing her knowledge of sacred spirituality that enriches these educational programs.

Systematic Evaluation

As energy medicine remains in its infancy, there is evidence to suggest its methods could be useful in addressing shortcomings in contemporary health care strategies. While conventional medical approaches typically focus on the biochemistry of cells and organs, energy medicine focuses on energies that organize growth and repair. Altering impaired energy patterns may provide the most effective yet least invasive way of improving organ vitality as well as mental wellbeing.

Energy healing techniques have been found to significantly alleviate subjectively-rated symptoms of anxiety, fatigue, pain, nausea and insomnia in studies published in several professional journals and presented at various conferences. Donna Eden is well known for teaching Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) worldwide to physicians, nurses and other mainstream health practitioners.

EEM sessions involve clients remaining fully clothed while lying comfortably on a massage table, with energy testing performed by their practitioner to identify which energetic systems require support, leading to highly tailored sessions focused on supporting those systems. Each client’s energies determine the course of the session that may occur both on and off of the massage table.

Therapists practicing Eden energy medicine vary in terms of formal training and certification. One such institute, located in Boca Raton, Florida’s Barbara Brennan School of Energy Healing offers numerous certification programs covering aspects of energy medicine therapy. Private schools also provide workshops and certificate programs. However, most do not hold regional or national accreditation or state licensing, thus reducing eligibility for student loans; they may however offer nursing continuing education credit. Practitioners certified in EEM possess a range of techniques at their disposal, such as EEM, Reiki, Heilung, Four Winds Therapy, The Hurqalya Method and Qi Gong in its various styles; many of these modalities also make use of crystals and essential oils.


After recovering from Multiple Sclerosis in her early thirties, Donna Eden discovered ways to harness her own energies for self-healing. This resulted in the creation of Eden Energy Medicine (EEM), an integrative healing system comprising techniques from traditional practices like Acupuncture, Yoga and Kinesiology – but unlike conventional medicine it also considers the whole body as an energetic system recognizing that illness often results from disruptions in its energy systems, thus altering patterns that regulate cells, tissues and organs.

Eden Energy Medicine utilizes simple energy techniques that work on both the physical and subtle energies within the human body to bring balance, health and vitality back to everyday life. By restoring natural flow of energy within, Eden shows people how they can tap into and use their own innate healing capacity – something everyone possesses within.

Regression therapy is an energy-based process used in partnership with your practitioner to explore earlier moments in your life that could still be impacting your current health or emotions. By exploring these experiences both real and metaphorical, regression can provide the opportunity to discover patterns which no longer serve you and learn to change them for good.

Advanced Eden Energy Medicine practitioners need to have completed the yearly training required by Eden for certification as Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioners, so this treatment should never be performed on its first session without first working to prepare your energies by clearing away stagnant energy, balancing your energies more evenly or helping you “inhabit” your body – talk to your practitioner for more details regarding preparation. They’ll guide you along this journey!


Eden Energy Medicine works with your body’s nine primary energy systems identified by Donna Eden, an internationally acclaimed healer and teacher. Sometimes referred to as “acupuncture without needles,” EEM blends ancient Eastern knowledge with modern scientific understanding for an integrative, holistic approach to natural healing.

EEM’s approach to health and wellness is founded on the idea that subtle energies lie at the core of all illness, behavior and consciousness – using this basic grid to manipulate these energies can bring profound and long-term effects. EEM stands as one of the most comprehensive Energy Healing methodologies available combining techniques from Acupuncture, Yoga, Kinesiology and Qi Gong into nine energy systems known as Meridians, Chakras, Aura Radiant Circuits Celtic Weave Five Rhythms Triple Warmer Electrics Grid and Grid.

Donna was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, but quickly learned energy techniques that allowed her to access the primary energy systems within her body and take control of her own healing. Since then she has remained symptom-free. It is her passion to teach others these simple and effective energy techniques so that they too may discover their natural self-healing capabilities.

Eva will work with clients during an energy session to identify areas in their lives which are causing discomfort, pain or disease in both their physical bodies and emotional/spiritual well-being. She may then provide simple techniques they can practice at home to bolster what was accomplished on the table and assist their healing journey. It is ideal that clients first repair their Grid (9th energy system). This unique structure of energy body acts like steel infrastructure in buildings; any extreme trauma to body, mind or soul may shatter this structure causing it to fracture irreparably damaging effects upon healing process.


Ancient yogis developed energy-flowing postures called mudra to connect individual consciousness to universal awareness. Mudras can also balance and direct vital energy within your nadis and chakras for maximum success – easy enough for anyone to practice! These energetic postures will bring you health, wealth, balance and success!

Anjali Mudra: Bring both palms of your hands together with thumbs placed upon the sternum, placing index fingers into the hollow of your throat to stimulate an acupuncture point that alleviates stress, anxiety and fear while providing healing and calmness. This mudra brings peace.

Vayu Mudra: This mudra can help calm anxiety by pacifying the air element, which is associated with it. By touching an index finger softly to one thumb and keeping all other fingers extended while performing this mudra.

Abhaya Mudra: To practice Abhaya Mudra is an effective way of dispelling fear and increasing courage. Simply interlock the fingers of the right hand together while using thumb to circle index finger with index finger. In addition, this technique has proven itself useful in relieving headaches while improving eye health and strengthening the lungs.

A 93-year old client of Eden Energy Medicine yoga came into see me for EEM sessions and self-care routine with Eden Energy Medicine yoga, due to symptoms associated with macular degeneration. When she introduced EEM yoga into her daily routine, the results were spectacular – completely alleviating discomfort while using yoga as part of supporting both physical and emotional well-being. This case serves as proof that combining Eden Energy Medicine and yoga together can produce amazing results!


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