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Eden Energy Medicine Level 1 – Fundamentals

Balanced and flowing energies are at the foundation of good health. Eden Energy Medicine methods foster resilient energies to address an array of ailments.

Classes are instructed by Donna Eden’s company Innersource’s highly experienced faculty (with occasional appearances by Donna herself), using nine different energy systems as their curriculum base.

Level 1: Fundamentals

Eden Energy Medicine (EEM) Level 1: Fundamentals is the beginning year of training in Eden Energy Medicine (EEM). This one-year comprehensive course covers its fundamental principles and techniques as well as teaching you about nine distinct energy systems found at its heart – which provide this healing modality with powerful potential to energize life! You will also develop skills necessary for developing an energy routine to maintain balance that fuels vitality and potential.

Your will learn a variety of energy techniques you can immediately start applying on yourself and with friends and family. These simple yet effective tools are powerful ways to boost health and well-being while healing deeply embedded stress patterns. Many healing practitioners such as doctors, psychotherapists, massage therapists, acupuncturists and yoga teachers have reported finding these energy techniques help them build deeper connections with patients or students.

Training classes for Energy Medicine professionals are offered over four extended weekends throughout the year and offer small class sizes with personalized instruction and hands on practice to integrate energy work into everyday life and build confidence with techniques. Whether your aim is to enhance personal wellness or advance a professional career in Energy Medicine, this course has something to offer everyone!

Students who complete all eight classes of Innersource’s Level 1 Fundamentals Program will receive a certificate from Innersource as proof of successful completion. While this doesn’t certify them as Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioners yet, it does qualify them to enroll in Year 2 of their Certification Training Program – another step along the path toward becoming one!

Year two will help you delve more deeply into the skills and techniques at the core of Eden Energy Medicine, while learning to implement them professionally in practice settings. You will then be equipped to incorporate Eden Energy Medicine work into your own practice to assist clients overcome obstacles and find lasting transformation. Upon successfully completing this course, you will become eligible to become an Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner and earn your living as an Energy Medicine practitioner.

Level 2: Certification Training

The nine month Fundamentals Course offers students with skills needed to assess, balance and integrate all eight energy systems within the body into personal or professional health care practice as well as use them on family & friends. It aims to address invisible energies which influence our physical health, behavior and consciousness – as these represent root causes of illness – bringing rapid, profound and long-lasting healing.

Students studying with an authorized teacher of the EEM Foundations Program study together in small, supportive group sessions over four extended weekends per year. Due to its small class size, this allows for plenty of hands-on practice and personalized instruction from an instructor, along with extensive supervised home practice between sessions to build confidence with the techniques. No prior experience is necessary as everyone can join! This class is open and inclusive to everyone – no prior knowledge necessary!

Students enrolled in this series of classes will learn to rebalance their own energy and begin treating common conditions such as auto-immune disorders, adrenal fatigue, indigestion, allergies, sleep issues and anxiety. All methods utilized within this course can easily be learned and implemented into everyday life without needing special equipment – making this course accessible to anyone looking to enhance their wellness.

At the conclusion of their year long program, students leave with a certificate proving they have successfully completed Level 1 Fundamentals course and qualify to continue on to Level 2 Certification Training Program either in Phoenix, AZ or Chicago, IL. After successfully attending all required Classes 1-8 as well as passing Innersource’s Certification Exam with Innersource Certification Services Exam (Classes 1-8) they qualify as Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioners.

Certified Practitioners receive discounts on Innersource products, conference attendance fees and professional development support services from Innersource, including free listing on the Innersource directory which can be helpful when building clientele for healthcare practitioners. There are also opportunities to further their education with Eden Energy Medicine Certification Training Series courses as well as post classes that cover various additional topics in energy medicine.

Level 3: Professional Skills Mastery

Balanced energy can often be the missing link to healing. Paired with Western Medicine, energy work can make an incredible impactful difference for health and healing. Our one year program offers in-depth training with Donna Eden’s time tested techniques so you can become a certified energy medicine practitioner.

As well as learning the techniques, you will receive mentoring on how to run sessions effectively. Senior Practitioners will give complete sessions while offering guidance and tips that can help you become the best practitioner possible. In addition, demonstration sessions with faculty members offer valuable hands-on experience.

Level 2 builds upon the knowledge learned in Classes 1-8, providing instruction on how to integrate and apply nine distinct energy systems in order to achieve balance. This may involve clearing of meridians and chakras as well as intuitive energy following and tracking or energy cord cutting techniques – not forgetting assessments of an individual’s energy field or employing energy balancing techniques with yourself, friends or family members.

By the end of 2019, you will have acquired all the skills and confidence to become an energy medicine practitioner. This practice can help improve personal health and wellbeing, care for loved ones with dementia or grow a successful practice – this truly is a powerful way to heal the world!

After each class you will submit an open book written test online as well as schedule a live demonstration (Zoom/Face Time for those outside the region) with one of our faculty members to demonstrate your competency. This provides a supportive learning environment!

Once you pass the Certification Exam, you will become a Certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner. This status grants you access to special practitioner rates on select Innersource seminars and workshops as well as listings in our Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner Directory online. Furthermore, faculty mentoring after your last class will assist with building your practice and integrating your newly learned skills.

Level 4: Advanced Protocols

If you want to become a certified Eden Energy Medicine Practitioner, this program may be right for you. The course teaches simple yet effective techniques for supporting healing in yourself, family, friends and clients – great as an addition to massage therapy, somatic body work or health coaching practices as well as tools for alleviating common ailments like allergies, low mood PMS and stress.

This year-long program is taught by an experienced and committed team of teachers. They help you establish a solid foundation in EEM’s nine core energy systems: Meridians, Chakras, Aura, Five Rhythms, Triple Warmer, Celtic Weave Radiant Circuits Basic Grid Electrics. By mobilizing these systems effectively you’ll discover profound and long-lasting healing.

Your body’s energy system communicates and responds to its environment in various ways, and you will learn how to create an energy routine to help balance them and create a healthier state of being. Furthermore, you will discover your unique energy blueprint which affects physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual wellness.

After you complete year 1 courses, you can begin building your EEM practice. You’ll learn to work with each of the nine energy systems developed by Donna Eden to formulate her approach before moving on to Level 2: Certification Training which will deepen and broaden your knowledge and expand the scope of EEM methodologies.

In your second year, you will gain knowledge and skill on integrating and applying EEM methods in clinical settings. You will also discover patterns of behavior which indicate more intensive healing is required and discover strategies for working with emotions and traumas which are hindering true healing in clients.

After successfully completing all four years, Innersource will grant you a diploma verifying your position as EEM Certified Practitioner, along with a renewable EEM Continued Training Certificate. Once this step has been taken, you can join the EEM Certified Practitioner Directory so people looking for energetic healers can easily locate you.
